diff --git a/newick_generator.html b/newick_generator.html index 290ddd73..17ed960d 100644 --- a/newick_generator.html +++ b/newick_generator.html @@ -217,9 +217,9 @@

Set a root node branch length to zero. Remove all nested comments.
Definition: from_network.hpp:180

Since there are no comments stored in the labels of the generated random tree, the output of the different flavors are here quite similar:


1 (((,(,)),),):0.0;
2 (((,(,)),),);
3 (((,(,)),),);
1 (,(,(,(,)))):0.0;
2 (,(,(,(,))));
3 (,(,(,(,))));

Custom properties

@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@

Definition: newick_parser_2.cpp:12
Definition: coalescence_binary_tree_2.cpp:5


1 (((O:2,(O:0,P:3)N:7)B:2,C:3)N:1,P:7)P:0.0;
1 (X:5,((S:0,C:3)B:6,(C:0,U:4)G:8)Z:7)Z:0.0;

From a Quetzal k-ary tree

@@ -320,9 +320,9 @@

std::pair< quetzal::coalescence::k_ary_tree< Vertex, Edge >, typename quetzal::coalescence::k_ary_tree< Vertex, Edge >::vertex_descriptor > get_random_k_ary_tree(int n_leaves, Generator &rng)
Generate a random k-ary tree.
Definition: k_ary_tree.hpp:761

Since there are no comments stored in the labels of the generated random tree, the output of the different flavors are here quite similar:


1 (,((,),(,))):0.0;
2 (,((,),(,)));
3 (,((,),(,)));
1 ((,),(,(,))):0.0;
2 ((,),(,(,)));
3 ((,),(,(,)));

Custom properties

@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@

2 2
3 2
4 2
5 ((T:5,E:4)W:4,(Y:2,(M:2,Z:6)L:6)O:9)F;
5 ((N:6,E:6)P:8,(B:1,(X:6,L:4)I:5)M:9)X;

Interfacing legacy code