Version 1.9.0
RPKit v1.9
For Spigot 1.15.2
This release makes a couple of major changes to chat: the addition of languages, and Discord support.
Languages may be slowly learned by a character as they hear them, and using a language filter in chat will perform a customisable cypher on the text.
Discord support allows you to create a Discord bot for your server, and link in-game chat channels to channels on your Discord server.
Thin profiles have been added. These allow IRC and Discord players to chat without having to link their accounts first. Linking your accounts is still required for you to perform privileged actions and have prefixes work across chat sources, but you may now at least see your chat name without linking.
Professions and crafting skill now do not give experience or block drops when in creative (or spectator) mode. This means staff players won't accidentally end up gaining experience or get annoying block drops while in creative.
Non-currency items can no longer be placed in the wallet, preventing players from accidentally losing items to their wallet.
The default database is now SQLite. This means that RPKit should run out of the box, which makes it more approachable for new server admins who do not know how to configure MySQL. For production servers, MySQL is still the recommended database backend.
Class stats have been redone. They should now be far more approachable to admins and run faster as well. Classes now provide stat variables that are parsed with JEP and may be picked up by the stats plugin, as opposed to clunky class objects and class level maps.
For developers, provider ready events have been added. These allow you to check when a provider is ready to enable your character card fields, stat variables, skills, and so forth.
Building will now work without present. This file is only needed for deployment to Nexus.
An example skill plugin has been added. This replaces the old JavaScript or KotlinScript version of Fireball.
Block logging now correctly picks up liquid flow and teleporting dragon eggs.
Some events that were present but not called correctly are now called. This includes bank deposits and warp deletions.
All libraries have been updated to their latest versions.
There are a few modifications to keep up to date with Spigot API changes. This is an ongoing task.
- #24 Add languages to chat plugin
- #202 Prevent non-currency items from being placed in wallet inventory
- #211 Add Discord support to chat plugin
- #376 Add provider ready events
- #379 Redo class stats
- #380 Add "thin" profiles
- #381 Prevent block drops when using professions or crafting skill in creative mode
- #383 Add a gradle task to upload github releases
- #388 Default to SQLite
- #391 Register BlockFromToListener in block logging
- #392 Remove unused FoodLevelChangeListener in item quality
- #393 Remove unused RPKActiveCharacter class
- #394 Call RPKBukkitBankDepositEvent
- #395 Call RPKBukkitBankWithdrawEvent
- #396 Call RPKBukkitWarpDeleteEvent
- #397 Replace fireball.kts with an example skill project
- #398 Replace durability setting with ItemMeta
- #399 Update HealCommand to use max health attribute
- #400 Remove item in hand null checks
- #402 Allow building without present
- #403 Save default fireball skill config
- #404 Update kotlin to 1.3.72
- #405 Update jooq to 3.13.2
- #406 Update jetty to 9.4.29.v20200521
- #407 Update JDA to 4.1.1_155
- #408 Remove kotlin-scripting-jsr223-embeddable from rpk-core-bukkit
- #409 Update mockk to 1.10.0
- #410 Update github-api to 1.112
- #411 Update mysql-connector-java to 8.0.20
- #412 Update sqlite-jdbc to 3.31.1
- #413 Update guava to 29.0-jre
- #414 Update HikariCP to 3.4.5
- #415 Update dokka to 0.10.1