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@github-actions github-actions released this 19 Jan 04:54
· 55 commits to develop since this release

Rimu v0.11.0

Diff since v0.10.2

A minor breaking release with mostly new functionality and minor changes in behaviour that are strictly breaking, but most old scripts should run without changes.

New features

  • Number non-conserving Fock state OccupationNumberFS #234
  • Observables SuperfluidCorrelator and StringCorrelator for 1D Hubbard chains #227

Changed behaviour

  • Fock states can be constructed by passing occupation numbers directly into constructors for BoseFS, FermiFS, and OccupationNumberFS #234
  • Rules related to the initiator method are now exported and can be passed into lomc! with a keyword argument #236

Bug fixes

  • in single_particle_density, #225
  • in BernoulliSpawning, #233
  • Benchmark tune file updated to work with latest package version

Breaking changes

  • BoseFS(m::Integer) was previously interpreted as the vacuum state (zero particles) with m modes, but is now interpreted as a state with m particles in a single mode. Use BoseFS(m::Integer, 1=>0) to construct the vacuum state with m modes.

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Bug in single_particle_density with CompositeFS (#224)
  • Potential bug in Bernoulli spawning (#232)