diff --git a/crates/commands/src/router.rs b/crates/commands/src/router.rs index 9c05f7c..2decc76 100644 --- a/crates/commands/src/router.rs +++ b/crates/commands/src/router.rs @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ use std::sync::Arc; -use data::prisma::{PrismaClient, instance, installed_mod}; +use data::prisma::{installed_mod, instance, PrismaClient}; use rpc_rs::{prisma_module, prisma_module_filtered, Router}; pub fn build_router() -> Router> { diff --git a/crates/data/src/prisma.rs b/crates/data/src/prisma.rs index 036bd7b..66e2ca3 100644 --- a/crates/data/src/prisma.rs +++ b/crates/data/src/prisma.rs @@ -1,3 +1,3544 @@ // File generated by Prisma Client Rust. DO NOT EDIT -pub static DATAMODEL_STR : & 'static str = include_str ! ("/mnt/vol/Wormhole/prisma/schema.prisma") ; static DATABASE_STR : & 'static str = "sqlite" ; pub use _prisma :: * ; use prisma_client_rust :: scalar_types :: * ; pub mod _prisma { use super :: * ; pub struct PrismaClientBuilder { url : Option < String > , action_notifier : :: prisma_client_rust :: ActionNotifier , } impl PrismaClientBuilder { fn new () -> Self { Self { url : None , action_notifier : :: prisma_client_rust :: ActionNotifier :: new () } } pub fn with_url (mut self , url : String) -> Self { self . url = Some (url) ; self } pub async fn build (self) -> Result < PrismaClient , :: prisma_client_rust :: NewClientError > { let internals = :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaClientInternals :: new (self . url , self . action_notifier , super :: DATAMODEL_STR) . await ? ; Ok (PrismaClient (internals)) } } pub struct PrismaClient (:: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaClientInternals) ; impl :: std :: fmt :: Debug for PrismaClient { fn fmt (& self , f : & mut :: std :: fmt :: Formatter < '_ >) -> :: std :: fmt :: Result { f . debug_struct ("PrismaClient") . finish () } } impl PrismaClient { pub fn _builder () -> PrismaClientBuilder { PrismaClientBuilder :: new () } pub fn _query_raw < T : :: prisma_client_rust :: Data > (& self , query : :: prisma_client_rust :: Raw) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: QueryRaw < T > { :: prisma_client_rust :: QueryRaw :: new (& self . 0 , query , super :: DATABASE_STR ,) } pub fn _execute_raw (& self , query : :: prisma_client_rust :: Raw) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: ExecuteRaw { :: prisma_client_rust :: ExecuteRaw :: new (& self . 0 , query , super :: DATABASE_STR ,) } pub async fn _batch < 'batch , T : :: prisma_client_rust :: BatchContainer < 'batch , Marker > , Marker > (& self , queries : T) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Result << T as :: prisma_client_rust :: BatchContainer < 'batch , Marker >> :: ReturnType > { :: prisma_client_rust :: batch (queries , & self . 0) . await } pub fn _transaction (& self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: TransactionBuilder < Self > { :: prisma_client_rust :: TransactionBuilder :: _new (self , & self . 0) } pub fn instance (& self) -> super :: instance :: Actions { super :: instance :: Actions { client : & self . 0 , } } pub fn installed_mod (& self) -> super :: installed_mod :: Actions { super :: installed_mod :: Actions { client : & self . 0 , } } } impl :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaClient for PrismaClient { fn internals (& self) -> & :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaClientInternals { & self . 0 } fn internals_mut (& mut self) -> & mut :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaClientInternals { & mut self . 0 } fn with_tx_id (& self , tx_id : Option < :: prisma_client_rust :: query_core :: TxId >) -> Self { Self (self . 0 . with_tx_id (tx_id)) } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , Copy , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize , PartialEq , Eq)] pub enum TransactionIsolationLevel { # [serde (rename = "Serializable")] Serializable } impl ToString for TransactionIsolationLevel { fn to_string (& self) -> String { match self { Self :: Serializable => "Serializable" . to_string () } } } impl :: prisma_client_rust :: TransactionIsolationLevel for TransactionIsolationLevel { } # [derive (Debug , Clone , Copy , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize , PartialEq , Eq)] pub enum InstanceScalarFieldEnum { # [serde (rename = "id")] Id , # [serde (rename = "name")] Name , # [serde (rename = "plugin")] Plugin , # [serde (rename = "description")] Description , # [serde (rename = "updated")] Updated , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] IconUrl , # [serde (rename = "bannerUrl")] BannerUrl , # [serde (rename = "extraData")] ExtraData } impl ToString for InstanceScalarFieldEnum { fn to_string (& self) -> String { match self { Self :: Id => "id" . to_string () , Self :: Name => "name" . to_string () , Self :: Plugin => "plugin" . to_string () , Self :: Description => "description" . to_string () , Self :: Updated => "updated" . to_string () , Self :: IconUrl => "iconUrl" . to_string () , Self :: BannerUrl => "bannerUrl" . to_string () , Self :: ExtraData => "extraData" . to_string () } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , Copy , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize , PartialEq , Eq)] pub enum InstalledModScalarFieldEnum { # [serde (rename = "id")] Id , # [serde (rename = "fileSize")] FileSize , # [serde (rename = "updated")] Updated , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] IconUrl , # [serde (rename = "instanceId")] InstanceId , # [serde (rename = "source")] Source , # [serde (rename = "projectId")] ProjectId , # [serde (rename = "projectName")] ProjectName , # [serde (rename = "projectDesc")] ProjectDesc , # [serde (rename = "projectVersion")] ProjectVersion } impl ToString for InstalledModScalarFieldEnum { fn to_string (& self) -> String { match self { Self :: Id => "id" . to_string () , Self :: FileSize => "fileSize" . to_string () , Self :: Updated => "updated" . to_string () , Self :: IconUrl => "iconUrl" . to_string () , Self :: InstanceId => "instanceId" . to_string () , Self :: Source => "source" . to_string () , Self :: ProjectId => "projectId" . to_string () , Self :: ProjectName => "projectName" . to_string () , Self :: ProjectDesc => "projectDesc" . to_string () , Self :: ProjectVersion => "projectVersion" . to_string () } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , Copy , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize , PartialEq , Eq)] pub enum SortOrder { # [serde (rename = "asc")] Asc , # [serde (rename = "desc")] Desc } impl ToString for SortOrder { fn to_string (& self) -> String { match self { Self :: Asc => "asc" . to_string () , Self :: Desc => "desc" . to_string () } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , Copy , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize , PartialEq , Eq)] pub enum NullsOrder { # [serde (rename = "first")] First , # [serde (rename = "last")] Last } impl ToString for NullsOrder { fn to_string (& self) -> String { match self { Self :: First => "first" . to_string () , Self :: Last => "last" . to_string () } } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue > for SortOrder { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue { match self { SortOrder :: Asc => :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String ("asc" . to_string ()) , SortOrder :: Desc => :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String ("desc" . to_string ()) , } } } pub mod read_filters { use super :: * ; # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum StringFilter { Equals (String) , InVec (Vec < String >) , NotInVec (Vec < String >) , Lt (String) , Lte (String) , Gt (String) , Gte (String) , Contains (String) , StartsWith (String) , EndsWith (String) , Not (String) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue > for StringFilter { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue { match self { Self :: Equals (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("equals" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: InVec (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("in" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value)) . collect ()))]) , Self :: NotInVec (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("notIn" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value)) . collect ()))]) , Self :: Lt (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("lt" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Lte (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("lte" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Gt (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("gt" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Gte (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("gte" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Contains (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("contains" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: StartsWith (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("startsWith" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: EndsWith (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("endsWith" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Not (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("not" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum StringNullableFilter { Equals (Option < String >) , InVec (Vec < String >) , NotInVec (Vec < String >) , Lt (String) , Lte (String) , Gt (String) , Gte (String) , Contains (String) , StartsWith (String) , EndsWith (String) , Not (Option < String >) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue > for StringNullableFilter { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue { match self { Self :: Equals (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("equals" . to_string () , value . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value)) . unwrap_or_else (|| :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Null))]) , Self :: InVec (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("in" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value)) . collect ()))]) , Self :: NotInVec (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("notIn" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value)) . collect ()))]) , Self :: Lt (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("lt" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Lte (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("lte" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Gt (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("gt" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Gte (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("gte" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Contains (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("contains" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: StartsWith (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("startsWith" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: EndsWith (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("endsWith" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))]) , Self :: Not (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("not" . to_string () , value . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value)) . unwrap_or_else (|| :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Null))]) } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum DateTimeFilter { Equals (DateTime) , InVec (Vec < DateTime >) , NotInVec (Vec < DateTime >) , Lt (DateTime) , Lte (DateTime) , Gt (DateTime) , Gte (DateTime) , Not (DateTime) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue > for DateTimeFilter { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue { match self { Self :: Equals (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("equals" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: DateTime (value))]) , Self :: InVec (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("in" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: DateTime (value)) . collect ()))]) , Self :: NotInVec (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("notIn" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: DateTime (value)) . collect ()))]) , Self :: Lt (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("lt" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: DateTime (value))]) , Self :: Lte (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("lte" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: DateTime (value))]) , Self :: Gt (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("gt" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: DateTime (value))]) , Self :: Gte (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("gte" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: DateTime (value))]) , Self :: Not (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("not" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: DateTime (value))]) } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum IntFilter { Equals (Int) , InVec (Vec < Int >) , NotInVec (Vec < Int >) , Lt (Int) , Lte (Int) , Gt (Int) , Gte (Int) , Not (Int) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue > for IntFilter { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue { match self { Self :: Equals (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("equals" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) , Self :: InVec (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("in" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value)) . collect ()))]) , Self :: NotInVec (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("notIn" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value)) . collect ()))]) , Self :: Lt (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("lt" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) , Self :: Lte (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("lte" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) , Self :: Gt (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("gt" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) , Self :: Gte (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("gte" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) , Self :: Not (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (vec ! [("not" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) } } } } pub mod write_params { use super :: * ; # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum DateTimeParam { Set (DateTime) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue > for DateTimeParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue { match self { Self :: Set (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: DateTime (value) } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum IntParam { Set (Int) , Increment (Int) , Decrement (Int) , Multiply (Int) , Divide (Int) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue > for IntParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue { match self { Self :: Set (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value) , Self :: Increment (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Object (vec ! [("increment" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) , Self :: Decrement (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Object (vec ! [("decrement" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) , Self :: Multiply (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Object (vec ! [("multiply" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) , Self :: Divide (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Object (vec ! [("divide" . to_string () , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))]) } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum StringParam { Set (String) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue > for StringParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue { match self { Self :: Set (value) => :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value) } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum StringNullableParam { Set (Option < String >) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue > for StringNullableParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue { match self { Self :: Set (value) => value . map (| value | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value)) . unwrap_or_else (|| :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Null) } } } } } pub mod instance { use super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; pub const NAME : & str = "Instance" ; # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum WhereParam { Not (Vec < WhereParam >) , Or (Vec < WhereParam >) , And (Vec < WhereParam >) , Id (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter) , Name (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter) , Plugin (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter) , Description (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter) , Updated (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: DateTimeFilter) , IconUrl (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter) , BannerUrl (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter) , ExtraData (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter) } impl :: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput for WhereParam { fn serialize (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereInput { let (name , value) = match self { Self :: Not (value) => ("NOT" , :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (:: prisma_client_rust :: merge_fields (value . into_iter () . map (:: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput :: serialize) . map (Into :: into) . collect ())) ,) , Self :: Or (value) => ("OR" , :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (:: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput :: serialize) . map (| p | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Object (vec ! [p . into ()])) . collect ()) ,) , Self :: And (value) => ("AND" , :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (:: prisma_client_rust :: merge_fields (value . into_iter () . map (:: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput :: serialize) . map (Into :: into) . collect ())) ,) , Self :: Id (value) => (id :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Name (value) => (name :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Plugin (value) => (plugin :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Description (value) => (description :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Updated (value) => (updated :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: IconUrl (value) => (icon_url :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: BannerUrl (value) => (banner_url :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ExtraData (value) => (extra_data :: NAME , value . into ()) } ; :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereInput :: new (name . to_string () , value . into ()) } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum UniqueWhereParam { IdEquals (Int) } impl :: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput for UniqueWhereParam { fn serialize (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereInput { let (name , value) = match self { UniqueWhereParam :: IdEquals (value) => ("id" , :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Value (:: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))) } ; :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereInput :: new (name . to_string () , value . into ()) } } impl From < :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator < Self >> for WhereParam { fn from (op : :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator < Self >) -> Self { match op { :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator :: Not (value) => Self :: Not (value) , :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator :: And (value) => Self :: And (value) , :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator :: Or (value) => Self :: Or (value) , } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum OrderByWithRelationParam { Id (super :: SortOrder) , Name (super :: SortOrder) , Plugin (super :: SortOrder) , Description (super :: SortOrder) , Updated (super :: SortOrder) , IconUrl (super :: SortOrder) , BannerUrl (super :: SortOrder) , ExtraData (super :: SortOrder) } impl Into < (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) > for OrderByWithRelationParam { fn into (self) -> (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) { let (k , v) = match self { Self :: Id (param) => ("id" , param . into ()) , Self :: Name (param) => ("name" , param . into ()) , Self :: Plugin (param) => ("plugin" , param . into ()) , Self :: Description (param) => ("description" , param . into ()) , Self :: Updated (param) => ("updated" , param . into ()) , Self :: IconUrl (param) => ("iconUrl" , param . into ()) , Self :: BannerUrl (param) => ("bannerUrl" , param . into ()) , Self :: ExtraData (param) => ("extraData" , param . into ()) } ; (k . to_string () , v) } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum WithParam { } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for WithParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { match self { } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum SetParam { Id (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) , Name (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , Plugin (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , Description (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , Updated (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam) , IconUrl (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) , BannerUrl (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) , ExtraData (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) } impl Into < (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) > for SetParam { fn into (self) -> (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) { let (k , v) = match self { Self :: Id (value) => (id :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Name (value) => (name :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Plugin (value) => (plugin :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Description (value) => (description :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Updated (value) => (updated :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: IconUrl (value) => (icon_url :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: BannerUrl (value) => (banner_url :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ExtraData (value) => (extra_data :: NAME , value . into ()) } ; (k . to_string () , v) } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum UncheckedSetParam { Id (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) , Name (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , Plugin (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , Description (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , Updated (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam) , IconUrl (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) , BannerUrl (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) , ExtraData (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) } impl Into < (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) > for UncheckedSetParam { fn into (self) -> (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) { let (k , v) = match self { Self :: Id (value) => ("id" , value . into ()) , Self :: Name (value) => ("name" , value . into ()) , Self :: Plugin (value) => ("plugin" , value . into ()) , Self :: Description (value) => ("description" , value . into ()) , Self :: Updated (value) => ("updated" , value . into ()) , Self :: IconUrl (value) => ("iconUrl" , value . into ()) , Self :: BannerUrl (value) => ("bannerUrl" , value . into ()) , Self :: ExtraData (value) => ("extraData" , value . into ()) } ; (k . to_string () , v) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: macros :: select_factory ! (_select_instance , select , prisma :: instance , struct Data { # [serde (rename = "id")] id : id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "name")] name : name :: Type , # [serde (rename = "plugin")] plugin : plugin :: Type , # [serde (rename = "description")] description : description :: Type , # [serde (rename = "updated")] updated : updated :: Type , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] icon_url : icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "bannerUrl")] banner_url : banner_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "extraData")] extra_data : extra_data :: Type } , [(id , Scalar) , (name , Scalar) , (plugin , Scalar) , (description , Scalar) , (updated , Scalar) , (icon_url , Scalar) , (banner_url , Scalar) , (extra_data , Scalar)]) ; pub enum SelectParam { Id (id :: Select) , Name (name :: Select) , Plugin (plugin :: Select) , Description (description :: Select) , Updated (updated :: Select) , IconUrl (icon_url :: Select) , BannerUrl (banner_url :: Select) , ExtraData (extra_data :: Select) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for SelectParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { match self { Self :: Id (data) => data . into () , Self :: Name (data) => data . into () , Self :: Plugin (data) => data . into () , Self :: Description (data) => data . into () , Self :: Updated (data) => data . into () , Self :: IconUrl (data) => data . into () , Self :: BannerUrl (data) => data . into () , Self :: ExtraData (data) => data . into () } } } :: prisma_client_rust :: macros :: include_factory ! (_include_instance , include , prisma :: instance , struct Data { # [serde (rename = "id")] id : id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "name")] name : name :: Type , # [serde (rename = "plugin")] plugin : plugin :: Type , # [serde (rename = "description")] description : description :: Type , # [serde (rename = "updated")] updated : updated :: Type , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] icon_url : icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "bannerUrl")] banner_url : banner_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "extraData")] extra_data : extra_data :: Type } , []) ; pub enum IncludeParam { Id (id :: Include) , Name (name :: Include) , Plugin (plugin :: Include) , Description (description :: Include) , Updated (updated :: Include) , IconUrl (icon_url :: Include) , BannerUrl (banner_url :: Include) , ExtraData (extra_data :: Include) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for IncludeParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { match self { Self :: Id (data) => data . into () , Self :: Name (data) => data . into () , Self :: Plugin (data) => data . into () , Self :: Description (data) => data . into () , Self :: Updated (data) => data . into () , Self :: IconUrl (data) => data . into () , Self :: BannerUrl (data) => data . into () , Self :: ExtraData (data) => data . into () } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub struct Create { pub name : String , pub plugin : String , pub description : String , pub extra_data : String , pub _params : Vec < SetParam > } impl Create { pub fn to_query < 'a > (self , client : & 'a PrismaClient) -> CreateQuery < 'a > { client . instance () . create (self . name , self . plugin , self . description , self . extra_data , self . _params) } pub fn to_params (mut self) -> Vec < SetParam > { self . _params . extend ([name :: set (self . name) , plugin :: set (self . plugin) , description :: set (self . description) , extra_data :: set (self . extra_data)]) ; self . _params } } pub fn create (name : String , plugin : String , description : String , extra_data : String , _params : Vec < SetParam >) -> Create { Create { name , plugin , description , extra_data , _params } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize)] # [derive (:: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type)] # [specta (rename = "InstanceCreation" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] pub struct CreateUnchecked { # [serde (rename = "name")] pub name : String , # [serde (rename = "plugin")] pub plugin : String , # [serde (rename = "description")] pub description : String , # [serde (rename = "extraData")] pub extra_data : String , # [serde (skip)] pub _params : Vec < UncheckedSetParam > } impl CreateUnchecked { pub fn to_query < 'a > (self , client : & 'a PrismaClient) -> CreateUncheckedQuery < 'a > { client . instance () . create_unchecked (self . name , self . plugin , self . description , self . extra_data , self . _params) } pub fn to_params (mut self) -> Vec < UncheckedSetParam > { self . _params . extend ([name :: set (self . name) , plugin :: set (self . plugin) , description :: set (self . description) , extra_data :: set (self . extra_data)]) ; self . _params } } pub fn create_unchecked (name : String , plugin : String , description : String , extra_data : String , _params : Vec < UncheckedSetParam >) -> CreateUnchecked { CreateUnchecked { name , plugin , description , extra_data , _params } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize)] # [derive (:: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type)] # [specta (rename = "InstanceUpdate" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] pub struct Update { # [serde (rename = "id")] pub id : id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "name" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub name : Option < name :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "plugin" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub plugin : Option < plugin :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "description" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub description : Option < description :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "updated" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub updated : Option < updated :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub icon_url : icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "bannerUrl" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub banner_url : banner_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "extraData" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub extra_data : Option < extra_data :: Type > } impl Update { pub fn as_params (self) -> Vec < SetParam > { let mut params = Vec :: new () ; if let Some (field) = self . name { params . push (name :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . plugin { params . push (plugin :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . description { params . push (description :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . updated { params . push (updated :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . icon_url { params . push (icon_url :: set (Some (field))) ; } if let Some (field) = self . banner_url { params . push (banner_url :: set (Some (field))) ; } if let Some (field) = self . extra_data { params . push (extra_data :: set (field)) ; } params } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub struct Types ; impl :: prisma_client_rust :: ModelTypes for Types { type Data = Data ; type Where = WhereParam ; type WhereUnique = UniqueWhereParam ; type UncheckedSet = UncheckedSetParam ; type Set = SetParam ; type With = WithParam ; type OrderBy = OrderByWithRelationParam ; type Cursor = UniqueWhereParam ; const MODEL : & 'static str = NAME ; fn scalar_selections () -> Vec < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > { vec ! [:: prisma_client_rust :: sel (id :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (name :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (plugin :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (description :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (updated :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (icon_url :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (banner_url :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (extra_data :: NAME)] } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize)] # [derive (:: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type)] # [specta (rename = "Instance" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] pub struct Data { # [serde (rename = "id")] pub id : id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "name")] pub name : name :: Type , # [serde (rename = "plugin")] pub plugin : plugin :: Type , # [serde (rename = "description")] pub description : description :: Type , # [serde (rename = "updated")] pub updated : updated :: Type , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] pub icon_url : icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "bannerUrl")] pub banner_url : banner_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "extraData")] pub extra_data : extra_data :: Type } impl Data { } :: prisma_client_rust :: macros :: partial_unchecked_factory ! (_partial_unchecked_instance , prisma :: instance , struct Data { # [serde (rename = "id")] pub id : prisma :: instance :: id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "name")] pub name : prisma :: instance :: name :: Type , # [serde (rename = "plugin")] pub plugin : prisma :: instance :: plugin :: Type , # [serde (rename = "description")] pub description : prisma :: instance :: description :: Type , # [serde (rename = "updated")] pub updated : prisma :: instance :: updated :: Type , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] # [serde (default , with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] pub icon_url : prisma :: instance :: icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "bannerUrl")] # [serde (default , with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] pub banner_url : prisma :: instance :: banner_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "extraData")] pub extra_data : prisma :: instance :: extra_data :: Type }) ; :: prisma_client_rust :: macros :: filter_factory ! (_instance_filter , prisma :: instance , [(id , Scalar) , (name , Scalar) , (plugin , Scalar) , (description , Scalar) , (updated , Scalar) , (icon_url , Scalar) , (banner_url , Scalar) , (extra_data , Scalar)]) ; pub type UniqueArgs = :: prisma_client_rust :: UniqueArgs < Types > ; pub type ManyArgs = :: prisma_client_rust :: ManyArgs < Types > ; pub type CountQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Count < 'a , Types > ; pub type CreateQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Create < 'a , Types > ; pub type CreateUncheckedQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: CreateUnchecked < 'a , Types > ; pub type CreateManyQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: CreateMany < 'a , Types > ; pub type FindUniqueQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: FindUnique < 'a , Types > ; pub type FindManyQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: FindMany < 'a , Types > ; pub type FindFirstQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: FindFirst < 'a , Types > ; pub type UpdateQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Update < 'a , Types > ; pub type UpdateUncheckedQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: UpdateUnchecked < 'a , Types > ; pub type UpdateManyQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: UpdateMany < 'a , Types > ; pub type UpsertQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Upsert < 'a , Types > ; pub type DeleteQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Delete < 'a , Types > ; pub type DeleteManyQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: DeleteMany < 'a , Types > ; # [derive (Clone)] pub struct Actions < 'a > { pub client : & 'a :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaClientInternals , } impl < 'a > Actions < 'a > { pub fn find_unique (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam) -> FindUniqueQuery < 'a > { FindUniqueQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } pub fn find_first (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam >) -> FindFirstQuery < 'a > { FindFirstQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } pub fn find_many (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam >) -> FindManyQuery < 'a > { FindManyQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } pub fn create (self , name : String , plugin : String , description : String , extra_data : String , mut _params : Vec < SetParam >) -> CreateQuery < 'a > { _params . extend ([name :: set (name) , plugin :: set (plugin) , description :: set (description) , extra_data :: set (extra_data)]) ; CreateQuery :: new (self . client , _params) } pub fn create_unchecked (self , name : String , plugin : String , description : String , extra_data : String , mut _params : Vec < UncheckedSetParam >) -> CreateUncheckedQuery < 'a > { _params . extend ([name :: set (name) , plugin :: set (plugin) , description :: set (description) , extra_data :: set (extra_data)]) ; CreateUncheckedQuery :: new (self . client , _params . into_iter () . map (Into :: into) . collect ()) } pub fn create_many (self , data : Vec < CreateUnchecked >) -> CreateManyQuery < 'a > { let data = data . into_iter () . map (CreateUnchecked :: to_params) . collect () ; CreateManyQuery :: new (self . client , data) } pub fn update (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam , _params : Vec < SetParam >) -> UpdateQuery < 'a > { UpdateQuery :: new (self . client , _where , _params , vec ! []) } pub fn update_unchecked (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam , _params : Vec < UncheckedSetParam >) -> UpdateUncheckedQuery < 'a > { UpdateUncheckedQuery :: new (self . client , _where , _params . into_iter () . map (Into :: into) . collect () , vec ! []) } pub fn update_many (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam > , _params : Vec < SetParam >) -> UpdateManyQuery < 'a > { UpdateManyQuery :: new (self . client , _where , _params ,) } pub fn upsert (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam , _create : Create , _update : Vec < SetParam >) -> UpsertQuery < 'a > { UpsertQuery :: new (self . client , _where , _create . to_params () , _update) } pub fn delete (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam) -> DeleteQuery < 'a > { DeleteQuery :: new (self . client , _where , vec ! []) } pub fn delete_many (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam >) -> DeleteManyQuery < 'a > { DeleteManyQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } pub fn count (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam >) -> CountQuery < 'a > { CountQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } } pub mod banner_url { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "bannerUrl" ; pub type Type = Option < String > ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub Option < String >) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: BannerUrl (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter , BannerUrl , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : Option < String >) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: BannerUrl (v) } } pub struct Set (pub Option < String >) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: BannerUrl (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: BannerUrl (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: BannerUrl (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: BannerUrl (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: BannerUrl (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: BannerUrl (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod description { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "description" ; pub type Type = String ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub String) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : String) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: Description (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter , Description , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : String) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: Description (v) } } pub struct Set (pub String) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Description (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : String) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Description (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Description (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Description (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: Description (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: Description (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod extra_data { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "extraData" ; pub type Type = String ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub String) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : String) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: ExtraData (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter , ExtraData , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : String) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: ExtraData (v) } } pub struct Set (pub String) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ExtraData (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : String) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ExtraData (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ExtraData (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ExtraData (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: ExtraData (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: ExtraData (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod icon_url { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "iconUrl" ; pub type Type = Option < String > ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub Option < String >) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: IconUrl (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter , IconUrl , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : Option < String >) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (v) } } pub struct Set (pub Option < String >) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: IconUrl (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: IconUrl (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod id { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "id" ; pub type Type = Int ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub Int) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : Int) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for UniqueWhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { UniqueWhereParam :: IdEquals (v) } } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: Id (_prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter , Id , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < Int >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < Int >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : Int) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : Int) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : Int) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : Int) -> Gte ; fn not (_ : Int) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: Id (v) } } pub struct Set (pub Int) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Id (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : Int) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Id (v) } } pub fn increment < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Increment (value)) . into () } pub fn decrement < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Decrement (value)) . into () } pub fn multiply < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Multiply (value)) . into () } pub fn divide < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Divide (value)) . into () } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Id (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Id (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: Id (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: Id (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod name { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "name" ; pub type Type = String ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub String) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : String) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: Name (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter , Name , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : String) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: Name (v) } } pub struct Set (pub String) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Name (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : String) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Name (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Name (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Name (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: Name (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: Name (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod plugin { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "plugin" ; pub type Type = String ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub String) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : String) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: Plugin (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter , Plugin , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : String) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: Plugin (v) } } pub struct Set (pub String) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Plugin (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : String) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Plugin (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Plugin (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Plugin (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: Plugin (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: Plugin (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod updated { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "updated" ; pub type Type = DateTime ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub DateTime) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : DateTime) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: Updated (_prisma :: read_filters :: DateTimeFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: DateTimeFilter , Updated , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < DateTime >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < DateTime >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : DateTime) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : DateTime) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : DateTime) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : DateTime) -> Gte ; fn not (_ : DateTime) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: Updated (v) } } pub struct Set (pub DateTime) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Updated (_prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : DateTime) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Updated (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Updated (_prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Updated (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: Updated (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: Updated (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } } pub mod installed_mod { use super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; pub const NAME : & str = "InstalledMod" ; # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum WhereParam { Not (Vec < WhereParam >) , Or (Vec < WhereParam >) , And (Vec < WhereParam >) , Id (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter) , FileSize (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter) , Updated (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: DateTimeFilter) , IconUrl (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter) , InstanceId (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter) , Source (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter) , ProjectId (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter) , ProjectName (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter) , ProjectDesc (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter) , ProjectVersion (super :: _prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter) } impl :: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput for WhereParam { fn serialize (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereInput { let (name , value) = match self { Self :: Not (value) => ("NOT" , :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (:: prisma_client_rust :: merge_fields (value . into_iter () . map (:: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput :: serialize) . map (Into :: into) . collect ())) ,) , Self :: Or (value) => ("OR" , :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: List (value . into_iter () . map (:: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput :: serialize) . map (| p | :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Object (vec ! [p . into ()])) . collect ()) ,) , Self :: And (value) => ("AND" , :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Object (:: prisma_client_rust :: merge_fields (value . into_iter () . map (:: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput :: serialize) . map (Into :: into) . collect ())) ,) , Self :: Id (value) => (id :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: FileSize (value) => (file_size :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Updated (value) => (updated :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: IconUrl (value) => (icon_url :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: InstanceId (value) => (instance_id :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Source (value) => (source :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectId (value) => (project_id :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectName (value) => (project_name :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectDesc (value) => (project_desc :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectVersion (value) => (project_version :: NAME , value . into ()) } ; :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereInput :: new (name . to_string () , value . into ()) } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum UniqueWhereParam { IdEquals (Int) , ProjectIdEquals (String) } impl :: prisma_client_rust :: WhereInput for UniqueWhereParam { fn serialize (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereInput { let (name , value) = match self { UniqueWhereParam :: IdEquals (value) => ("id" , :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Value (:: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: Int (value))) , UniqueWhereParam :: ProjectIdEquals (value) => ("projectId" , :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereValue :: Value (:: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue :: String (value))) } ; :: prisma_client_rust :: SerializedWhereInput :: new (name . to_string () , value . into ()) } } impl From < :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator < Self >> for WhereParam { fn from (op : :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator < Self >) -> Self { match op { :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator :: Not (value) => Self :: Not (value) , :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator :: And (value) => Self :: And (value) , :: prisma_client_rust :: Operator :: Or (value) => Self :: Or (value) , } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum OrderByWithRelationParam { Id (super :: SortOrder) , FileSize (super :: SortOrder) , Updated (super :: SortOrder) , IconUrl (super :: SortOrder) , InstanceId (super :: SortOrder) , Source (super :: SortOrder) , ProjectId (super :: SortOrder) , ProjectName (super :: SortOrder) , ProjectDesc (super :: SortOrder) , ProjectVersion (super :: SortOrder) } impl Into < (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) > for OrderByWithRelationParam { fn into (self) -> (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) { let (k , v) = match self { Self :: Id (param) => ("id" , param . into ()) , Self :: FileSize (param) => ("fileSize" , param . into ()) , Self :: Updated (param) => ("updated" , param . into ()) , Self :: IconUrl (param) => ("iconUrl" , param . into ()) , Self :: InstanceId (param) => ("instanceId" , param . into ()) , Self :: Source (param) => ("source" , param . into ()) , Self :: ProjectId (param) => ("projectId" , param . into ()) , Self :: ProjectName (param) => ("projectName" , param . into ()) , Self :: ProjectDesc (param) => ("projectDesc" , param . into ()) , Self :: ProjectVersion (param) => ("projectVersion" , param . into ()) } ; (k . to_string () , v) } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum WithParam { } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for WithParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { match self { } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum SetParam { Id (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) , FileSize (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) , Updated (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam) , IconUrl (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) , InstanceId (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) , Source (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , ProjectId (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , ProjectName (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , ProjectDesc (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) , ProjectVersion (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) } impl Into < (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) > for SetParam { fn into (self) -> (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) { let (k , v) = match self { Self :: Id (value) => (id :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: FileSize (value) => (file_size :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Updated (value) => (updated :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: IconUrl (value) => (icon_url :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: InstanceId (value) => (instance_id :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: Source (value) => (source :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectId (value) => (project_id :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectName (value) => (project_name :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectDesc (value) => (project_desc :: NAME , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectVersion (value) => (project_version :: NAME , value . into ()) } ; (k . to_string () , v) } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub enum UncheckedSetParam { Id (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) , FileSize (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) , Updated (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam) , IconUrl (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) , InstanceId (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) , Source (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , ProjectId (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , ProjectName (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) , ProjectDesc (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) , ProjectVersion (super :: _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) } impl Into < (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) > for UncheckedSetParam { fn into (self) -> (String , :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaValue) { let (k , v) = match self { Self :: Id (value) => ("id" , value . into ()) , Self :: FileSize (value) => ("fileSize" , value . into ()) , Self :: Updated (value) => ("updated" , value . into ()) , Self :: IconUrl (value) => ("iconUrl" , value . into ()) , Self :: InstanceId (value) => ("instanceId" , value . into ()) , Self :: Source (value) => ("source" , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectId (value) => ("projectId" , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectName (value) => ("projectName" , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectDesc (value) => ("projectDesc" , value . into ()) , Self :: ProjectVersion (value) => ("projectVersion" , value . into ()) } ; (k . to_string () , v) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: macros :: select_factory ! (_select_installed_mod , select , prisma :: installed_mod , struct Data { # [serde (rename = "id")] id : id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "fileSize")] file_size : file_size :: Type , # [serde (rename = "updated")] updated : updated :: Type , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] icon_url : icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "instanceId")] instance_id : instance_id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "source")] source : source :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectId")] project_id : project_id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectName")] project_name : project_name :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectDesc")] project_desc : project_desc :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectVersion")] project_version : project_version :: Type } , [(id , Scalar) , (file_size , Scalar) , (updated , Scalar) , (icon_url , Scalar) , (instance_id , Scalar) , (source , Scalar) , (project_id , Scalar) , (project_name , Scalar) , (project_desc , Scalar) , (project_version , Scalar)]) ; pub enum SelectParam { Id (id :: Select) , FileSize (file_size :: Select) , Updated (updated :: Select) , IconUrl (icon_url :: Select) , InstanceId (instance_id :: Select) , Source (source :: Select) , ProjectId (project_id :: Select) , ProjectName (project_name :: Select) , ProjectDesc (project_desc :: Select) , ProjectVersion (project_version :: Select) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for SelectParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { match self { Self :: Id (data) => data . into () , Self :: FileSize (data) => data . into () , Self :: Updated (data) => data . into () , Self :: IconUrl (data) => data . into () , Self :: InstanceId (data) => data . into () , Self :: Source (data) => data . into () , Self :: ProjectId (data) => data . into () , Self :: ProjectName (data) => data . into () , Self :: ProjectDesc (data) => data . into () , Self :: ProjectVersion (data) => data . into () } } } :: prisma_client_rust :: macros :: include_factory ! (_include_installed_mod , include , prisma :: installed_mod , struct Data { # [serde (rename = "id")] id : id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "fileSize")] file_size : file_size :: Type , # [serde (rename = "updated")] updated : updated :: Type , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] icon_url : icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "instanceId")] instance_id : instance_id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "source")] source : source :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectId")] project_id : project_id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectName")] project_name : project_name :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectDesc")] project_desc : project_desc :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectVersion")] project_version : project_version :: Type } , []) ; pub enum IncludeParam { Id (id :: Include) , FileSize (file_size :: Include) , Updated (updated :: Include) , IconUrl (icon_url :: Include) , InstanceId (instance_id :: Include) , Source (source :: Include) , ProjectId (project_id :: Include) , ProjectName (project_name :: Include) , ProjectDesc (project_desc :: Include) , ProjectVersion (project_version :: Include) } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for IncludeParam { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { match self { Self :: Id (data) => data . into () , Self :: FileSize (data) => data . into () , Self :: Updated (data) => data . into () , Self :: IconUrl (data) => data . into () , Self :: InstanceId (data) => data . into () , Self :: Source (data) => data . into () , Self :: ProjectId (data) => data . into () , Self :: ProjectName (data) => data . into () , Self :: ProjectDesc (data) => data . into () , Self :: ProjectVersion (data) => data . into () } } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub struct Create { pub file_size : Int , pub instance_id : Int , pub source : String , pub project_id : String , pub project_name : String , pub _params : Vec < SetParam > } impl Create { pub fn to_query < 'a > (self , client : & 'a PrismaClient) -> CreateQuery < 'a > { client . installed_mod () . create (self . file_size , self . instance_id , self . source , self . project_id , self . project_name , self . _params) } pub fn to_params (mut self) -> Vec < SetParam > { self . _params . extend ([file_size :: set (self . file_size) , instance_id :: set (self . instance_id) , source :: set (self . source) , project_id :: set (self . project_id) , project_name :: set (self . project_name)]) ; self . _params } } pub fn create (file_size : Int , instance_id : Int , source : String , project_id : String , project_name : String , _params : Vec < SetParam >) -> Create { Create { file_size , instance_id , source , project_id , project_name , _params } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize)] # [derive (:: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type)] # [specta (rename = "InstalledModCreation" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] pub struct CreateUnchecked { # [serde (rename = "fileSize")] pub file_size : Int , # [serde (rename = "instanceId")] pub instance_id : Int , # [serde (rename = "source")] pub source : String , # [serde (rename = "projectId")] pub project_id : String , # [serde (rename = "projectName")] pub project_name : String , # [serde (skip)] pub _params : Vec < UncheckedSetParam > } impl CreateUnchecked { pub fn to_query < 'a > (self , client : & 'a PrismaClient) -> CreateUncheckedQuery < 'a > { client . installed_mod () . create_unchecked (self . file_size , self . instance_id , self . source , self . project_id , self . project_name , self . _params) } pub fn to_params (mut self) -> Vec < UncheckedSetParam > { self . _params . extend ([file_size :: set (self . file_size) , instance_id :: set (self . instance_id) , source :: set (self . source) , project_id :: set (self . project_id) , project_name :: set (self . project_name)]) ; self . _params } } pub fn create_unchecked (file_size : Int , instance_id : Int , source : String , project_id : String , project_name : String , _params : Vec < UncheckedSetParam >) -> CreateUnchecked { CreateUnchecked { file_size , instance_id , source , project_id , project_name , _params } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize)] # [derive (:: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type)] # [specta (rename = "InstalledModUpdate" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] pub struct Update { # [serde (rename = "id")] pub id : id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "fileSize" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub file_size : Option < file_size :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "updated" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub updated : Option < updated :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub icon_url : icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "instanceId" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub instance_id : Option < instance_id :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "source" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub source : Option < source :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "projectId" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub project_id : Option < project_id :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "projectName" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub project_name : Option < project_name :: Type > , # [serde (rename = "projectDesc" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub project_desc : project_desc :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectVersion" , skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] pub project_version : project_version :: Type } impl Update { pub fn as_params (self) -> Vec < SetParam > { let mut params = Vec :: new () ; if let Some (field) = self . file_size { params . push (file_size :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . updated { params . push (updated :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . icon_url { params . push (icon_url :: set (Some (field))) ; } if let Some (field) = self . instance_id { params . push (instance_id :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . source { params . push (source :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . project_id { params . push (project_id :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . project_name { params . push (project_name :: set (field)) ; } if let Some (field) = self . project_desc { params . push (project_desc :: set (Some (field))) ; } if let Some (field) = self . project_version { params . push (project_version :: set (Some (field))) ; } params } } # [derive (Debug , Clone)] pub struct Types ; impl :: prisma_client_rust :: ModelTypes for Types { type Data = Data ; type Where = WhereParam ; type WhereUnique = UniqueWhereParam ; type UncheckedSet = UncheckedSetParam ; type Set = SetParam ; type With = WithParam ; type OrderBy = OrderByWithRelationParam ; type Cursor = UniqueWhereParam ; const MODEL : & 'static str = NAME ; fn scalar_selections () -> Vec < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > { vec ! [:: prisma_client_rust :: sel (id :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (file_size :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (updated :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (icon_url :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (instance_id :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (source :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (project_id :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (project_name :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (project_desc :: NAME) , :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (project_version :: NAME)] } } # [derive (Debug , Clone , :: serde :: Serialize , :: serde :: Deserialize)] # [derive (:: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type)] # [specta (rename = "InstalledMod" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] pub struct Data { # [serde (rename = "id")] pub id : id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "fileSize")] pub file_size : file_size :: Type , # [serde (rename = "updated")] pub updated : updated :: Type , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] pub icon_url : icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "instanceId")] pub instance_id : instance_id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "source")] pub source : source :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectId")] pub project_id : project_id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectName")] pub project_name : project_name :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectDesc")] pub project_desc : project_desc :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectVersion")] pub project_version : project_version :: Type } impl Data { } :: prisma_client_rust :: macros :: partial_unchecked_factory ! (_partial_unchecked_installed_mod , prisma :: installed_mod , struct Data { # [serde (rename = "id")] pub id : prisma :: installed_mod :: id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "fileSize")] pub file_size : prisma :: installed_mod :: file_size :: Type , # [serde (rename = "updated")] pub updated : prisma :: installed_mod :: updated :: Type , # [serde (rename = "iconUrl")] # [serde (default , with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] pub icon_url : prisma :: installed_mod :: icon_url :: Type , # [serde (rename = "instanceId")] pub instance_id : prisma :: installed_mod :: instance_id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "source")] pub source : prisma :: installed_mod :: source :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectId")] pub project_id : prisma :: installed_mod :: project_id :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectName")] pub project_name : prisma :: installed_mod :: project_name :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectDesc")] # [serde (default , with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] pub project_desc : prisma :: installed_mod :: project_desc :: Type , # [serde (rename = "projectVersion")] # [serde (default , with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] pub project_version : prisma :: installed_mod :: project_version :: Type }) ; :: prisma_client_rust :: macros :: filter_factory ! (_installed_mod_filter , prisma :: installed_mod , [(id , Scalar) , (file_size , Scalar) , (updated , Scalar) , (icon_url , Scalar) , (instance_id , Scalar) , (source , Scalar) , (project_id , Scalar) , (project_name , Scalar) , (project_desc , Scalar) , (project_version , Scalar)]) ; pub type UniqueArgs = :: prisma_client_rust :: UniqueArgs < Types > ; pub type ManyArgs = :: prisma_client_rust :: ManyArgs < Types > ; pub type CountQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Count < 'a , Types > ; pub type CreateQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Create < 'a , Types > ; pub type CreateUncheckedQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: CreateUnchecked < 'a , Types > ; pub type CreateManyQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: CreateMany < 'a , Types > ; pub type FindUniqueQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: FindUnique < 'a , Types > ; pub type FindManyQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: FindMany < 'a , Types > ; pub type FindFirstQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: FindFirst < 'a , Types > ; pub type UpdateQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Update < 'a , Types > ; pub type UpdateUncheckedQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: UpdateUnchecked < 'a , Types > ; pub type UpdateManyQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: UpdateMany < 'a , Types > ; pub type UpsertQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Upsert < 'a , Types > ; pub type DeleteQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: Delete < 'a , Types > ; pub type DeleteManyQuery < 'a > = :: prisma_client_rust :: DeleteMany < 'a , Types > ; # [derive (Clone)] pub struct Actions < 'a > { pub client : & 'a :: prisma_client_rust :: PrismaClientInternals , } impl < 'a > Actions < 'a > { pub fn find_unique (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam) -> FindUniqueQuery < 'a > { FindUniqueQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } pub fn find_first (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam >) -> FindFirstQuery < 'a > { FindFirstQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } pub fn find_many (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam >) -> FindManyQuery < 'a > { FindManyQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } pub fn create (self , file_size : Int , instance_id : Int , source : String , project_id : String , project_name : String , mut _params : Vec < SetParam >) -> CreateQuery < 'a > { _params . extend ([file_size :: set (file_size) , instance_id :: set (instance_id) , source :: set (source) , project_id :: set (project_id) , project_name :: set (project_name)]) ; CreateQuery :: new (self . client , _params) } pub fn create_unchecked (self , file_size : Int , instance_id : Int , source : String , project_id : String , project_name : String , mut _params : Vec < UncheckedSetParam >) -> CreateUncheckedQuery < 'a > { _params . extend ([file_size :: set (file_size) , instance_id :: set (instance_id) , source :: set (source) , project_id :: set (project_id) , project_name :: set (project_name)]) ; CreateUncheckedQuery :: new (self . client , _params . into_iter () . map (Into :: into) . collect ()) } pub fn create_many (self , data : Vec < CreateUnchecked >) -> CreateManyQuery < 'a > { let data = data . into_iter () . map (CreateUnchecked :: to_params) . collect () ; CreateManyQuery :: new (self . client , data) } pub fn update (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam , _params : Vec < SetParam >) -> UpdateQuery < 'a > { UpdateQuery :: new (self . client , _where , _params , vec ! []) } pub fn update_unchecked (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam , _params : Vec < UncheckedSetParam >) -> UpdateUncheckedQuery < 'a > { UpdateUncheckedQuery :: new (self . client , _where , _params . into_iter () . map (Into :: into) . collect () , vec ! []) } pub fn update_many (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam > , _params : Vec < SetParam >) -> UpdateManyQuery < 'a > { UpdateManyQuery :: new (self . client , _where , _params ,) } pub fn upsert (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam , _create : Create , _update : Vec < SetParam >) -> UpsertQuery < 'a > { UpsertQuery :: new (self . client , _where , _create . to_params () , _update) } pub fn delete (self , _where : UniqueWhereParam) -> DeleteQuery < 'a > { DeleteQuery :: new (self . client , _where , vec ! []) } pub fn delete_many (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam >) -> DeleteManyQuery < 'a > { DeleteManyQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } pub fn count (self , _where : Vec < WhereParam >) -> CountQuery < 'a > { CountQuery :: new (self . client , _where) } } pub mod file_size { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "fileSize" ; pub type Type = Int ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub Int) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : Int) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: FileSize (_prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter , FileSize , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < Int >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < Int >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : Int) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : Int) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : Int) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : Int) -> Gte ; fn not (_ : Int) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: FileSize (v) } } pub struct Set (pub Int) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: FileSize (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : Int) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: FileSize (v) } } pub fn increment < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Increment (value)) . into () } pub fn decrement < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Decrement (value)) . into () } pub fn multiply < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Multiply (value)) . into () } pub fn divide < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Divide (value)) . into () } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: FileSize (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: FileSize (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: FileSize (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: FileSize (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod icon_url { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "iconUrl" ; pub type Type = Option < String > ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub Option < String >) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: IconUrl (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter , IconUrl , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : Option < String >) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (v) } } pub struct Set (pub Option < String >) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: IconUrl (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: IconUrl (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: IconUrl (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod id { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "id" ; pub type Type = Int ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub Int) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : Int) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for UniqueWhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { UniqueWhereParam :: IdEquals (v) } } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: Id (_prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter , Id , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < Int >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < Int >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : Int) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : Int) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : Int) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : Int) -> Gte ; fn not (_ : Int) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: Id (v) } } pub struct Set (pub Int) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Id (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : Int) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Id (v) } } pub fn increment < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Increment (value)) . into () } pub fn decrement < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Decrement (value)) . into () } pub fn multiply < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Multiply (value)) . into () } pub fn divide < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Divide (value)) . into () } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Id (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Id (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: Id (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: Id (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod instance_id { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "instanceId" ; pub type Type = Int ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub Int) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : Int) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: InstanceId (_prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: IntFilter , InstanceId , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < Int >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < Int >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : Int) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : Int) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : Int) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : Int) -> Gte ; fn not (_ : Int) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: InstanceId (v) } } pub struct Set (pub Int) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: InstanceId (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : Int) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: IntParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: InstanceId (v) } } pub fn increment < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Increment (value)) . into () } pub fn decrement < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Decrement (value)) . into () } pub fn multiply < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Multiply (value)) . into () } pub fn divide < T : From < UpdateOperation >> (value : Int) -> T { UpdateOperation (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Divide (value)) . into () } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: InstanceId (_prisma :: write_params :: IntParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: InstanceId (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: InstanceId (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: InstanceId (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod project_desc { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "projectDesc" ; pub type Type = Option < String > ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub Option < String >) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: ProjectDesc (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter , ProjectDesc , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : Option < String >) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: ProjectDesc (v) } } pub struct Set (pub Option < String >) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ProjectDesc (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ProjectDesc (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ProjectDesc (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ProjectDesc (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: ProjectDesc (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: ProjectDesc (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod project_id { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "projectId" ; pub type Type = String ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub String) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : String) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for UniqueWhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { UniqueWhereParam :: ProjectIdEquals (v) } } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: ProjectId (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter , ProjectId , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : String) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: ProjectId (v) } } pub struct Set (pub String) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ProjectId (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : String) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ProjectId (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ProjectId (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ProjectId (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: ProjectId (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: ProjectId (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod project_name { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "projectName" ; pub type Type = String ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub String) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : String) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: ProjectName (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter , ProjectName , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : String) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: ProjectName (v) } } pub struct Set (pub String) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ProjectName (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : String) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ProjectName (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ProjectName (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ProjectName (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: ProjectName (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: ProjectName (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod project_version { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "projectVersion" ; pub type Type = Option < String > ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub Option < String >) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: ProjectVersion (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringNullableFilter , ProjectVersion , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : Option < String >) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: ProjectVersion (v) } } pub struct Set (pub Option < String >) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ProjectVersion (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : Option < String >) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ProjectVersion (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: ProjectVersion (_prisma :: write_params :: StringNullableParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: ProjectVersion (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: ProjectVersion (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: ProjectVersion (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod source { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "source" ; pub type Type = String ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub String) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : String) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: Source (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: StringFilter , Source , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < String >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : String) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : String) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : String) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : String) -> Gte ; fn contains (_ : String) -> Contains ; fn starts_with (_ : String) -> StartsWith ; fn ends_with (_ : String) -> EndsWith ; fn not (_ : String) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: Source (v) } } pub struct Set (pub String) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Source (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : String) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: StringParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Source (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Source (_prisma :: write_params :: StringParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Source (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: Source (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: Source (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } pub mod updated { use super :: super :: { _prisma :: * , * } ; use super :: { WhereParam , UniqueWhereParam , WithParam , SetParam , UncheckedSetParam } ; pub const NAME : & str = "updated" ; pub type Type = DateTime ; pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type ; pub struct Equals (pub DateTime) ; pub fn equals < T : From < Equals >> (value : DateTime) -> T { Equals (value) . into () } impl From < Equals > for WhereParam { fn from (Equals (v) : Equals) -> Self { WhereParam :: Updated (_prisma :: read_filters :: DateTimeFilter :: Equals (v)) } } :: prisma_client_rust :: scalar_where_param_fns ! (_prisma :: read_filters :: DateTimeFilter , Updated , { fn in_vec (_ : Vec < DateTime >) -> InVec ; fn not_in_vec (_ : Vec < DateTime >) -> NotInVec ; fn lt (_ : DateTime) -> Lt ; fn lte (_ : DateTime) -> Lte ; fn gt (_ : DateTime) -> Gt ; fn gte (_ : DateTime) -> Gte ; fn not (_ : DateTime) -> Not ; }) ; pub struct Order (SortOrder) ; pub fn order < T : From < Order >> (v : SortOrder) -> T { Order (v) . into () } impl From < Order > for super :: OrderByWithRelationParam { fn from (Order (v) : Order) -> Self { Self :: Updated (v) } } pub struct Set (pub DateTime) ; impl From < Set > for SetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Updated (_prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam :: Set (v)) } } pub fn set < T : From < Set >> (value : DateTime) -> T { Set (value) . into () } pub struct UpdateOperation (pub _prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam) ; impl From < UpdateOperation > for SetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Updated (v) } } impl From < Set > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (Set (v) : Set) -> Self { Self :: Updated (_prisma :: write_params :: DateTimeParam :: Set (v)) } } impl From < UpdateOperation > for UncheckedSetParam { fn from (UpdateOperation (v) : UpdateOperation) -> Self { Self :: Updated (v) } } pub struct Select ; impl Into < super :: SelectParam > for Select { fn into (self) -> super :: SelectParam { super :: SelectParam :: Updated (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Select { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } pub struct Include ; impl Into < super :: IncludeParam > for Include { fn into (self) -> super :: IncludeParam { super :: IncludeParam :: Updated (self) } } impl Into < :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection > for Include { fn into (self) -> :: prisma_client_rust :: Selection { :: prisma_client_rust :: sel (NAME) } } } } \ No newline at end of file +pub static DATAMODEL_STR: &'static str = include_str!("/mnt/vol/Wormhole/prisma/schema.prisma"); +static DATABASE_STR: &'static str = "sqlite"; +pub use _prisma::*; +use prisma_client_rust::scalar_types::*; +pub mod _prisma { + use super::*; + pub struct PrismaClientBuilder { + url: Option, + action_notifier: ::prisma_client_rust::ActionNotifier, + } + impl PrismaClientBuilder { + fn new() -> Self { + Self { + url: None, + action_notifier: ::prisma_client_rust::ActionNotifier::new(), + } + } + pub fn with_url(mut self, url: String) -> Self { + self.url = Some(url); + self + } + pub async fn build(self) -> Result { + let internals = ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaClientInternals::new( + self.url, + self.action_notifier, + super::DATAMODEL_STR, + ) + .await?; + Ok(PrismaClient(internals)) + } + } + pub struct PrismaClient(::prisma_client_rust::PrismaClientInternals); + impl ::std::fmt::Debug for PrismaClient { + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::std::fmt::Result { + f.debug_struct("PrismaClient").finish() + } + } + impl PrismaClient { + pub fn _builder() -> PrismaClientBuilder { + PrismaClientBuilder::new() + } + pub fn _query_raw( + &self, + query: ::prisma_client_rust::Raw, + ) -> ::prisma_client_rust::QueryRaw { + ::prisma_client_rust::QueryRaw::new(&self.0, query, super::DATABASE_STR) + } + pub fn _execute_raw( + &self, + query: ::prisma_client_rust::Raw, + ) -> ::prisma_client_rust::ExecuteRaw { + ::prisma_client_rust::ExecuteRaw::new(&self.0, query, super::DATABASE_STR) + } + pub async fn _batch< + 'batch, + T: ::prisma_client_rust::BatchContainer<'batch, Marker>, + Marker, + >( + &self, + queries: T, + ) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Result< + >::ReturnType, + > { + ::prisma_client_rust::batch(queries, &self.0).await + } + pub fn _transaction(&self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::TransactionBuilder { + ::prisma_client_rust::TransactionBuilder::_new(self, &self.0) + } + pub fn instance(&self) -> super::instance::Actions { + super::instance::Actions { client: &self.0 } + } + pub fn installed_mod(&self) -> super::installed_mod::Actions { + super::installed_mod::Actions { client: &self.0 } + } + } + impl ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaClient for PrismaClient { + fn internals(&self) -> &::prisma_client_rust::PrismaClientInternals { + &self.0 + } + fn internals_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaClientInternals { + &mut self.0 + } + fn with_tx_id(&self, tx_id: Option<::prisma_client_rust::query_core::TxId>) -> Self { + Self(self.0.with_tx_id(tx_id)) + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, :: serde :: Serialize, :: serde :: Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] + pub enum TransactionIsolationLevel { + #[serde(rename = "Serializable")] + Serializable, + } + impl ToString for TransactionIsolationLevel { + fn to_string(&self) -> String { + match self { + Self::Serializable => "Serializable".to_string(), + } + } + } + impl ::prisma_client_rust::TransactionIsolationLevel for TransactionIsolationLevel {} + #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, :: serde :: Serialize, :: serde :: Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] + pub enum InstanceScalarFieldEnum { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + Id, + #[serde(rename = "name")] + Name, + #[serde(rename = "plugin")] + Plugin, + #[serde(rename = "description")] + Description, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + Updated, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + IconUrl, + #[serde(rename = "bannerUrl")] + BannerUrl, + #[serde(rename = "extraData")] + ExtraData, + } + impl ToString for InstanceScalarFieldEnum { + fn to_string(&self) -> String { + match self { + Self::Id => "id".to_string(), + Self::Name => "name".to_string(), + Self::Plugin => "plugin".to_string(), + Self::Description => "description".to_string(), + Self::Updated => "updated".to_string(), + Self::IconUrl => "iconUrl".to_string(), + Self::BannerUrl => "bannerUrl".to_string(), + Self::ExtraData => "extraData".to_string(), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, :: serde :: Serialize, :: serde :: Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] + pub enum InstalledModScalarFieldEnum { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + Id, + #[serde(rename = "fileSize")] + FileSize, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + Updated, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + IconUrl, + #[serde(rename = "instanceId")] + InstanceId, + #[serde(rename = "source")] + Source, + #[serde(rename = "projectId")] + ProjectId, + #[serde(rename = "projectName")] + ProjectName, + #[serde(rename = "projectDesc")] + ProjectDesc, + #[serde(rename = "projectVersion")] + ProjectVersion, + } + impl ToString for InstalledModScalarFieldEnum { + fn to_string(&self) -> String { + match self { + Self::Id => "id".to_string(), + Self::FileSize => "fileSize".to_string(), + Self::Updated => "updated".to_string(), + Self::IconUrl => "iconUrl".to_string(), + Self::InstanceId => "instanceId".to_string(), + Self::Source => "source".to_string(), + Self::ProjectId => "projectId".to_string(), + Self::ProjectName => "projectName".to_string(), + Self::ProjectDesc => "projectDesc".to_string(), + Self::ProjectVersion => "projectVersion".to_string(), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, :: serde :: Serialize, :: serde :: Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] + pub enum SortOrder { + #[serde(rename = "asc")] + Asc, + #[serde(rename = "desc")] + Desc, + } + impl ToString for SortOrder { + fn to_string(&self) -> String { + match self { + Self::Asc => "asc".to_string(), + Self::Desc => "desc".to_string(), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, :: serde :: Serialize, :: serde :: Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)] + pub enum NullsOrder { + #[serde(rename = "first")] + First, + #[serde(rename = "last")] + Last, + } + impl ToString for NullsOrder { + fn to_string(&self) -> String { + match self { + Self::First => "first".to_string(), + Self::Last => "last".to_string(), + } + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue> for SortOrder { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue { + match self { + SortOrder::Asc => ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String("asc".to_string()), + SortOrder::Desc => ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String("desc".to_string()), + } + } + } + pub mod read_filters { + use super::*; + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum StringFilter { + Equals(String), + InVec(Vec), + NotInVec(Vec), + Lt(String), + Lte(String), + Gt(String), + Gte(String), + Contains(String), + StartsWith(String), + EndsWith(String), + Not(String), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue> for StringFilter { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue { + match self { + Self::Equals(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "equals".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]) + } + Self::InVec(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "in".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value)) + .collect(), + ), + )]) + } + Self::NotInVec(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "notIn".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value)) + .collect(), + ), + )]) + } + Self::Lt(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "lt".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]), + Self::Lte(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "lte".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]), + Self::Gt(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "gt".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]), + Self::Gte(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "gte".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]), + Self::Contains(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "contains".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]) + } + Self::StartsWith(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "startsWith".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]) + } + Self::EndsWith(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "endsWith".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]) + } + Self::Not(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "not".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum StringNullableFilter { + Equals(Option), + InVec(Vec), + NotInVec(Vec), + Lt(String), + Lte(String), + Gt(String), + Gte(String), + Contains(String), + StartsWith(String), + EndsWith(String), + Not(Option), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue> for StringNullableFilter { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue { + match self { + Self::Equals(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "equals".to_string(), + value + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value)) + .unwrap_or_else(|| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Null), + )]) + } + Self::InVec(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "in".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value)) + .collect(), + ), + )]) + } + Self::NotInVec(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "notIn".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value)) + .collect(), + ), + )]) + } + Self::Lt(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "lt".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]), + Self::Lte(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "lte".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]), + Self::Gt(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "gt".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]), + Self::Gte(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "gte".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]), + Self::Contains(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "contains".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]) + } + Self::StartsWith(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "startsWith".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]) + } + Self::EndsWith(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "endsWith".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + )]) + } + Self::Not(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "not".to_string(), + value + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value)) + .unwrap_or_else(|| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Null), + )]), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum DateTimeFilter { + Equals(DateTime), + InVec(Vec), + NotInVec(Vec), + Lt(DateTime), + Lte(DateTime), + Gt(DateTime), + Gte(DateTime), + Not(DateTime), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue> for DateTimeFilter { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue { + match self { + Self::Equals(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "equals".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::DateTime(value), + )]) + } + Self::InVec(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "in".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::DateTime(value)) + .collect(), + ), + )]) + } + Self::NotInVec(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "notIn".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::DateTime(value)) + .collect(), + ), + )]) + } + Self::Lt(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "lt".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::DateTime(value), + )]), + Self::Lte(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "lte".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::DateTime(value), + )]), + Self::Gt(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "gt".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::DateTime(value), + )]), + Self::Gte(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "gte".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::DateTime(value), + )]), + Self::Not(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "not".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::DateTime(value), + )]), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum IntFilter { + Equals(Int), + InVec(Vec), + NotInVec(Vec), + Lt(Int), + Lte(Int), + Gt(Int), + Gte(Int), + Not(Int), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue> for IntFilter { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue { + match self { + Self::Equals(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "equals".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]) + } + Self::InVec(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "in".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value)) + .collect(), + ), + )]) + } + Self::NotInVec(value) => { + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "notIn".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value)) + .collect(), + ), + )]) + } + Self::Lt(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "lt".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]), + Self::Lte(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "lte".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]), + Self::Gt(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "gt".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]), + Self::Gte(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "gte".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]), + Self::Not(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object(vec![( + "not".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]), + } + } + } + } + pub mod write_params { + use super::*; + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum DateTimeParam { + Set(DateTime), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue> for DateTimeParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue { + match self { + Self::Set(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::DateTime(value), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum IntParam { + Set(Int), + Increment(Int), + Decrement(Int), + Multiply(Int), + Divide(Int), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue> for IntParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue { + match self { + Self::Set(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + Self::Increment(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Object(vec![( + "increment".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]), + Self::Decrement(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Object(vec![( + "decrement".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]), + Self::Multiply(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Object(vec![( + "multiply".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]), + Self::Divide(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Object(vec![( + "divide".to_string(), + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + )]), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum StringParam { + Set(String), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue> for StringParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue { + match self { + Self::Set(value) => ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum StringNullableParam { + Set(Option), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue> for StringNullableParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue { + match self { + Self::Set(value) => value + .map(|value| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value)) + .unwrap_or_else(|| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Null), + } + } + } + } +} +pub mod instance { + use super::{_prisma::*, *}; + pub const NAME: &str = "Instance"; + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum WhereParam { + Not(Vec), + Or(Vec), + And(Vec), + Id(super::_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter), + Name(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter), + Plugin(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter), + Description(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter), + Updated(super::_prisma::read_filters::DateTimeFilter), + IconUrl(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter), + BannerUrl(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter), + ExtraData(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter), + } + impl ::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput for WhereParam { + fn serialize(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereInput { + let (name, value) = match self { + Self::Not(value) => ( + "NOT", + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object( + ::prisma_client_rust::merge_fields( + value + .into_iter() + .map(::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput::serialize) + .map(Into::into) + .collect(), + ), + ), + ), + Self::Or(value) => ( + "OR", + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput::serialize) + .map(|p| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Object(vec![p.into()])) + .collect(), + ), + ), + Self::And(value) => ( + "AND", + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object( + ::prisma_client_rust::merge_fields( + value + .into_iter() + .map(::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput::serialize) + .map(Into::into) + .collect(), + ), + ), + ), + Self::Id(value) => (id::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Name(value) => (name::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Plugin(value) => (plugin::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Description(value) => (description::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Updated(value) => (updated::NAME, value.into()), + Self::IconUrl(value) => (icon_url::NAME, value.into()), + Self::BannerUrl(value) => (banner_url::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ExtraData(value) => (extra_data::NAME, value.into()), + }; + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereInput::new(name.to_string(), value.into()) + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum UniqueWhereParam { + IdEquals(Int), + } + impl ::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput for UniqueWhereParam { + fn serialize(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereInput { + let (name, value) = match self { + UniqueWhereParam::IdEquals(value) => ( + "id", + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Value( + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + ), + ), + }; + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereInput::new(name.to_string(), value.into()) + } + } + impl From<::prisma_client_rust::Operator> for WhereParam { + fn from(op: ::prisma_client_rust::Operator) -> Self { + match op { + ::prisma_client_rust::Operator::Not(value) => Self::Not(value), + ::prisma_client_rust::Operator::And(value) => Self::And(value), + ::prisma_client_rust::Operator::Or(value) => Self::Or(value), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum OrderByWithRelationParam { + Id(super::SortOrder), + Name(super::SortOrder), + Plugin(super::SortOrder), + Description(super::SortOrder), + Updated(super::SortOrder), + IconUrl(super::SortOrder), + BannerUrl(super::SortOrder), + ExtraData(super::SortOrder), + } + impl Into<(String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue)> for OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn into(self) -> (String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue) { + let (k, v) = match self { + Self::Id(param) => ("id", param.into()), + Self::Name(param) => ("name", param.into()), + Self::Plugin(param) => ("plugin", param.into()), + Self::Description(param) => ("description", param.into()), + Self::Updated(param) => ("updated", param.into()), + Self::IconUrl(param) => ("iconUrl", param.into()), + Self::BannerUrl(param) => ("bannerUrl", param.into()), + Self::ExtraData(param) => ("extraData", param.into()), + }; + (k.to_string(), v) + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum WithParam {} + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for WithParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + match self {} + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum SetParam { + Id(super::_prisma::write_params::IntParam), + Name(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + Plugin(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + Description(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + Updated(super::_prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam), + IconUrl(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + BannerUrl(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + ExtraData(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + } + impl Into<(String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue)> for SetParam { + fn into(self) -> (String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue) { + let (k, v) = match self { + Self::Id(value) => (id::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Name(value) => (name::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Plugin(value) => (plugin::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Description(value) => (description::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Updated(value) => (updated::NAME, value.into()), + Self::IconUrl(value) => (icon_url::NAME, value.into()), + Self::BannerUrl(value) => (banner_url::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ExtraData(value) => (extra_data::NAME, value.into()), + }; + (k.to_string(), v) + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum UncheckedSetParam { + Id(super::_prisma::write_params::IntParam), + Name(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + Plugin(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + Description(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + Updated(super::_prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam), + IconUrl(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + BannerUrl(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + ExtraData(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + } + impl Into<(String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue)> for UncheckedSetParam { + fn into(self) -> (String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue) { + let (k, v) = match self { + Self::Id(value) => ("id", value.into()), + Self::Name(value) => ("name", value.into()), + Self::Plugin(value) => ("plugin", value.into()), + Self::Description(value) => ("description", value.into()), + Self::Updated(value) => ("updated", value.into()), + Self::IconUrl(value) => ("iconUrl", value.into()), + Self::BannerUrl(value) => ("bannerUrl", value.into()), + Self::ExtraData(value) => ("extraData", value.into()), + }; + (k.to_string(), v) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::macros::select_factory!( + _select_instance, + select, + prisma::instance, + struct Data { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + id: id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "name")] + name: name::Type, + #[serde(rename = "plugin")] + plugin: plugin::Type, + #[serde(rename = "description")] + description: description::Type, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + updated: updated::Type, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + icon_url: icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "bannerUrl")] + banner_url: banner_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "extraData")] + extra_data: extra_data::Type, + }, + [ + (id, Scalar), + (name, Scalar), + (plugin, Scalar), + (description, Scalar), + (updated, Scalar), + (icon_url, Scalar), + (banner_url, Scalar), + (extra_data, Scalar) + ] + ); + pub enum SelectParam { + Id(id::Select), + Name(name::Select), + Plugin(plugin::Select), + Description(description::Select), + Updated(updated::Select), + IconUrl(icon_url::Select), + BannerUrl(banner_url::Select), + ExtraData(extra_data::Select), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for SelectParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + match self { + Self::Id(data) => data.into(), + Self::Name(data) => data.into(), + Self::Plugin(data) => data.into(), + Self::Description(data) => data.into(), + Self::Updated(data) => data.into(), + Self::IconUrl(data) => data.into(), + Self::BannerUrl(data) => data.into(), + Self::ExtraData(data) => data.into(), + } + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::macros::include_factory!( + _include_instance, + include, + prisma::instance, + struct Data { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + id: id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "name")] + name: name::Type, + #[serde(rename = "plugin")] + plugin: plugin::Type, + #[serde(rename = "description")] + description: description::Type, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + updated: updated::Type, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + icon_url: icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "bannerUrl")] + banner_url: banner_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "extraData")] + extra_data: extra_data::Type, + }, + [] + ); + pub enum IncludeParam { + Id(id::Include), + Name(name::Include), + Plugin(plugin::Include), + Description(description::Include), + Updated(updated::Include), + IconUrl(icon_url::Include), + BannerUrl(banner_url::Include), + ExtraData(extra_data::Include), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for IncludeParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + match self { + Self::Id(data) => data.into(), + Self::Name(data) => data.into(), + Self::Plugin(data) => data.into(), + Self::Description(data) => data.into(), + Self::Updated(data) => data.into(), + Self::IconUrl(data) => data.into(), + Self::BannerUrl(data) => data.into(), + Self::ExtraData(data) => data.into(), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub struct Create { + pub name: String, + pub plugin: String, + pub description: String, + pub extra_data: String, + pub _params: Vec, + } + impl Create { + pub fn to_query<'a>(self, client: &'a PrismaClient) -> CreateQuery<'a> { + client.instance().create( + self.name, + self.plugin, + self.description, + self.extra_data, + self._params, + ) + } + pub fn to_params(mut self) -> Vec { + self._params.extend([ + name::set(self.name), + plugin::set(self.plugin), + description::set(self.description), + extra_data::set(self.extra_data), + ]); + self._params + } + } + pub fn create( + name: String, + plugin: String, + description: String, + extra_data: String, + _params: Vec, + ) -> Create { + Create { + name, + plugin, + description, + extra_data, + _params, + } + } + #[derive( + Debug, + Clone, + :: serde :: Serialize, + :: serde :: Deserialize, + :: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type, + )] + # [specta (rename = "InstanceCreation" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] + pub struct CreateUnchecked { + #[serde(rename = "name")] + pub name: String, + #[serde(rename = "plugin")] + pub plugin: String, + #[serde(rename = "description")] + pub description: String, + #[serde(rename = "extraData")] + pub extra_data: String, + #[serde(skip)] + pub _params: Vec, + } + impl CreateUnchecked { + pub fn to_query<'a>(self, client: &'a PrismaClient) -> CreateUncheckedQuery<'a> { + client.instance().create_unchecked( + self.name, + self.plugin, + self.description, + self.extra_data, + self._params, + ) + } + pub fn to_params(mut self) -> Vec { + self._params.extend([ + name::set(self.name), + plugin::set(self.plugin), + description::set(self.description), + extra_data::set(self.extra_data), + ]); + self._params + } + } + pub fn create_unchecked( + name: String, + plugin: String, + description: String, + extra_data: String, + _params: Vec, + ) -> CreateUnchecked { + CreateUnchecked { + name, + plugin, + description, + extra_data, + _params, + } + } + #[derive( + Debug, + Clone, + :: serde :: Serialize, + :: serde :: Deserialize, + :: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type, + )] + # [specta (rename = "InstanceUpdate" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] + pub struct Update { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + pub id: id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "name", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub name: Option, + #[serde(rename = "plugin", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub plugin: Option, + #[serde(rename = "description", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub description: Option, + #[serde(rename = "updated", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub updated: Option, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub icon_url: icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "bannerUrl", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub banner_url: banner_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "extraData", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub extra_data: Option, + } + impl Update { + pub fn as_params(self) -> Vec { + let mut params = Vec::new(); + if let Some(field) = self.name { + params.push(name::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.plugin { + params.push(plugin::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.description { + params.push(description::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.updated { + params.push(updated::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.icon_url { + params.push(icon_url::set(Some(field))); + } + if let Some(field) = self.banner_url { + params.push(banner_url::set(Some(field))); + } + if let Some(field) = self.extra_data { + params.push(extra_data::set(field)); + } + params + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub struct Types; + impl ::prisma_client_rust::ModelTypes for Types { + type Data = Data; + type Where = WhereParam; + type WhereUnique = UniqueWhereParam; + type UncheckedSet = UncheckedSetParam; + type Set = SetParam; + type With = WithParam; + type OrderBy = OrderByWithRelationParam; + type Cursor = UniqueWhereParam; + const MODEL: &'static str = NAME; + fn scalar_selections() -> Vec<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> { + vec![ + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(id::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(name::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(plugin::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(description::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(updated::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(icon_url::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(banner_url::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(extra_data::NAME), + ] + } + } + #[derive( + Debug, + Clone, + :: serde :: Serialize, + :: serde :: Deserialize, + :: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type, + )] + # [specta (rename = "Instance" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] + pub struct Data { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + pub id: id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "name")] + pub name: name::Type, + #[serde(rename = "plugin")] + pub plugin: plugin::Type, + #[serde(rename = "description")] + pub description: description::Type, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + pub updated: updated::Type, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + pub icon_url: icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "bannerUrl")] + pub banner_url: banner_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "extraData")] + pub extra_data: extra_data::Type, + } + impl Data {} + ::prisma_client_rust::macros::partial_unchecked_factory!( + _partial_unchecked_instance, + prisma::instance, + struct Data { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + pub id: prisma::instance::id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "name")] + pub name: prisma::instance::name::Type, + #[serde(rename = "plugin")] + pub plugin: prisma::instance::plugin::Type, + #[serde(rename = "description")] + pub description: prisma::instance::description::Type, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + pub updated: prisma::instance::updated::Type, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + #[serde(default, with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] + pub icon_url: prisma::instance::icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "bannerUrl")] + #[serde(default, with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] + pub banner_url: prisma::instance::banner_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "extraData")] + pub extra_data: prisma::instance::extra_data::Type, + } + ); + ::prisma_client_rust::macros::filter_factory!( + _instance_filter, + prisma::instance, + [ + (id, Scalar), + (name, Scalar), + (plugin, Scalar), + (description, Scalar), + (updated, Scalar), + (icon_url, Scalar), + (banner_url, Scalar), + (extra_data, Scalar) + ] + ); + pub type UniqueArgs = ::prisma_client_rust::UniqueArgs; + pub type ManyArgs = ::prisma_client_rust::ManyArgs; + pub type CountQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Count<'a, Types>; + pub type CreateQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Create<'a, Types>; + pub type CreateUncheckedQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::CreateUnchecked<'a, Types>; + pub type CreateManyQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::CreateMany<'a, Types>; + pub type FindUniqueQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::FindUnique<'a, Types>; + pub type FindManyQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::FindMany<'a, Types>; + pub type FindFirstQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::FindFirst<'a, Types>; + pub type UpdateQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Update<'a, Types>; + pub type UpdateUncheckedQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::UpdateUnchecked<'a, Types>; + pub type UpdateManyQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::UpdateMany<'a, Types>; + pub type UpsertQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Upsert<'a, Types>; + pub type DeleteQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Delete<'a, Types>; + pub type DeleteManyQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::DeleteMany<'a, Types>; + #[derive(Clone)] + pub struct Actions<'a> { + pub client: &'a ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaClientInternals, + } + impl<'a> Actions<'a> { + pub fn find_unique(self, _where: UniqueWhereParam) -> FindUniqueQuery<'a> { + FindUniqueQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + pub fn find_first(self, _where: Vec) -> FindFirstQuery<'a> { + FindFirstQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + pub fn find_many(self, _where: Vec) -> FindManyQuery<'a> { + FindManyQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + pub fn create( + self, + name: String, + plugin: String, + description: String, + extra_data: String, + mut _params: Vec, + ) -> CreateQuery<'a> { + _params.extend([ + name::set(name), + plugin::set(plugin), + description::set(description), + extra_data::set(extra_data), + ]); + CreateQuery::new(self.client, _params) + } + pub fn create_unchecked( + self, + name: String, + plugin: String, + description: String, + extra_data: String, + mut _params: Vec, + ) -> CreateUncheckedQuery<'a> { + _params.extend([ + name::set(name), + plugin::set(plugin), + description::set(description), + extra_data::set(extra_data), + ]); + CreateUncheckedQuery::new(self.client, _params.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()) + } + pub fn create_many(self, data: Vec) -> CreateManyQuery<'a> { + let data = data.into_iter().map(CreateUnchecked::to_params).collect(); + CreateManyQuery::new(self.client, data) + } + pub fn update(self, _where: UniqueWhereParam, _params: Vec) -> UpdateQuery<'a> { + UpdateQuery::new(self.client, _where, _params, vec![]) + } + pub fn update_unchecked( + self, + _where: UniqueWhereParam, + _params: Vec, + ) -> UpdateUncheckedQuery<'a> { + UpdateUncheckedQuery::new( + self.client, + _where, + _params.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(), + vec![], + ) + } + pub fn update_many( + self, + _where: Vec, + _params: Vec, + ) -> UpdateManyQuery<'a> { + UpdateManyQuery::new(self.client, _where, _params) + } + pub fn upsert( + self, + _where: UniqueWhereParam, + _create: Create, + _update: Vec, + ) -> UpsertQuery<'a> { + UpsertQuery::new(self.client, _where, _create.to_params(), _update) + } + pub fn delete(self, _where: UniqueWhereParam) -> DeleteQuery<'a> { + DeleteQuery::new(self.client, _where, vec![]) + } + pub fn delete_many(self, _where: Vec) -> DeleteManyQuery<'a> { + DeleteManyQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + pub fn count(self, _where: Vec) -> CountQuery<'a> { + CountQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + } + pub mod banner_url { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "bannerUrl"; + pub type Type = Option; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub Option); + pub fn equals>(value: Option) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::BannerUrl(_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter, + BannerUrl, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: Option) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::BannerUrl(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub Option); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::BannerUrl(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: Option) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::BannerUrl(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::BannerUrl(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::BannerUrl(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::BannerUrl(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::BannerUrl(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod description { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "description"; + pub type Type = String; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub String); + pub fn equals>(value: String) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::Description(_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringFilter, + Description, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: String) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::Description(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub String); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Description(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: String) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Description(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Description(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Description(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::Description(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::Description(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod extra_data { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "extraData"; + pub type Type = String; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub String); + pub fn equals>(value: String) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::ExtraData(_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringFilter, + ExtraData, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: String) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::ExtraData(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub String); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ExtraData(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: String) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ExtraData(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ExtraData(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ExtraData(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::ExtraData(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::ExtraData(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod icon_url { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "iconUrl"; + pub type Type = Option; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub Option); + pub fn equals>(value: Option) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::IconUrl(_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter, + IconUrl, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: Option) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub Option); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: Option) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::IconUrl(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::IconUrl(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod id { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "id"; + pub type Type = Int; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub Int); + pub fn equals>(value: Int) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for UniqueWhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + UniqueWhereParam::IdEquals(v) + } + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::Id(_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!(_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter, Id, { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: Int) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: Int) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: Int) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: Int) -> Gte; + fn not(_: Int) -> Not; + }); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::Id(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub Int); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Id(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: Int) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::IntParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Id(v) + } + } + pub fn increment>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Increment(value)).into() + } + pub fn decrement>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Decrement(value)).into() + } + pub fn multiply>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Multiply(value)).into() + } + pub fn divide>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Divide(value)).into() + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Id(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Id(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::Id(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::Id(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod name { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "name"; + pub type Type = String; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub String); + pub fn equals>(value: String) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::Name(_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!(_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter, Name, { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: String) -> Not; + }); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::Name(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub String); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Name(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: String) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Name(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Name(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Name(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::Name(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::Name(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod plugin { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "plugin"; + pub type Type = String; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub String); + pub fn equals>(value: String) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::Plugin(_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringFilter, + Plugin, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: String) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::Plugin(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub String); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Plugin(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: String) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Plugin(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Plugin(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Plugin(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::Plugin(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::Plugin(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod updated { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "updated"; + pub type Type = DateTime; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub DateTime); + pub fn equals>(value: DateTime) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::Updated(_prisma::read_filters::DateTimeFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::DateTimeFilter, + Updated, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: DateTime) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: DateTime) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: DateTime) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: DateTime) -> Gte; + fn not(_: DateTime) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::Updated(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub DateTime); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Updated(_prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: DateTime) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Updated(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Updated(_prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Updated(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::Updated(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::Updated(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } +} +pub mod installed_mod { + use super::{_prisma::*, *}; + pub const NAME: &str = "InstalledMod"; + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum WhereParam { + Not(Vec), + Or(Vec), + And(Vec), + Id(super::_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter), + FileSize(super::_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter), + Updated(super::_prisma::read_filters::DateTimeFilter), + IconUrl(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter), + InstanceId(super::_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter), + Source(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter), + ProjectId(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter), + ProjectName(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter), + ProjectDesc(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter), + ProjectVersion(super::_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter), + } + impl ::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput for WhereParam { + fn serialize(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereInput { + let (name, value) = match self { + Self::Not(value) => ( + "NOT", + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object( + ::prisma_client_rust::merge_fields( + value + .into_iter() + .map(::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput::serialize) + .map(Into::into) + .collect(), + ), + ), + ), + Self::Or(value) => ( + "OR", + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::List( + value + .into_iter() + .map(::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput::serialize) + .map(|p| ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Object(vec![p.into()])) + .collect(), + ), + ), + Self::And(value) => ( + "AND", + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Object( + ::prisma_client_rust::merge_fields( + value + .into_iter() + .map(::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput::serialize) + .map(Into::into) + .collect(), + ), + ), + ), + Self::Id(value) => (id::NAME, value.into()), + Self::FileSize(value) => (file_size::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Updated(value) => (updated::NAME, value.into()), + Self::IconUrl(value) => (icon_url::NAME, value.into()), + Self::InstanceId(value) => (instance_id::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Source(value) => (source::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ProjectId(value) => (project_id::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ProjectName(value) => (project_name::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ProjectDesc(value) => (project_desc::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ProjectVersion(value) => (project_version::NAME, value.into()), + }; + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereInput::new(name.to_string(), value.into()) + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum UniqueWhereParam { + IdEquals(Int), + ProjectIdEquals(String), + } + impl ::prisma_client_rust::WhereInput for UniqueWhereParam { + fn serialize(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereInput { + let (name, value) = match self { + UniqueWhereParam::IdEquals(value) => ( + "id", + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Value( + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::Int(value), + ), + ), + UniqueWhereParam::ProjectIdEquals(value) => ( + "projectId", + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereValue::Value( + ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue::String(value), + ), + ), + }; + ::prisma_client_rust::SerializedWhereInput::new(name.to_string(), value.into()) + } + } + impl From<::prisma_client_rust::Operator> for WhereParam { + fn from(op: ::prisma_client_rust::Operator) -> Self { + match op { + ::prisma_client_rust::Operator::Not(value) => Self::Not(value), + ::prisma_client_rust::Operator::And(value) => Self::And(value), + ::prisma_client_rust::Operator::Or(value) => Self::Or(value), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum OrderByWithRelationParam { + Id(super::SortOrder), + FileSize(super::SortOrder), + Updated(super::SortOrder), + IconUrl(super::SortOrder), + InstanceId(super::SortOrder), + Source(super::SortOrder), + ProjectId(super::SortOrder), + ProjectName(super::SortOrder), + ProjectDesc(super::SortOrder), + ProjectVersion(super::SortOrder), + } + impl Into<(String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue)> for OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn into(self) -> (String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue) { + let (k, v) = match self { + Self::Id(param) => ("id", param.into()), + Self::FileSize(param) => ("fileSize", param.into()), + Self::Updated(param) => ("updated", param.into()), + Self::IconUrl(param) => ("iconUrl", param.into()), + Self::InstanceId(param) => ("instanceId", param.into()), + Self::Source(param) => ("source", param.into()), + Self::ProjectId(param) => ("projectId", param.into()), + Self::ProjectName(param) => ("projectName", param.into()), + Self::ProjectDesc(param) => ("projectDesc", param.into()), + Self::ProjectVersion(param) => ("projectVersion", param.into()), + }; + (k.to_string(), v) + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum WithParam {} + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for WithParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + match self {} + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum SetParam { + Id(super::_prisma::write_params::IntParam), + FileSize(super::_prisma::write_params::IntParam), + Updated(super::_prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam), + IconUrl(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + InstanceId(super::_prisma::write_params::IntParam), + Source(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + ProjectId(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + ProjectName(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + ProjectDesc(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + ProjectVersion(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + } + impl Into<(String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue)> for SetParam { + fn into(self) -> (String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue) { + let (k, v) = match self { + Self::Id(value) => (id::NAME, value.into()), + Self::FileSize(value) => (file_size::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Updated(value) => (updated::NAME, value.into()), + Self::IconUrl(value) => (icon_url::NAME, value.into()), + Self::InstanceId(value) => (instance_id::NAME, value.into()), + Self::Source(value) => (source::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ProjectId(value) => (project_id::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ProjectName(value) => (project_name::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ProjectDesc(value) => (project_desc::NAME, value.into()), + Self::ProjectVersion(value) => (project_version::NAME, value.into()), + }; + (k.to_string(), v) + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub enum UncheckedSetParam { + Id(super::_prisma::write_params::IntParam), + FileSize(super::_prisma::write_params::IntParam), + Updated(super::_prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam), + IconUrl(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + InstanceId(super::_prisma::write_params::IntParam), + Source(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + ProjectId(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + ProjectName(super::_prisma::write_params::StringParam), + ProjectDesc(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + ProjectVersion(super::_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam), + } + impl Into<(String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue)> for UncheckedSetParam { + fn into(self) -> (String, ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue) { + let (k, v) = match self { + Self::Id(value) => ("id", value.into()), + Self::FileSize(value) => ("fileSize", value.into()), + Self::Updated(value) => ("updated", value.into()), + Self::IconUrl(value) => ("iconUrl", value.into()), + Self::InstanceId(value) => ("instanceId", value.into()), + Self::Source(value) => ("source", value.into()), + Self::ProjectId(value) => ("projectId", value.into()), + Self::ProjectName(value) => ("projectName", value.into()), + Self::ProjectDesc(value) => ("projectDesc", value.into()), + Self::ProjectVersion(value) => ("projectVersion", value.into()), + }; + (k.to_string(), v) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::macros::select_factory!( + _select_installed_mod, + select, + prisma::installed_mod, + struct Data { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + id: id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "fileSize")] + file_size: file_size::Type, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + updated: updated::Type, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + icon_url: icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "instanceId")] + instance_id: instance_id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "source")] + source: source::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectId")] + project_id: project_id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectName")] + project_name: project_name::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectDesc")] + project_desc: project_desc::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectVersion")] + project_version: project_version::Type, + }, + [ + (id, Scalar), + (file_size, Scalar), + (updated, Scalar), + (icon_url, Scalar), + (instance_id, Scalar), + (source, Scalar), + (project_id, Scalar), + (project_name, Scalar), + (project_desc, Scalar), + (project_version, Scalar) + ] + ); + pub enum SelectParam { + Id(id::Select), + FileSize(file_size::Select), + Updated(updated::Select), + IconUrl(icon_url::Select), + InstanceId(instance_id::Select), + Source(source::Select), + ProjectId(project_id::Select), + ProjectName(project_name::Select), + ProjectDesc(project_desc::Select), + ProjectVersion(project_version::Select), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for SelectParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + match self { + Self::Id(data) => data.into(), + Self::FileSize(data) => data.into(), + Self::Updated(data) => data.into(), + Self::IconUrl(data) => data.into(), + Self::InstanceId(data) => data.into(), + Self::Source(data) => data.into(), + Self::ProjectId(data) => data.into(), + Self::ProjectName(data) => data.into(), + Self::ProjectDesc(data) => data.into(), + Self::ProjectVersion(data) => data.into(), + } + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::macros::include_factory!( + _include_installed_mod, + include, + prisma::installed_mod, + struct Data { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + id: id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "fileSize")] + file_size: file_size::Type, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + updated: updated::Type, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + icon_url: icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "instanceId")] + instance_id: instance_id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "source")] + source: source::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectId")] + project_id: project_id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectName")] + project_name: project_name::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectDesc")] + project_desc: project_desc::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectVersion")] + project_version: project_version::Type, + }, + [] + ); + pub enum IncludeParam { + Id(id::Include), + FileSize(file_size::Include), + Updated(updated::Include), + IconUrl(icon_url::Include), + InstanceId(instance_id::Include), + Source(source::Include), + ProjectId(project_id::Include), + ProjectName(project_name::Include), + ProjectDesc(project_desc::Include), + ProjectVersion(project_version::Include), + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for IncludeParam { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + match self { + Self::Id(data) => data.into(), + Self::FileSize(data) => data.into(), + Self::Updated(data) => data.into(), + Self::IconUrl(data) => data.into(), + Self::InstanceId(data) => data.into(), + Self::Source(data) => data.into(), + Self::ProjectId(data) => data.into(), + Self::ProjectName(data) => data.into(), + Self::ProjectDesc(data) => data.into(), + Self::ProjectVersion(data) => data.into(), + } + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub struct Create { + pub file_size: Int, + pub instance_id: Int, + pub source: String, + pub project_id: String, + pub project_name: String, + pub _params: Vec, + } + impl Create { + pub fn to_query<'a>(self, client: &'a PrismaClient) -> CreateQuery<'a> { + client.installed_mod().create( + self.file_size, + self.instance_id, + self.source, + self.project_id, + self.project_name, + self._params, + ) + } + pub fn to_params(mut self) -> Vec { + self._params.extend([ + file_size::set(self.file_size), + instance_id::set(self.instance_id), + source::set(self.source), + project_id::set(self.project_id), + project_name::set(self.project_name), + ]); + self._params + } + } + pub fn create( + file_size: Int, + instance_id: Int, + source: String, + project_id: String, + project_name: String, + _params: Vec, + ) -> Create { + Create { + file_size, + instance_id, + source, + project_id, + project_name, + _params, + } + } + #[derive( + Debug, + Clone, + :: serde :: Serialize, + :: serde :: Deserialize, + :: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type, + )] + # [specta (rename = "InstalledModCreation" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] + pub struct CreateUnchecked { + #[serde(rename = "fileSize")] + pub file_size: Int, + #[serde(rename = "instanceId")] + pub instance_id: Int, + #[serde(rename = "source")] + pub source: String, + #[serde(rename = "projectId")] + pub project_id: String, + #[serde(rename = "projectName")] + pub project_name: String, + #[serde(skip)] + pub _params: Vec, + } + impl CreateUnchecked { + pub fn to_query<'a>(self, client: &'a PrismaClient) -> CreateUncheckedQuery<'a> { + client.installed_mod().create_unchecked( + self.file_size, + self.instance_id, + self.source, + self.project_id, + self.project_name, + self._params, + ) + } + pub fn to_params(mut self) -> Vec { + self._params.extend([ + file_size::set(self.file_size), + instance_id::set(self.instance_id), + source::set(self.source), + project_id::set(self.project_id), + project_name::set(self.project_name), + ]); + self._params + } + } + pub fn create_unchecked( + file_size: Int, + instance_id: Int, + source: String, + project_id: String, + project_name: String, + _params: Vec, + ) -> CreateUnchecked { + CreateUnchecked { + file_size, + instance_id, + source, + project_id, + project_name, + _params, + } + } + #[derive( + Debug, + Clone, + :: serde :: Serialize, + :: serde :: Deserialize, + :: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type, + )] + # [specta (rename = "InstalledModUpdate" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] + pub struct Update { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + pub id: id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "fileSize", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub file_size: Option, + #[serde(rename = "updated", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub updated: Option, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub icon_url: icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "instanceId", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub instance_id: Option, + #[serde(rename = "source", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub source: Option, + #[serde(rename = "projectId", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub project_id: Option, + #[serde(rename = "projectName", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub project_name: Option, + #[serde(rename = "projectDesc", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub project_desc: project_desc::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectVersion", skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")] + pub project_version: project_version::Type, + } + impl Update { + pub fn as_params(self) -> Vec { + let mut params = Vec::new(); + if let Some(field) = self.file_size { + params.push(file_size::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.updated { + params.push(updated::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.icon_url { + params.push(icon_url::set(Some(field))); + } + if let Some(field) = self.instance_id { + params.push(instance_id::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.source { + params.push(source::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.project_id { + params.push(project_id::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.project_name { + params.push(project_name::set(field)); + } + if let Some(field) = self.project_desc { + params.push(project_desc::set(Some(field))); + } + if let Some(field) = self.project_version { + params.push(project_version::set(Some(field))); + } + params + } + } + #[derive(Debug, Clone)] + pub struct Types; + impl ::prisma_client_rust::ModelTypes for Types { + type Data = Data; + type Where = WhereParam; + type WhereUnique = UniqueWhereParam; + type UncheckedSet = UncheckedSetParam; + type Set = SetParam; + type With = WithParam; + type OrderBy = OrderByWithRelationParam; + type Cursor = UniqueWhereParam; + const MODEL: &'static str = NAME; + fn scalar_selections() -> Vec<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> { + vec![ + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(id::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(file_size::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(updated::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(icon_url::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(instance_id::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(source::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(project_id::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(project_name::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(project_desc::NAME), + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(project_version::NAME), + ] + } + } + #[derive( + Debug, + Clone, + :: serde :: Serialize, + :: serde :: Deserialize, + :: prisma_client_rust :: specta :: Type, + )] + # [specta (rename = "InstalledMod" , crate = prisma_client_rust :: specta)] + pub struct Data { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + pub id: id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "fileSize")] + pub file_size: file_size::Type, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + pub updated: updated::Type, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + pub icon_url: icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "instanceId")] + pub instance_id: instance_id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "source")] + pub source: source::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectId")] + pub project_id: project_id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectName")] + pub project_name: project_name::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectDesc")] + pub project_desc: project_desc::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectVersion")] + pub project_version: project_version::Type, + } + impl Data {} + ::prisma_client_rust::macros::partial_unchecked_factory!( + _partial_unchecked_installed_mod, + prisma::installed_mod, + struct Data { + #[serde(rename = "id")] + pub id: prisma::installed_mod::id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "fileSize")] + pub file_size: prisma::installed_mod::file_size::Type, + #[serde(rename = "updated")] + pub updated: prisma::installed_mod::updated::Type, + #[serde(rename = "iconUrl")] + #[serde(default, with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] + pub icon_url: prisma::installed_mod::icon_url::Type, + #[serde(rename = "instanceId")] + pub instance_id: prisma::installed_mod::instance_id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "source")] + pub source: prisma::installed_mod::source::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectId")] + pub project_id: prisma::installed_mod::project_id::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectName")] + pub project_name: prisma::installed_mod::project_name::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectDesc")] + #[serde(default, with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] + pub project_desc: prisma::installed_mod::project_desc::Type, + #[serde(rename = "projectVersion")] + #[serde(default, with = "::prisma_client_rust::serde::double_option")] + pub project_version: prisma::installed_mod::project_version::Type, + } + ); + ::prisma_client_rust::macros::filter_factory!( + _installed_mod_filter, + prisma::installed_mod, + [ + (id, Scalar), + (file_size, Scalar), + (updated, Scalar), + (icon_url, Scalar), + (instance_id, Scalar), + (source, Scalar), + (project_id, Scalar), + (project_name, Scalar), + (project_desc, Scalar), + (project_version, Scalar) + ] + ); + pub type UniqueArgs = ::prisma_client_rust::UniqueArgs; + pub type ManyArgs = ::prisma_client_rust::ManyArgs; + pub type CountQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Count<'a, Types>; + pub type CreateQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Create<'a, Types>; + pub type CreateUncheckedQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::CreateUnchecked<'a, Types>; + pub type CreateManyQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::CreateMany<'a, Types>; + pub type FindUniqueQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::FindUnique<'a, Types>; + pub type FindManyQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::FindMany<'a, Types>; + pub type FindFirstQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::FindFirst<'a, Types>; + pub type UpdateQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Update<'a, Types>; + pub type UpdateUncheckedQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::UpdateUnchecked<'a, Types>; + pub type UpdateManyQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::UpdateMany<'a, Types>; + pub type UpsertQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Upsert<'a, Types>; + pub type DeleteQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::Delete<'a, Types>; + pub type DeleteManyQuery<'a> = ::prisma_client_rust::DeleteMany<'a, Types>; + #[derive(Clone)] + pub struct Actions<'a> { + pub client: &'a ::prisma_client_rust::PrismaClientInternals, + } + impl<'a> Actions<'a> { + pub fn find_unique(self, _where: UniqueWhereParam) -> FindUniqueQuery<'a> { + FindUniqueQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + pub fn find_first(self, _where: Vec) -> FindFirstQuery<'a> { + FindFirstQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + pub fn find_many(self, _where: Vec) -> FindManyQuery<'a> { + FindManyQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + pub fn create( + self, + file_size: Int, + instance_id: Int, + source: String, + project_id: String, + project_name: String, + mut _params: Vec, + ) -> CreateQuery<'a> { + _params.extend([ + file_size::set(file_size), + instance_id::set(instance_id), + source::set(source), + project_id::set(project_id), + project_name::set(project_name), + ]); + CreateQuery::new(self.client, _params) + } + pub fn create_unchecked( + self, + file_size: Int, + instance_id: Int, + source: String, + project_id: String, + project_name: String, + mut _params: Vec, + ) -> CreateUncheckedQuery<'a> { + _params.extend([ + file_size::set(file_size), + instance_id::set(instance_id), + source::set(source), + project_id::set(project_id), + project_name::set(project_name), + ]); + CreateUncheckedQuery::new(self.client, _params.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect()) + } + pub fn create_many(self, data: Vec) -> CreateManyQuery<'a> { + let data = data.into_iter().map(CreateUnchecked::to_params).collect(); + CreateManyQuery::new(self.client, data) + } + pub fn update(self, _where: UniqueWhereParam, _params: Vec) -> UpdateQuery<'a> { + UpdateQuery::new(self.client, _where, _params, vec![]) + } + pub fn update_unchecked( + self, + _where: UniqueWhereParam, + _params: Vec, + ) -> UpdateUncheckedQuery<'a> { + UpdateUncheckedQuery::new( + self.client, + _where, + _params.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(), + vec![], + ) + } + pub fn update_many( + self, + _where: Vec, + _params: Vec, + ) -> UpdateManyQuery<'a> { + UpdateManyQuery::new(self.client, _where, _params) + } + pub fn upsert( + self, + _where: UniqueWhereParam, + _create: Create, + _update: Vec, + ) -> UpsertQuery<'a> { + UpsertQuery::new(self.client, _where, _create.to_params(), _update) + } + pub fn delete(self, _where: UniqueWhereParam) -> DeleteQuery<'a> { + DeleteQuery::new(self.client, _where, vec![]) + } + pub fn delete_many(self, _where: Vec) -> DeleteManyQuery<'a> { + DeleteManyQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + pub fn count(self, _where: Vec) -> CountQuery<'a> { + CountQuery::new(self.client, _where) + } + } + pub mod file_size { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "fileSize"; + pub type Type = Int; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub Int); + pub fn equals>(value: Int) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::FileSize(_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::IntFilter, + FileSize, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: Int) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: Int) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: Int) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: Int) -> Gte; + fn not(_: Int) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::FileSize(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub Int); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::FileSize(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: Int) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::IntParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::FileSize(v) + } + } + pub fn increment>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Increment(value)).into() + } + pub fn decrement>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Decrement(value)).into() + } + pub fn multiply>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Multiply(value)).into() + } + pub fn divide>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Divide(value)).into() + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::FileSize(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::FileSize(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::FileSize(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::FileSize(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod icon_url { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "iconUrl"; + pub type Type = Option; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub Option); + pub fn equals>(value: Option) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::IconUrl(_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter, + IconUrl, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: Option) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub Option); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: Option) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::IconUrl(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::IconUrl(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::IconUrl(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod id { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "id"; + pub type Type = Int; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub Int); + pub fn equals>(value: Int) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for UniqueWhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + UniqueWhereParam::IdEquals(v) + } + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::Id(_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!(_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter, Id, { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: Int) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: Int) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: Int) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: Int) -> Gte; + fn not(_: Int) -> Not; + }); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::Id(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub Int); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Id(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: Int) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::IntParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Id(v) + } + } + pub fn increment>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Increment(value)).into() + } + pub fn decrement>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Decrement(value)).into() + } + pub fn multiply>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Multiply(value)).into() + } + pub fn divide>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Divide(value)).into() + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Id(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Id(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::Id(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::Id(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod instance_id { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "instanceId"; + pub type Type = Int; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub Int); + pub fn equals>(value: Int) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::InstanceId(_prisma::read_filters::IntFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::IntFilter, + InstanceId, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: Int) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: Int) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: Int) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: Int) -> Gte; + fn not(_: Int) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::InstanceId(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub Int); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::InstanceId(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: Int) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::IntParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::InstanceId(v) + } + } + pub fn increment>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Increment(value)).into() + } + pub fn decrement>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Decrement(value)).into() + } + pub fn multiply>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Multiply(value)).into() + } + pub fn divide>(value: Int) -> T { + UpdateOperation(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Divide(value)).into() + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::InstanceId(_prisma::write_params::IntParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::InstanceId(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::InstanceId(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::InstanceId(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod project_desc { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "projectDesc"; + pub type Type = Option; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub Option); + pub fn equals>(value: Option) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::ProjectDesc(_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter, + ProjectDesc, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: Option) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::ProjectDesc(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub Option); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ProjectDesc(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: Option) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ProjectDesc(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ProjectDesc(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ProjectDesc(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::ProjectDesc(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::ProjectDesc(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod project_id { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "projectId"; + pub type Type = String; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub String); + pub fn equals>(value: String) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for UniqueWhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + UniqueWhereParam::ProjectIdEquals(v) + } + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::ProjectId(_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringFilter, + ProjectId, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: String) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::ProjectId(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub String); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ProjectId(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: String) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ProjectId(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ProjectId(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ProjectId(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::ProjectId(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::ProjectId(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod project_name { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "projectName"; + pub type Type = String; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub String); + pub fn equals>(value: String) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::ProjectName(_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringFilter, + ProjectName, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: String) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::ProjectName(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub String); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ProjectName(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: String) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ProjectName(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ProjectName(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ProjectName(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::ProjectName(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::ProjectName(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod project_version { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "projectVersion"; + pub type Type = Option; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub Option); + pub fn equals>(value: Option) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::ProjectVersion(_prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringNullableFilter, + ProjectVersion, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: Option) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::ProjectVersion(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub Option); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ProjectVersion(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: Option) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ProjectVersion(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::ProjectVersion(_prisma::write_params::StringNullableParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::ProjectVersion(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::ProjectVersion(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::ProjectVersion(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod source { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "source"; + pub type Type = String; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub String); + pub fn equals>(value: String) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::Source(_prisma::read_filters::StringFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::StringFilter, + Source, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: String) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: String) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: String) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: String) -> Gte; + fn contains(_: String) -> Contains; + fn starts_with(_: String) -> StartsWith; + fn ends_with(_: String) -> EndsWith; + fn not(_: String) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::Source(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub String); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Source(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: String) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::StringParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Source(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Source(_prisma::write_params::StringParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Source(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::Source(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::Source(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } + pub mod updated { + use super::super::{_prisma::*, *}; + use super::{SetParam, UncheckedSetParam, UniqueWhereParam, WhereParam, WithParam}; + pub const NAME: &str = "updated"; + pub type Type = DateTime; + pub type RecursiveSafeType = Type; + pub struct Equals(pub DateTime); + pub fn equals>(value: DateTime) -> T { + Equals(value).into() + } + impl From for WhereParam { + fn from(Equals(v): Equals) -> Self { + WhereParam::Updated(_prisma::read_filters::DateTimeFilter::Equals(v)) + } + } + ::prisma_client_rust::scalar_where_param_fns!( + _prisma::read_filters::DateTimeFilter, + Updated, + { + fn in_vec(_: Vec) -> InVec; + fn not_in_vec(_: Vec) -> NotInVec; + fn lt(_: DateTime) -> Lt; + fn lte(_: DateTime) -> Lte; + fn gt(_: DateTime) -> Gt; + fn gte(_: DateTime) -> Gte; + fn not(_: DateTime) -> Not; + } + ); + pub struct Order(SortOrder); + pub fn order>(v: SortOrder) -> T { + Order(v).into() + } + impl From for super::OrderByWithRelationParam { + fn from(Order(v): Order) -> Self { + Self::Updated(v) + } + } + pub struct Set(pub DateTime); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Updated(_prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam::Set(v)) + } + } + pub fn set>(value: DateTime) -> T { + Set(value).into() + } + pub struct UpdateOperation(pub _prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam); + impl From for SetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Updated(v) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(Set(v): Set) -> Self { + Self::Updated(_prisma::write_params::DateTimeParam::Set(v)) + } + } + impl From for UncheckedSetParam { + fn from(UpdateOperation(v): UpdateOperation) -> Self { + Self::Updated(v) + } + } + pub struct Select; + impl Into for Select { + fn into(self) -> super::SelectParam { + super::SelectParam::Updated(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Select { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + pub struct Include; + impl Into for Include { + fn into(self) -> super::IncludeParam { + super::IncludeParam::Updated(self) + } + } + impl Into<::prisma_client_rust::Selection> for Include { + fn into(self) -> ::prisma_client_rust::Selection { + ::prisma_client_rust::sel(NAME) + } + } + } +} diff --git a/crates/mcmeta/src/installer/libs.rs b/crates/mcmeta/src/installer/libs.rs index fcadd86..6df9e9f 100644 --- a/crates/mcmeta/src/installer/libs.rs +++ b/crates/mcmeta/src/installer/libs.rs @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -use std::{collections::HashMap, fs, path::PathBuf}; +use crate::vanilla::manifest::libraries::Library; use anyhow::Result; +use std::{collections::HashMap, fs, path::PathBuf}; use tokio_stream::StreamExt; -use crate::vanilla::manifest::libraries::Library; pub struct LibraryInstaller { /// A list of listeners. @@ -16,18 +16,26 @@ impl LibraryInstaller { } } - pub fn add_listener(&mut self, func: T) -> &mut Self where T: Fn(&PathBuf, u64, u64) + 'static { + pub fn add_listener(&mut self, func: T) -> &mut Self + where + T: Fn(&PathBuf, u64, u64) + 'static, + { self.listeners.push(Box::new(func)); self } /// Download library files into a root directory. - /// + /// /// Args: /// - root: The root of the library folder. /// - libs: The libraries to download. /// - features: Enabled launcher features. - pub async fn install_libraries(&self, root: PathBuf, libs: Vec, features: &HashMap) -> Result<()> { + pub async fn install_libraries( + &self, + root: PathBuf, + libs: Vec, + features: &HashMap, + ) -> Result<()> { for lib in libs { let files = lib.get_files(features); diff --git a/crates/mcmeta/src/installer/mod.rs b/crates/mcmeta/src/installer/mod.rs index 5fa41ac..80466e8 100644 --- a/crates/mcmeta/src/installer/mod.rs +++ b/crates/mcmeta/src/installer/mod.rs @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ -pub mod manifest; pub mod libs; +pub mod manifest; diff --git a/crates/mcmeta/src/maven/artifact.rs b/crates/mcmeta/src/maven/artifact.rs index a378a3b..d9f46e6 100644 --- a/crates/mcmeta/src/maven/artifact.rs +++ b/crates/mcmeta/src/maven/artifact.rs @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ impl Artifact { let data = data.as_ref(); let raw = data.split("@").collect::>(); let mut data = raw.get(0).unwrap().split(":"); - + let ext = if raw.len() > 1 { raw.get(1).unwrap().to_string() } else { diff --git a/crates/plugins/src/lib.rs b/crates/plugins/src/lib.rs index a462674..e87efd2 100644 --- a/crates/plugins/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/plugins/src/lib.rs @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ //! # Plugins for Wormhole. //! //! This implements all of Wormhole's plugins and game supports. -