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Maros Kolibas edited this page Nov 28, 2019 · 1 revision

MobileCRM.UI._EntityList Object

Represents the Javascript equivalent of the entity list controller object.


Property Type Description
allowAddExisting Boolean Gets or sets whether adding an existing entity is allowed. If false only the creation of new entities is allowed, otherwise the user can selected an existing entity. Adding an existing entity works only when the list is displaying a list of related entities.
allowedViews Object Gets or sets the allowed views (e.g. {"view1":"Label 1", "view2":"Label 2"};).
entityName String Gets the name of the entities in this list.
hasMapViews Boolean Gets whether the list has a view that can be displayed on map.
internalName String Gets the internal list name. Used for localization and image lookup.
isDirty Boolean Gets or sets whether the list is dirty.
isLoaded Boolean Gets or sets whether the list is loaded.
listButtons Array Gets or sets the list buttons.
listView MobileCRM.UI._ListView Gets the list view control.
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