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rescocrm edited this page Sep 23, 2024 · 15 revisions

JavascriptBridge Reference

The MobileCRM namespace encapsulates all the functionality of the Resco MobileCRM Javascript Bridge (later JSBridge)

MobileCRM Namespace

Namespace Description
FetchXml Contains a set of objects implementing the FetchXML request methods
UI Contains a set of objects implementing the Javascript equivalent of the MobileCRM application UI components.
UI.DetailViewItems Contains a set of objects representing particular detail view items.
Services Contains non-UI classes for accessing documents...
Services.Workflow Contains objects accessing the Dynamics 365 workflow.


Property Description
bridge Singleton instance of MobileCRM.Bridge providing the management of the Javascript / native code cross-calls.


Object Descripton
MobileCRM.AboutInfo [v8.2] Represents the branding information.
MobileCRM.ActivityParty Person or group associated with an activity. An activity can have multiple activity parties.
MobileCRM.Application Encapsulates the application-related functionality.
MobileCRM.Bridge Provides the management of the Javascript/native code cross-calls. Its only instance MobileCRM.bridge is created immediately after the "JSBridge.js" script is loaded.
MobileCRM.Configuration Provides an access to the application configuration.
MobileCRM.CultureInfo [v10.2] Provides information about current device culture. The information includes the names for the culture, the writing system, the calendar used, and formatting for dates.
MobileCRM.DateTimeFormat [v10.2] Provides culture-specific information about the format of date and time values.
MobileCRM.DynamicEntity Represents a CRM entity, with only a subset of properties loaded.
MobileCRM.GlobalConstants Provides access to the global constants.
MobileCRM.Localization A static object with functions allowing to access the localized texts.
MobileCRM.ManyToManyReference A static object with functions managing many to many relations.
MobileCRM.MetaEntity Represents an entity metadata.
MobileCRM.MetaProperty Represents a property (CRM field) metadata.
MobileCRM.Metadata A static object with functions for accessing the entity metadata store.
MobileCRM.MobileReport Provides a functionality of mobile reporting.
MobileCRM.NumberFormat [v10.2] Provides culture-specific information for formatting and parsing numeric values.
MobileCRM.OAuthSettings [v12.4] Represents the settings what are used to authenticate using OAuth server account.
MobileCRM.ObservableObject Represents a generic object which is monitoring the changes of its properties.
MobileCRM.Platform Represents object for querying platform specific information and executing platform integrated actions.
MobileCRM.Questionnaire Provides a functionality for questionnaires.
MobileCRM.Reference Represents an entity reference which provides the minimum information about an entity.
MobileCRM.Relationship Represents a relationship between two entities.
MobileCRM._DeviceInfo Represents the device information.
MobileCRM._Settings Internal object representing the application settings.
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