This is a Website made by me for the Jaipur Metro Signal and Telecom Department.
Client: HTML,CSS,Javascript,React
Server: Node, Express,Mongo DB
- Login/Logout
- Add New User
- Reset Password
- Mark Attendence
- Apply for leave
- Google Sheet to list down faults in System
- User can login using 2 Methods either he can create his own id on the platform or login using google id.
- There is a special email address whose password(=password) is only know to the administrator and is given some special features like accepting the leave request.
- To add a new user you have to provide name,email id and a password.
- To mark attendence you have to click Mark attendence button and automatically the attendence will be marked of you. You can view in the list below.
- To apply for leave you have to specify you name and reason for leave. You can also delete your request. You can also view that you request is approved by administrator or not.
- In faults option there will be a google sheet where if you have editing rights then you can edit that sheet else you will only be able to view that sheet.
- In order to reset your password you have to click forgot password option.The specify your email and click next. After that click on Generate OTP and an OTP will be mailed to you on email id that you specified. The type the OTP and click verify. After you typed correct OTP you will have option to reset your password.
To run in your machine
git clone
npm i
npm run both
Make sure you have MongoDb compass installed in your system.
The React App frontend will run on localhost:3000
The React App backend will run on localhost:3001