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Releases: QIDITECH/QIDIStudio

QIDIStudio V1.10.02.76

01 Mar 02:24
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This is QIDIStudio V1.10.02.76, which keeps its code synchronized with BambuStudio (thanks to @bambulab). On this basis, some known bugs have been fixed.


  1. Optimized the loading logic of the Fluidd web page on the device page. When on other pages or when the software is minimized, the Fluidd page loading on the device page will be closed to save traffic consumption. When switching back to the device page from other pages, the Fluidd page will automatically reload (historical page).
  2. Added a "Delete WebView Cache" button. For details, see wiki.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a bug where the default GCode name generation was too long, causing sending to fail. (#49)
  2. Fixed a bug where manually adding port 80 on the device page prevented the Fluidd page from loading. (#60)
  3. Fixed a bug where GCode file uploads returned an error code despite being successful.
  4. Fixed a bug where some .Step files failed to import.


  1. Updated translation content.
  2. Added functional explanations for some parameters: Plate type, Seal, Resonance avoidance.

QIDIStudio V1.10.01.51

07 Jan 06:12
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The QIDIStudio version mainly includes fixes for some known bugs and updates to certain consumable parameters.


  1. Remove the restriction on special character "/" in the gcode file name in the send popup, allowing users to include "/" as a directory separator in the file name.
    studiov1 10 01 51_01

Bug Fixes

  1. Fix the bug where device images in the device list appear intermittently.
  2. Fix the bug where the software crashes due to inability to read avatars for WeChat/QQ quick login accounts.


  1. Correct some translation errors.
  2. Optimize the number of contour points when generating GCode for high-precision models.
  3. Optimize the display logic of device type options in the add/modify popup on the device page.
  4. Optimize the naming logic for GCode files. If you modify the "Filename format", the GCode file name will follow the format you set when exporting to local or sending to the printer. If you do not modify the "Filename format", the GCode will be named according to the default name of the imported or created model.
    studiov1 10 01 51_02

Filament Updates

  1. Add two new compatible filaments: QIDI WOOD Rapido and QIDI UltraPA-CF25.
  2. Change the default values of some filament's pressure advance parameters in Q1 and Plus4: Bambu PETG, Generic PETG, HATCHBOX PETG, QIDI PETG Tough.
  3. X-Plus4 added filaments for supertack plate:Bambu PETG、Bambu PLA、Generic PETG、Generic PLA Silk、Generic PLA+、 Generic PLA、HATCHBOX PETG、 HATCHBOX PLA、Overture PLA、 PolyLite PLA、 QIDI PET-CF、QIDI PETG Tough、 QIDI PLA Rapido Matte、 QIDI PLA Rapido Metal、 QIDI PLA Rapido Silk、 QIDI PLA Rapido、 QIDI PLA-CF.


03 Dec 03:12
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This is version, which has been improved and fixed based on user feedback and experience, and has added some new features.


  1. Added "Ear Brim" tool:Easy to add Brim to models. For more information please refer toWIKI Ear Brim
  2. AddedScarf seam function
    studio_release_1 10 01 50_1
  3. Retain color information after split to object/part:No longer worry about losing color information after splitting files.
    Studio_1 10 01 50_2
  4. Ironing inset feature:Control ironing only for areas not outside the wall to prevent uneven edges due to excessive ironing of the material.
    studio_release_1 10 01 50_2
  5. Allows manual drawing of supports on vertical surfaces:Supports can be drawn on the surface of high models, reducing the risk of collapse during printing.
    studio_release_1 10 01 50_3
  6. Selection and optimization of Boolean arithmetic tools:The object for Boolean operations can be selected directly from the object list.
  7. Third-party model addition:ear-shaped cylinders can now be added as negative parts for creating horizontal holes suitable for 3D printing.Thanks to @Ro3Deee for your model.
    studio_release_1 10 01 50_4
  8. Added an icon to the list of objects to see if the part has a variable height
    studio_release_1 10 01 50_5
  9. Precision can be selected when importing the model in STEP format
    studio_release_1 10 01 50_6
  10. The grid can be displayed using a transparent shell in preview mode
    studio_release_1 10 01 50_7
    studio_release_1 10 01 50_8

Bugs Fixed

  1. Fixed an issue where Link devices could not connect in MacOS.
  2. Fixed an issue where software crashed after adding X-Max3 devices to Linux systems.
  3. Fixed an issue where the size of the new/edit popup on the device page became smaller after printing process parameters were modified.
  4. Fixed the issue of incorrect print progress output on X3 series printers.


  1. Optimize filament configuration.
  2. Translation update.
  3. Add new filaments : PAHT-GF, PET-GF.

Attention for Linux users

QIDIStudio has a bug related to connecting devices on the latest versions of Linux(Ubuntu 24.04, Fedora 40) that has not been fixed. Using QIDIStudio to connect physical printer devices in the above systems can cause software crashes, for which we apologize. Users of Ubuntu 24.04 and Fedora 40 systems can temporarily upload GCode code using a USB flash drive and connect to the Fluidd page using a browser. We are actively looking for solutions and trying our best to solve this problem.


25 Oct 10:05
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This is version, which has been improved and fixed based on user feedback and experience, and has added some new features.


1.During PA calibration, add the entire printing area to the leveling area.
2.When the “wipe tower” is enabled, it will also be added to the list of excluded objects.
3.Starting from this version, multiple types of hot beds are supported. When you enable this feature, you can individually configure the bed temperature for the hot bed you choose.


1.Fixed the bug that the UI was displayed in some Linux operating systems.
2.Fixed an issue where the first startup would stall after adding models.
3.Fixed the issue of incorrect line width display in the preview version of the calibration module.
4.Fixed the time interval issue of sending print tasks from multiple/single devices.
5.Fixed the issue where the filament preset was exported as empty.


1.Removed some unnecessary options to prevent unexpected errors in slicing.
2.Added new filament configuration and modified the printing configuration of general consumables to achieve better printing results.
3.Optimized the tool head docking point in the smooth mode of time-lapse photography.
4.Change the tool head stop position at the end of Plus 4 printing.
5.Optimized the control logic of the chamber fan.
6.Optimized the logic of canceling sending tasks.
7.Optimized the jump logic during calibration to reduce repeated page refreshes.


29 Sep 08:18
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This is version, which has been improved and fixed based on user feedback and experience, and has added some new features.


1.Fixed the login profile picture display issue.
2.Fixed Devicebutton border color in dark mode on device page.
3.Fixed the issue of not obtaining the sealing status when switching presets.


1.Modified the method of obtaining the user profile picture.
2.Optimize avatar download failure.
3.Example Cancel the deletion logic of the profile picture when you log out.
4.Added the APIKey input on the Device New page.
5.Send and print add APIKey certifications.
6.Details the display of sending failure information.
7.Change the switchbutton background color in the pop-up window in dark mode.
8.Merge device get status and progress.
9.The upper limit of nozzle temperature has been raised to 370.
10.Modified the default print configuration to achieve better print quality.
11.Add a filament page to compare various filaments.


21 Sep 00:52
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This is version, which has been improved and fixed based on user feedback and experience, and has added some new features.

New printer and filaments

  • New printer
    We have released a new printer X-Plus-4. You can add this printer in the configuration options.
    1 9 5_1

  • New filaments
    At the same time, we have added various new filaments, set relevant parameters through our testing, and adapted to multiple printers.
    1 9 5_2


  • Improve the quality of 100 overhang
    This is a function transplanted from Bambulab Studio, thank you Bambulab Studio.
    a. Add speed transitions between the overhang and non-overhang areas to improve cooling effectiveness.
    1 9 5_3

Adjusting the smooth coefficient can control the length of the speed transition zone to improve the print quality overhang areas.
1 9 5_4

b. Differentiate between bridge walls and 100% overhang non-bridging walls, and use different printing speeds to improve the print quality of 100% overhang non-bridging walls.
1 9 5_5


1.Fixed error in the calibration page display and missing some content in Linux.
2.Fixed the bug that the button on the device page does not select the identifier after the user enters the port number when entering the IP address.
3.Fixed slicing errors that occurred in the case of multiple filaments.
4.Fixed the bug of premature failure of pressure.
5.Fixed the bug of premature failure of pressure in the case of multiple filaments.
6.Fixed the bug where the output printing time was incorrect, causing the printer to be unable to read the printing time.
7.Fix some online device link errors.
8.Fixed the bug of incorrect use of the top pattern.
9.Fixed the bug where the Gcode import browsing, "print", "send" and other buttons could be clicked.
10.Fixed chamber temperature control error.
11.Fix the error of X-Max3 connection failure.


1.Logo change.
1 9 5_6

2.When selecting PETG filaments during pressure pre calibration, a prompt pops up.
1 9 5_7

3.Change the spacing between models in flow calibration to prevent expected collisions.
1 9 5_8

4.Remember the user's selection of the "Seal" button. After the software is reopened, the button will be initialized to the selected state.
1 9 5_9

5.Updated the translation of software content and corrected some incorrect translations.
6.Add wiki hyperlinks to some pages.
7.Optimize UI and connection methods.
8.Remove some unnecessary instructions from Gcode.
9.Optimize the partial logic of the device interface.
10.Update some UI colors.


03 Sep 05:31
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This is version, which has been improved and fixed based on user feedback and experience, and has added some new features.

Better calibration experience

  • New calibration page
    Now, we provide a more concise calibration page, you can follow the tutorials we provide for calibration operations.

  • Integrated calibration page
    In the past, when calibrating, you might have to go back to the home screen to select printers, consumables, and processes, switching back and forth between the various interfaces. Now that we have integrated these actions into the calibration page, you just have to do it in the calibration page.

  • Easier calibration
    Now, you just need to follow the tutorial provided by us, we will automatically configure the calibration parameters for you, generate the calibration model and slice it, you do not need to modify other parameters.

New printer management

  • New management page
    Now, You can manage your remote printer by logging in (provided you have the printer bound via QIDI Link).

  • Remote print task
    Now, you can send print tasks remotely, even if it's not on the same LAN as your printer, and you can start your print schedule anytime, anywhere.

  • Multi-device management
    Now, you can send slice files to multiple printers at the same time, provided you have "Multi-device Management" enabled in the Preferences window and restart the software.
    After restarting the software, you can send the slice file to your printer.