A Unity-based 2D car game that utilizes an ESP8266 and MPU6050 sensor for tilt-based controls.
The 2D Car Game with Tilt Controls is a project that combines physical motion sensing with gaming. Players can control a car within the game by physically tilting the hardware, thanks to the integration of an ESP8266 microcontroller and an MPU6050 accelerometer-gyroscope sensor.
To play the 2D Car Game with Tilt Controls, follow these steps:
- Set up the hardware components, including the ESP8266 and MPU6050.
- Flash the ESP8266 with the provided firmware (See Installation).
- Run the Unity game on your computer.
- Open the Arduino IDE.
- Load the provided ESP8266 firmware (
) from thefirmware
folder. - Modify the WiFi credentials (
) and server IP address in the code. - Upload the firmware to your ESP8266.
- Power on the hardware setup.
- Connect the ESP8266 to your WiFi network.
- Start the Unity game on your computer.
- Tilt the hardware to control the car's movement within the game.
- Enjoy the immersive and interactive gaming experience!
- Tilt the hardware to the right to steer the car right.
- Tilt the hardware to the left to steer the car left.
- Tilt-based controls using ESP8266 and MPU6050 sensor.
- Real-time interaction between hardware and Unity game.
- 2D car game environment with dynamic physics and obstacles.
- Unity Game Engine
- C# Programming Language
- ESP8266 Microcontroller
- MPU6050 Accelerometer-Gyroscope Sensor
- Arduino IDE
Contributions to this project are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please follow these steps:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature/fix.
- Make your changes and test thoroughly.
- Create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
For questions or inquiries, please contact [rtravindra10@gmail.com].