This pack provides mew mk2 spaceplane parts in the form of engines, fuselage segments and aerodynamic accessories.
Delete the previous version of Mk2 Expansion (if any) and place the GameData/Mk2Expansion, Gamedata/Klockheed_martain_Gimbal, Gamedata/CommunityResourcepack, and GameData/InterstellarFuelSwitch directories into Kerbal Space Program/GameData directory. (Optional) Place the 'Ships' file in your Kerbal Space program folder, and overwrite files if asked to do so. This will add a number of example craft to KSP. If you don't want nuclear decay with the Rontgen atomic jet, remove the Mk2X_NTJ_Decay MM patch
INSTALLATION NOTE: If you have Ven's Stock Revamp installed and have used the pruner to remove stock files from KSP's asset loader, it has removed a number of files this mod uses. To avoid texture errors, the files Squad/parts/Aero/Wings/; Squad/parts/Aero/Nacelle/; Squad/Parts/Command/mk1Cockpit/; Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail/; Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineMainsail/; Squad/Parts/Engine/liquidEngineLV-N/; Squad/Parts/Utility/decouplerStackTR-18A/; Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPort/; Squad/Parts/Utility/spotLightMk1/; Squad/Parts/Electrical/z-400Battery/; Squad/Parts/Utility/mk2CrewCabin/;Squad/Parts/Electrical/Gigantor-XL/model000; Squad/Parts/Utility/mk2CrewCabin/ will need to be restored, which can be done by renaming the file extension from .dds.bak to .dds
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License(
This package redistributes the following plugins, Klockheed_Martian_Gimbal; its license information is included.
ModuleManager - made by Sarbian & Ialdabaoth -
Interstellar Fuel Switch is distributed under its own licence (CC-NC-SA). Please find source code and more details at
Community Resource Pack, more details at