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Maros Kolibas edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 2 revisions

MobileCRM.UI.MediaTab Object

Represents the MediaTab controller.


Property Type Description


Method Description
capturePhoto Captures photo on this media tab.
clear Clears the content of this media tab.
export Saves to file to disk.
getData [v8.0] Gets the media tab document in form of base64 string.
getDataAsync [v8.0] Gets the media tab document in form of base64 string.
getDocumentInfo [v8.0.1] Asynchronously gets the media tab view object.
getNoteSubject [v10.1] Asynchronously gets the subject text of the note loaded on the media tab.
isEmpty [v9.0.2] Asynchronously gets the boolean value indicating whether the media tab content is empty or not.
open Opens the loaded document in a external application. Which application is platform specific.
print Prints the document.
recordAudio Executes the record audio command on this media tab.
recordVideo Executes the record video command on this media tab.
selectFile Executes the select file command on this media tab.
selectPhoto Executes the select photo command on this media tab.
setCommandsMask [v11.1] Sets the mask of allowed document actions.
setEditable [v11.1] Marks the MediaTab as editable.
setNoteSubject [v10.1] Asynchronously sets the name of the note to load (and save).


Function Description
getData [v8.0] Gets the media tab document in form of base64 string.
getDataAsync [v8.0] Gets the media tab document in form of base64 string.
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