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Simplify lomc! arguments (#223)
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* avoid `params`

* fix tests, kwarg address

* doc changes

* more doc changes

* Rework BHM-example.jl,
new function `default_starting_vector`

* add tests

* fix tests

* improve docs

* simplify code

* remove params from G2-example.jl


Co-authored-by: Joachim Brand <>
  • Loading branch information
joachimbrand and joachimbrand authored Nov 26, 2023
1 parent 03c1d93 commit d6e0dc9
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Showing 8 changed files with 243 additions and 138 deletions.
8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions docs/make.jl
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Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ end

format=Documenter.HTML(prettyurls = false),
prettyurls = false,
size_threshold=500_000, # 500 kB
size_threshold_warn=200_000, # 200 kB
"Guide" => "",
"Examples" => EXAMPLES_PAIRS[sortperm(EXAMPLES_NUMS)],
Expand All @@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ makedocs(;
authors="Joachim Brand <>",
doctest=false # Doctests are done while testing.
doctest=false, # Doctests are done while testing.

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165 changes: 87 additions & 78 deletions scripts/BHM-example.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,103 +11,112 @@
# `Rimu` for FCIQMC calculation;

using Rimu
using Random
using Plots # for plotting

# ## Setting up the model

# Now we define the physical problem:
# Setting the number of lattice sites `m = 6`;
# and the number of particles `n = 6`:
m = n = 6
# Generating a configuration that particles are evenly distributed:
aIni = near_uniform(BoseFS{n,m})
# where `BoseFS` is used to create a bosonic system.
# The Hamiltonian is defined based on the configuration `aIni`,
# with additional onsite interaction strength `u = 6.0`
# and the hopping strength `t = 1.0`:
# Generating a configuration where 6 particles are evenly distributed in 6 lattice sites:
aIni = near_uniform(BoseFS{6,6})
# where `BoseFS` is used to create a bosonic Fock state.
# The Hamiltonian is defined by specifying the model and the parameters.
# Here we use the Bose Hubbard model in one dimension and real space:
= HubbardReal1D(aIni; u = 6.0, t = 1.0)

# ## Parameters of the calculation

# Now let's setup the Monte Carlo calculation.
# We need to decide the number of walkers to use in this Monte Carlo run, which is
# equivalent to the average one-norm of the coefficient vector:
targetwalkers = 1_000;

# It is good practice to equilibrate the time series before taking statistics.
steps_equilibrate = 1_000;
steps_measure = 2_000;

# The appropriate size of the time step is problem dependent.
= 0.001;

# ## Defining an observable

# Now let's set up an observable to measure. Here we will measure the projected energy.
# In additon to the `shift`, the projected energy is a second estimator for the energy.

# We first need to define a projector. Here we use the function `default_starting_vector`
# to generate a vector with only a single occupied configuration, the same vector that we
# will use as starting vector for the FCIQMC calculation.
svec = default_starting_vector(aIni; style=IsStochasticInteger())
# The choice of the `style` argument already determines the FCIQMC algorithm to use
# (while it is irrelevant for the projected energy).

# Now let's setup the Monte Carlo settings.
# The number of walkers to use in this Monte Carlo run:
targetwalkers = 1_000
# The number of time steps before doing statistics,
# i.e. letting the walkers to sample Hilbert and to equilibrate:
steps_equilibrate = 1_000
# And the number of time steps used for getting statistics,
# e.g. time-average of shift, projected energy, walker numbers, etc.:
steps_measure = 2_000

# Set the size of a time step
= 0.001
# and we report QMC data every k-th step,
# set the interval to record QMC data:
reporting_interval = 1

# Now we prepare initial state and allocate memory.
# The initial address is defined above as `aIni = near_uniform(Ĥ)`.
# Putting one of walkers into the initial address `aIni`
svec = DVec(aIni => 1)
# Let's plant a seed for the random number generator to get consistent result:

# Now let's setup all the FCIQMC strategies.

# Passing dτ and total number of time steps into params:
params = RunTillLastStep(dτ = dτ, laststep = steps_equilibrate + steps_measure)
# Strategy for updating the shift:
s_strat = DoubleLogUpdate(targetwalkers = targetwalkers, ζ = 0.08)
# Strategy for reporting info:
r_strat = ReportDFAndInfo(reporting_interval = reporting_interval, info_interval = 100)
# Strategy for updating dτ:
τ_strat = ConstantTimeStep()
# set up the calculation and reporting of the projected energy
# in this case we are projecting onto the starting vector,
# which contains a single configuration
post_step = ProjectedEnergy(Ĥ, copy(svec))

# Print out info about what we are doing:
println("Finding ground state for:")
println("Strategies for run:")
println(params, s_strat)
# Observables are passed into the `lomc!` function with the `post_step` keyword argument.
post_step = ProjectedEnergy(Ĥ, svec)

# ## Running the calculation

# Seeding the random number generator is sometimes useful in order to get reproducible
# results
using Random

# Finally, we can start the main FCIQMC loop:
df, state = lomc!(Ĥ,svec;
laststep = steps_equilibrate + steps_measure,
df, state = lomc!(Ĥ, svec;
laststep = steps_equilibrate + steps_measure, # total number of steps

# Here is how to save the output data stored in `df` into a `.arrow` file,
# which can be read in later:
println("Writing data to disk...")
save_df("fciqmcdata.arrow", df)
# `df` is a `DataFrame` containing the time series data.

# ## Analysing the results

# Now let's look at the calculated energy from the shift.
# Loading the equilibrated data
qmcdata = last(df,steps_measure);
# We can plot the norm of the coefficient vector as a function of the number of steps:
hline([targetwalkers], label="targetwalkers", color=:red, linestyle=:dash)
plot!(df.steps, df.norm, label="norm", ylabel="norm", xlabel="steps")
# After some equilibriation steps, the norm fluctuates around the target number of walkers.

# compute the average shift and its standard error
se = shift_estimator(qmcdata)
# Now let's look at estimating the energy from the shift.
# The mean of the shift is a useful estimator of the shift. Calculating the error bars
# is a bit more involved as correlations have to be removed from the time series.
# The following code does that with blocking transformations:
se = shift_estimator(df; skip=steps_equilibrate)

# For the projected energy, it a bit more complicated as it's a ratio of two means:
pe = projected_energy(qmcdata)
# For the projected energy, it a bit more complicated as it's a ratio of fluctuationg
# quantities:
pe = projected_energy(df; skip=steps_equilibrate)

# The result is a ratio distribution. Let's get its median and lower and upper error bars
# for a 95% confidence interval
v = val_and_errs(pe; p=0.95)

# Let's visualise these estimators together with the time series of the shift
plot(df.steps, df.shift, ylabel="energy", xlabel="steps", label="shift")

plot!(x->se.mean, df.steps[steps_equilibrate+1:end], ribbon=se.err, label="shift mean")
x -> v.val, df.steps[steps_equilibrate+1:end], ribbon=(v.val_l,v.val_u),
# In this case the projected energy and the shift are close to each other an the error bars
# are hard to see on this scale.

# The problem was just a toy example, as the dimension of the Hamiltonian is rather small:

# In this case is easy (and more efficient) to calculate the exact ground state energy
# using standard linear algebra:
using LinearAlgebra
exact_energy = eigvals(Matrix(Ĥ))[1]
# Read more about `Rimu.jl`s capabilities for exact diagonalisation in the example
# "Exact diagonalisation".

# Comparing our results for the energy:
println("Energy from $steps_measure steps with $targetwalkers walkers:
Shift: $(se.mean) ± $(se.err);
Projected Energy: $(v.val) ± ($(v.val_l), $(v.val_u))")
Shift: $(se.mean) ± $(se.err)
Projected Energy: $(v.val) ± ($(v.val_l), $(v.val_u))
Exact Energy: $exact_energy")

# Finished!

using Test #hide
@test isfile("fciqmcdata.arrow") #hide
@test se.mean -4.0215 rtol=0.1 #hide
rm("fciqmcdata.arrow", force=true) #hide
@test se.mean -4.0215 rtol=0.1; #hide
13 changes: 3 additions & 10 deletions scripts/G2-example.jl
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Expand Up @@ -53,21 +53,14 @@ targetwalkers = 100;

# Other FCIQMC parameters and strategies are the same as before
= 0.001
reporting_interval = 1
svec = DVec(aIni => 1)
params = RunTillLastStep(dτ = dτ, laststep = steps_equilibrate + steps_measure)
s_strat = DoubleLogUpdate(targetwalkers = targetwalkers, ζ = 0.08)
r_strat = ReportDFAndInfo(reporting_interval = reporting_interval, info_interval = 100)
τ_strat = ConstantTimeStep();

# Now we run the main FCIQMC loop:
df, state = lomc!(H, svec;
laststep = steps_equilibrate + steps_measure,

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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Rimu.jl
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Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ include("StatsTools/StatsTools.jl")
@reexport using .StatsTools

export lomc!
export default_starting_vector
export FciqmcRunStrategy, RunTillLastStep
export ShiftStrategy, LogUpdate, LogUpdateAfterTargetWalkers
export DontUpdate, DoubleLogUpdate, DoubleLogUpdateAfterTargetWalkers
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