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Uppyyl State Constructor Experiments

The suite of state constructor experiments conducted for the article "Bounded DBM-Based Clock State Construction for Timed Automata in Uppaal" to be published in the "International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer" (STTT).

Getting Started

In this section, you will find instructions to setup the Uppyyl State Constructor Experiments on your local machine.



Install Python >=3.8 for this project.

Virtual Environment

If you want to install the project in a dedicated virtual environment, first install virtualenv:

python3.8 -m pip install virtualenv

And create a virtual environment:

cd project_folder
virtualenv uppyyl-env

Then, activate the virtual environment on macOS and Linux via:

source ./uppyyl-env/bin/activate

or on Windows via:

source .\uppyyl-env\Scripts\activate


Note that the experiments use the Uppyyl Simulator and Uppyyl State Constructor packages, which need to be installed beforehand.


To install the Uppyyl State Constructor directly from GitHub, run the following command:

python3.8 -m pip install -e git+

To install the project from a local directory instead, run:

python3.8 -m pip install -e path_to_project_root

NOTE: Some model-based experiments use a subset of the benchmark models included in the official Uppaal distribution. For these experiments, copy the 2doors.xml, bridge.xml, fischer.xml, fischer-symmetry.xml, train-gate.xml, and train-gate-orig.xml models to ./res/uppaal_demo_models. Furthermore, for the case-study-based models, copy the csmacd2.xml model (converted from csma_input_02 to xml with Uppaal) and the tdma.xml model (described in detail in [LP97]) to ./res/uppaal_demo_models/case-study.


To run the experiments CLI tool, first switch to the experiments project directory:

cd path_to_uppyyl_state_constructor_experiments

Then, execute the following command:

python3.8 -m uppyyl_state_constructor_experiments

Via the CLI, you can run all experiments via run, or specific experiments via run exp_name (e.g., run exp.gen_seq.var_clocks)


The project suite contains the following experiment files (located in uppyyl_state_constructor_experiments/experiments):

  1. approach_examples/ Contains the examples of the article sections "Overapproximation Phase (O-phase)" and "Constraint Phase (C-phase)"

    • Inputs:
      • Statically defined operation sequence S=(DF, C(t1, t(0), 5), Cl, R(t1,0), R(t2,0), DF, C(t(0),t2,-3), Cl, R(t1,0), R(t3,0))
    • Outputs:
      • Shortened / generated sequences written to terminal
    • Experiments:
      • experiment_o_seq_example(): Applies the O(SEQ) approach to the example sequence
      • experiment_o_dbm_example(): Applies the O(DBM) approach to the example sequence
      • experiment_c_fcs_example(): Applies the C(FCS) approach after O(SEQ) to the example sequence
      • experiment_c_mcs_example(): Applies the C(MCS) approach after O(SEQ) to the example sequence
      • experiment_c_rcs_example(): Applies the C(RCS) approach after O(SEQ) to the example sequence
    • Executed in the CLI tool via run exp.examples.approaches.
  2. introduction_example/ Contains the introductory example first described in the article section "Introduction" and later analyzed with the Trivial, Rinast, and OC approach in the section "DBM-Based Clock State Construction").

    • Inputs:
      • ./res/example_models/introductory_example.xml (preprocessed by prepare_adapted_model())
      • reference_data: Simulated reference sequence of operations for the scenario described in the article (10 times Execute cycle, Off, On, another 10 times Execute cycle)
    • Outputs:
      • ./res/example_models/introductory_example[trivial].xml
      • ./res/example_models/introductory_example[rinast].xml
      • ./res/example_models/introductory_example[oc].xml
    • Experiments:
      • experiment_introduction_example_trivial(): Applies the Trivial replay approach to the example model
      • experiment_introduction_example_rinast(): Applies the graph-based Rinast approach to the example model
      • experiment_introduction_example_oc(): Applies the OC approach (in this case, O(SEQ) + C(FCS)) to the example model
    • Executed in the CLI tool via run exp.examples.introduction.
  3. state_construction/ Contains the experiments on random and simulated sequences for the Trivial, Rinast, and OC approaches.

    • Inputs:
      • Random sequence generation routine (implemented by the RandomSequenceGenerator class in uppyyl_state_constructor/uppyyl_state_constructor/backend/dbm_constructor/
      • The experiment model suite (paths defined in state_construction/, models located in ./res/uppaal_demo_models)
        • Included models: 2doors.xml, bridge.xml, fischer.xml, fischer-symmetry.xml, train-gate.xml, train-gate-orig.xml, csmacd2.xml, tdma.xml
    • Outputs:
      • Reconstructed sequences lengths, sequence generation times, and sequence application times are saved to sub-directories of ./res/logs/clock_state_construction/data_logs/ per experiment
    • Experiments:
      1. gather_model_details(): Gathers component details (e.g., numbers of clocks, locations, edges) of each model in the model suite
      2. state_construction_on_models_at_selected_steps(): Performs state construction for each model in the model suite at selected simulation steps (e.g., after 1, 10, 20, 50, and 100 transitions).
      3. state_construction_on_models_at_every_step(): Performs state construction for each model in the model suite at every simulation step (e.g., up to n steps). Executed in the CLI tool via run exp.sim_seq.every_step.
      4. state_construction_on_random_sequences_with_varying_clocks(): Performs state construction for randomly generated operation sequences with varying clock counts. Executed in the CLI tool via run exp.gen_seq.var_clocks.
      5. state_construction_on_random_sequences_with_varying_lengths(): Performs state construction for randomly generated operation sequences of varying lengths. Executed in the CLI tool via run exp.gen_seq.var_lengths.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



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