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maros316 edited this page Feb 17, 2020 · 10 revisions


Argument Type Description
fetchXmlData String CRM fetch in XML representation.
success function(result) A callback function for successful asynchronous result. The result argument will carry the objects array of type specified by resultformat XML attribute (Array, JSON, XML or DynamicEntities).
failed function(error) A callback function for command failure. The error argument will carry the error message.
scope A scope for calling the callbacks; set "null" to call the callbacks in global scope.

This example demonstrates how to fetch a list of accounts and process their names using XML fetch query.

var xmlData = '<fetch resultformat="Array"><entity name="account"><attribute name="accountid"/>' +
	'<attribute name="name"/></entity></fetch>';
MobileCRM.FetchXml.Fetch.executeFromXML(xmlData, function (result) {
	for (var i in result) {
		var props = result[i];
		processAccount(props[0], props[1]);
}, function (err) {
	MobileCRM.bridge.alert("Error fetching accounts: " + err);
}, null);
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