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@github-actions github-actions released this 13 Sep 03:22
· 24 commits to develop since this release

Rimu v0.13.0

Diff since v0.12.0

Breaking changes

  • Changes to the AbstractHamiltonian interface: The function allowed_address_type is removed and replaced by the function allows_address_type, which takes two arguments, an operator and a type and returns a boolean.

New features

  • AbstractOperator is a new abstract type that can be used for operators that are to be used as observables, e.g. for calculating their dot products in the context of a ReplicaStrategy. AbstractOperator is a supertype of AbstractHamiltonian and has a similar interface but doesn't require starting_address.
  • VectorInterface.scalartype is defined for AbstractHamiltonian and AbstractOperator to define the underlying scalar type. In contrast, eltype defines the type returned by diagonal_element, offdiagonals, and the three-way dot product. This may be an array for AbstractOperator only. For AbstractHamiltonians the etype and scalartype should be identical.
  • Attempting to use a complex Hamiltonian with ProjectorMonteCarloProblem throws an error.
  • The SingleParticleExcitation and TwoParticleExcitation operators, which can be used to compute reduced density matrices were added.
  • ExtendedHubbardReal1D now supports twisted boundary conditions and complex hopping strengths.
  • The number of MPI calls during a projector Monte Carlo run has been reduced.

Merged pull requests:

Closed issues:

  • Documentation: consistently denote Fock-space operators with hats (#230)
  • ERROR: UndefVarError: ProjectorMonteCarloProblem not defined (#259)
  • Documentation of releases is not properly saved (#266)