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Mercure Hub

Deno implementation of the Mercure protocol.

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
    1. Running in Docker
    2. Configuration
      1. Available configuration options
      2. Configuration file
      3. Environment variables
      4. Command line arguments
      5. Transports
        1. Memory
        2. Redis
        3. PostgreSQL
        4. Apache Kafka
        5. EventStoreDB
      6. Authorization
  4. Contributing


Mercure is an open-source solution for real-time communication, optimized for speed, reliability, and battery efficiency. It serves as a modern alternative to the WebSocket API and the higher-level libraries and services built on it.

Mercure excels at adding streaming and asynchronous capabilities to REST and GraphQL APIs. Leveraging HTTP and SSE, it is natively supported by modern web browsers, mobile applications, and IoT devices.

This project is a Deno implementation of the Mercure protocol, providing a hub for managing subscriptions and publishing events to clients. It is designed to be standards-compliant, extensible, reliable, and horizontally scalable, making it suitable for production use-cases.


To install the hub locally using deno, you can use the following command:

deno install \
  --name mercure \
  --allow-net \
  --allow-read \
  --allow-env \
  --env .env \

For running the hub in a Docker container, you can use the radiergummi/mercure image provided from Docker Hub.


Start the server by running the following command:

bin/mercure serve

Running in Docker

We highly recommend using the provided Docker image to run the Mercure hub. You can start the server by running the following command:

docker run --env-file=.env -p 8000:8000 radiergummi/mercure


The hub can be configured using a configuration file, environment variables, or command line arguments. These are merged in the following order, with the last one taking precedence:

  1. Configuration file
  2. Environment variables
  3. Command line arguments
  4. Default values

Available configuration options

Option Description Default
listenAddress The address to listen on for incoming connections. localhost:8000
observabilityListenAddress The address to listen on for observability and metrics. (same as listenAddress)
logLevel The minimum log level to use for runtime logging.
One of "debug", "info", "warn", or "error".
logFormat The format to use for log output. If auto, it will use console in interactive mode, JSON otherwise.
One of "console", "json", or "auto".
logColors Enable colored log output. If auto, it will use colors only in interactive mode.
One of true, false, or "auto".
transportUri The connection DSN to use for the event transport. The URL scheme will be used to identify the transport adapter to use.
See the transports section for more information.
heartbeatInterval The interval in milliseconds to send heartbeat messages to clients. 30000
metrics Enable the OpenMetrics (Prometheus) metrics collector. false
metricsEndpoint Path to publish the Prometheus metrics endpoint at. /metrics
subscriptionsApi Enable the subscription API endpoints. Note that this introduces some overhead and should only be enabled if used. false
queryParamAuthorization Enable the use of the authorization query parameter for authentication.
See the authorization section for more information.
anonymousAccess Enable subscribers without a valid token to connect to the server. If disabled, clients must provide a valid JWT token to connect. false
cookieName The name of the cookie to use for authentication. mercureAuthorization
allowedOrigins The list of origins allowed to connect to the server. The wildcard * can be used to allow all origins. [*]
jwk Encoded JSON Web Key (JWK) to use for verifying both publisher and subscriber JWTs. -
subscriberJwk Encoded JSON Web Key (JWK) to use for verifying subscriber JWTs only. -
publisherJwk Encoded JSON Web Key (JWK) to use for verifying publisher JWTs only. -
jwksUrl URL of the JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set) to use for verifying both publisher JWTs and subscriber JWTs. -
subscriberJwksUrl URL of the JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set) to use for verifying subscriber JWTs only. -
publisherJwksUrl URL of the JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set) to use for verifying publisher JWTs only. -

Configuration file

To configure the hub using a configuration file, you can use either JSON, YAML, or TOML. The configuration file should be named mercure.(json|yaml|yml|toml), or a Deno module named mercure.config.(ts|js) with the configuration as its default export. The configuration file should be placed in one of the following directories:

  • The server working directory
  • The user's home directory
  • The XDG configuration directory ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME or ~/.config)
  • The /etc/mercure directory

Environment variables

All available configuration options can be set using environment variables. The environment variables should be prefixed with MERCURE_ and use uppercase letters. For example, the logLevel option can be set using the MERCURE_LOG_LEVEL. The following table lists all available environment variables:

Environment variable Corresponding Option Notes
MERCURE_LOG_COLORS logColors Accepts a literal true or false for a boolean value.
MERCURE_METRICS metrics Accepts a literal true or false for a boolean value.
MERCURE_SUBSCRIPTIONS_API subscriptionsApi Accepts a literal true or false for a boolean value.
MERCURE_QUERY_PARAM_AUTHORIZATION queryParamAuthorization Accepts a literal true or false for a boolean value.
MERCURE_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS anonymousAccess Accepts a literal true or false for a boolean value.
MERCURE_ALLOWED_ORIGINS allowedOrigins Pass multiple origins by separating them with a comma (,).
MERCURE_JWK jwk For simplified handling, you can pass a base64-encoded key and prefix it with base64: to have it automatically decoded.
MERCURE_SUBSCRIBER_JWK subscriberJwk For simplified handling, you can pass a base64-encoded key and prefix it with base64: to have it automatically decoded.
MERCURE_PUBLISHER_JWK publisherJwk For simplified handling, you can pass a base64-encoded key and prefix it with base64: to have it automatically decoded.

Note: You can set all variables from a secret file by appending the _FILE suffix to the environment variable name. If this variable contains a path to a file, the file's content will be used as the value. This is especially useful for sensitive information like JSON Web Keys or the transport URI.
For example, you can set the MERCURE_JWK_FILE environment variable to the path of a file containing the JSON Web Key.

Command line arguments

All available configuration options can be set using command line arguments. To view the full list of available options, run the following command:

bin/mercure serve --help


The hub supports multiple transports for storing and distributing events. The transport to use can be specified using the transportUri configuration option. The URL scheme will be used to identify the transport adapter to use. The following transports are available:


The memory transport stores events in memory and is the default transport. It is not recommended for production use as it does not persist events across restarts, and won't synchronize events across multiple instances.

bin/mercure serve --transport-uri memory://

The Redis transport stores events in a Redis stream. This is the recommended transport for production use. With a Redis transport, you can run multiple instances of the hub and have them synchronize events across all instances.

bin/mercure serve --transport-uri redis://localhost:6379

The PostgreSQL transport stores events in a PostgreSQL database.
This transport is not yet implemented; contributions are welcome.

bin/mercure serve --transport-uri postgresql://user:password@localhost:5432/database
Apache Kafka

The Apache Kafka transport stores events in an Apache Kafka cluster.
This transport is not yet implemented; contributions are welcome.

bin/mercure serve --transport-uri kafka://localhost:9092

The EventStoreDB transport stores events in an EventStoreDB database.
This transport is not yet implemented; contributions are welcome.

bin/mercure serve --transport-uri eventstoredb://user:password@localhost:2113


The hub supports all ways of authenticating clients. By default, clients must provide a valid JWT token to connect


If you want to contribute to this project, please read the contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.