The suite of observation matcher experiments conducted for the article "A model template for reachability-based containment checking of imprecise observations in timed automata" to be published in the international journal "Software and Systems Modeling" (SoSyM).
The raw experiment data generated for the article can be found in the archive res/
In this section, you will find instructions to set up the Uppyyl Observation Matcher Experiments on your local machine. The setup was tested in the TACAS 23 Artifact Evaluation VM. For the setup in the TACAS 23 VM, execute the initial steps described in the first subsection of the prerequisites section; otherwise, skip that part.
NOTE: The setup of Oracle VM VirtualBox might not work properly under MacOS/Arm64. If that is the case, you can still try to install the experiments directly on your machine instead of using the TACAS VM.
- Download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox.
- Note: For MacOS, only Intel hardware is fully supported yet.
- (MacOS only) Add a Host-only network adapter in the settings of VirtualBox.
- Download and import the TACAS 23 Artifact Evaluation VM appliance.
- Enable the network adapter ("host-only" under MacOS):
- Settings -> Network -> Enable Network Adapter
- (Optional) Add the VBoxGuestAdditions, e.g., for adapting the screen resolution in the VM:
- Start the TACAS VM
- Username / Password: tacas23
- Create a folder in the VM under "Documents" were all data should be stored, and open a
there for the remaining setup steps.
Install Python3.8 for this project (sudo
may be required).
apt-get update
add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
apt-get install python3.8
apt-get install python3.8-distutils
Install any recent version of git (sudo
may be required).
apt-get update
apt-get install git
If you want to install the project in a dedicated virtual environment, first install virtualenv (sudo
may be required):
python3.8 -m pip install virtualenv
You may need to add the path to the virtualenv tool to the PATH
environment variable:
export PATH=<path_to_bin_dir_with_virtualenv>:$PATH
(e.g., export PATH=/home/tacas23/.local/bin:$PATH)
Afterwards, create a virtual environment (sudo
may be required):
cd <project_folder>
virtualenv om-env
Then, activate the virtual environment on macOS and Linux via:
source ./om-env/bin/activate
or on Windows via:
source .\om-env\Scripts\activate
The Uppaal model checking tool (tested with version 4.1.24) is required to perform the actual checking on the generated matcher model.
The experiments use the Uppyyl Observation Matcher packages.
Before installing the Uppyyl Observation Matcher Experiments, make sure that you successfully installed the Uppyyl Observation Matcher packages (i.e., uppaal_c_language
, uppaal_model
, and uppyyl_observation_matcher
) first, which provide the functionalities used in the experiments.
To install the Uppyyl Observation Matcher Experiments, first clone the repository:
cd <project_folder>
git clone
Then install the package with the following command (sudo
may be required):
python3.8 -m pip install -e ./uppyyl-observation-matcher-experiments/
Out of the box, the experiments will be executed only for the example model developed in the journal article.
Some experiments also used a subset of the benchmark models included in the official Uppaal distribution.
To use the Uppaal demo model suite, copy the 2doors.xml
, bridge.xml
, fischer.xml
, fischer-symmetry.xml
, interrupt.xml
, train-gate.xml
, and train-gate-orig.xml
models to ./res/uppaal_demo_models
Furthermore, for the case-study-based models, copy the csmacd2.xml
model (converted from csma_input_02 to xml
with Uppaal) and the tdma.xml
model (described in detail in [LP97]) to ./res/uppaal_demo_models/case-study
In the fischer.xml
and fischer-symmetry.xml
models, change the value of the variable N
to 3.
Also, add observable helper variables to the model csmacd2.xml
if you want to use it in the experiment suite (in our experiments, we added the variables "t", "P0_state", "P1_state", and "P2_state").
To finally enable the models for the experiments, uncomment the corresponding model data under uppyyl_observation_matcher_experiments/backend/experiments/systematic_experiments/
To run the experiments CLI tool, first set the correct path to the bin
directory of Uppaal in the config.ini
at uppyyl-observation-matcher-experiments/res/config.ini
Afterwards, switch to the experiments project directory:
cd uppyyl-observation-matcher-experiments
Then, execute the following command:
python3.8 -m uppyyl_observation_matcher_experiments
Via the CLI, you can run all experiments via run
, or specific experiments via run exp_name
(e.g., run exp.systematic.pos_and_neg_obs
The project suite contains the following experiment files (located in uppyyl_observation_matcher_experiments/experiments
: Contains the introductory example first described in the article section "Introduction" and later used in the section "Matcher model".- Inputs:
: The introduction model.res/example_models/introduction_example/observation.csv
: The example observation.
- Outputs:
- Experiments:
: Matches the example observation with the full-featured matcher system derived from the introduction model.
- Executed in the CLI tool via
run exp.examples.introduction
- Inputs:
: Contains the systematic experiments for correct classification of observations, and the comparison of matcher types, observation types, observation sizes, and observation extents.- Inputs:
- The introduction model
located inres/example_models/introduction_example
- The experiment model suite (paths defined in
, models located inres/uppaal_demo_models
)- Included models:
- Included models:
- The introduction model
- Outputs:
- Classification results, performance data
- Experiments:
: Checks correctness of classification for positive and negative observations. Executed in the CLI tool viarun exp.systematic.pos_and_neg_obs
: Compares matching run times for different matcher types ("R", "B", "BP", "BD", "BL", "BS", "BC", "BSC", and "All"). Executed in the CLI tool viarun exp.systematic.matcher_types
: Compares matching run times for different observation types ("B", "P", "D", "L", "S", "C", "All"). Executed in the CLI tool viarun exp.systematic.obs_types
: Compares matching run times for different observation sizes (between 1 and 200). Executed in the CLI tool viarun exp.systematic.obs_sizes
: Compares matching run times for different observation extents (between 0 and 200). Executed in the CLI tool viarun exp.systematic.obs_extents
- Inputs:
- Sascha Lehmann - Initial work - S-Lehmann
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- The Uppaal model checking tool can be found at
- The project is associated with the Institute for Software Systems at Hamburg University of Technology.