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rescocrm edited this page Aug 2, 2024 · 9 revisions

[v10.2] Updates specified HomeItem in specific group.


Argument Type Description
items Array A list of group and subgroups representing the path to the home item.
title String The title for the home item.
subTitle String The title for the home item.
badge String The title for the home item.
errorCallback function(errorMsg) The errorCallback which is called in case of error.
scope Object The scope for callbacks.

This example demonstrates how to update title, subtitle and badge of a home form item.

var items = ["#Main Group", "#Subgroup", "@@My html;file://myIFrame.html"];
MobileCRM.UI.HomeForm.updateHomeItemAsync(items, "My iFrame", "My subtitle", "1", MobileCRM.bridge.alert);
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