Please follow these steps for submmiting the answers for the assignment 3.
- Complete the Tasks in
- src/ontologyapi/
- TASK 6.1: Create a new class named "University"
- TASK 6.2: Add "Researcher" as a subclass of "Person"
- TASK 6.3: Create a new property named "worksIn"
- TASK 6.4: Create a new individual of Researcher named "Jane Smith"
- TASK 6.5: Add to the individual JaneSmith the fullName, given and family names
- TASK 6.6: Add UPM as the university where John Smith works
- src/ontologyapi/
- TASK 7.1: List all individuals of "Person"
- TASK 7.2: List all subclasses of "Person"
- TASK 7.3: Make the necessary changes to get as well indirect instances and subclasses. TIP: you need some inference.
- src/ontologyapi/
- Sync your repository with the main repository
- Check this link to see a trick on how to sync your fork with the main repo just using the GitHub web UI.
- Create a folder under Assignment 3 with the following pattern.
- Curso2016-2017/Assignment3/GitHubId-StudentID
- E.g., Assignment3/nandana-u120106
- Upload the classes "" and "" to your fork of the repo.
- Create a pull request.