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Maros Kolibas edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 3 revisions

MobileCRM.Services.HttpWebRequest Object

[v11.0] Instance of http web request.


Property Type Description
userName String The authentication user name.
password String The authentication password.
method String The http method to use for the request (e.g. "POST", "GET", "PUT").
headers Object An object of additional header key/value pairs to send along with requests using the HttpWebRequest.
contentType String The htt request data content type.
allowRedirect Boolean The http allows servers to redirect a client request to a different location.
responseEncoding String The http web response encoding type. (default: UTF-8), e.g. Base64, ASCII, UTF-8, Binary in case of blob.
responseType String The HttpWebResponse content type.


Method Description
send [v11.0] Allow to send http web request against an HTTP server.
setBody [v11.0] Set content body of http web request.
setCredentials [v10.4] Set Network credentials information.
setResponseEncoding [v11.0] Set encoding for content type of http web response.
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