All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project is kept in version sync with the OSIDB project, see the version policy and thus a lot of versions don't bring ground breaking changes and they rather update the API endpoints. In such cases the version is listed without and addition/changes/deletion.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- special fix for tracker creation to not mark not_affected_justification as mandatory, this is a temporary solution until OSIDB 4.9.0 is released
- special fix for affect resolved_dt field to account for None/NULL values, this is a temporary solution until OSIDB 4.9.0 is released
- add retrieve and retrieve list operations for Labels
- add CRUD operations for Flaw Labels (Collaborators)
- general handling of UUIDs
- fixed issue with parametrized generic types (eg. list of affects)
- updated openapi-python-client which generates the core of the package to 0.22.0 (OSIDB-3773)
- switched black formatting to ruff (OSIDB-3773)
- support for
operation forflaw
- support for bulk create and bulk update for Affects (OSIDB-3124)
- add
operation fortrackers
- request format changed from form-data to json which prevents OSIDB serialization failures (OSIDB-2844)
- Update and Create for Tracker entity
- JIRA_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable
- Both Bugzilla API Key and Jira Access Token are now automatically fetched from environment variables and passed as a header
- add workaround for Erratum shipped_dt which is marked as non-nullable despite being nullable
- add CRUD operations for Flaw CVSS scores and package version and for Affect CVSS scores
- removed leftover debug output
- fix regression in
introduced in 3.4.4 by fliped condition
- fix
not being able corretly transform UNSET values of different instances (mainly multiprocessing issue)
- fix bindings making lot a of uncessary calls when supplying max_results parameter for async list iterator which is much higher than actual results count
- fix missing aiohttp dependency in setup script
- fix aiohttp error when
environmental variable is not supplied - fix error caused by supplying empty limit to async iterator
- async iterator operation
- operation for results count
- CRUD operations for Flaw Acknowledgments (create, update, retrieve, retrieve_list, delete)
- support for nested resources (eg. Flaw references, Flaw comments)
- CRUD operations for Flaw References (create, update, retrieve, retrieve_list, delete)
- CRUD operations for Flaw Comments (create, retrieve, retrieve_list)
- add
methods for paginated responses to make page browsing easier - require exported
environment variable for some session operations which are particulary unsafe (create, update, etc.) for authentication/authorization against Bugzilla
- update allowed session operations for each resource
- remove old aliases for session operations with flaws (eg.
, etc.) in favor of new resource operations (eg.session.flaws.retrieve()
, etc.)
- bring back
as an alias for flaws operations to prevent breaking changes
- fix session.status call error
- add additional resources for queries (affects and trackers),
session now works as
instead of oldsession.operation()
- exported
environment variable is now needed in order to have the kerberos authentication working for instances of OSIDB which are using this auth
- change the authentications to token authentication where the token is obtained either via username/password or kerberos, bindings handles the token retrieval/renew for the user