request: {
user_create: {
login: "user_1",
password: "user_paswword_1"
id: "421cda83-7f39-45a9-81e8-5f83cfa0733c"
response: {
id: "421cda83-7f39-45a9-81e8-5f83cfa0733c",
user: {
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
login :"user_1",
created_at: "2022-10-13T13:11:04.447Z",
updated_at: "2022-10-13T13:11:04.447Z"
WARNING: user_login
request is deprecated
! Therefore, we recommend using the new http route /login
for user authorization. !
Http request examples:
POST /login
Possible variations of request parameters:
login: "login_u1",
password: "u1_password",
device_id: "device_u1"
When you use access_token
for authorization:
device_id: "device_u1"
must be put in the request header.
If the authorization was performed using login & password
or refresh_token
, a new refresh_token
will be embedded in the response cookie.
All variations of the query will have the same response:
user: {
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
login :"login_u1",
created_at: "2022-10-13T13:11:04.447Z",
updated_at: "2022-10-13T13:11:04.447Z"
access_token: "...",
expired_at: timestamp_in_ms
- the time when the access_token
will expire
After receiving the access_token
, the client must send a request to connect the socket to the server and link it to the current access_token:
request: {
connect: {
token: "access_token",
device_id: "device_u1"
id: "connect_request"
{ response: { id: "connect_request", success: true } }
Old websocket requests examples:
request: {
user_login: {
login: "user_1",
password: "user_paswword_1",
device_id: "xxx-yyy-zzz"
id: "421cda83-7f39-45a9-81e8-5f83cfa0733c"
response: {
id: "421cda83-7f39-45a9-81e8-5f83cfa0733c",
user: {
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
created_at: "2022-10-13T13:11:04.447Z",
updated_at: "2022-10-13T13:11:04.447Z",
login :"user_1"
token: "..."
Later, the subsequent logins can be done via token
request: {
user_login: {
token: "..."
id: "3"
{ response: { id: "3", user: {...}, token: "..." } }
WARNING: user_logout
request is deprecated
! Therefore, we recommend using the new http route /logout
to log the user out of the system. !
Http request example:
POST /logout
Request parameters:
The body
of the request can be empty, but you need to put the access_token
in the request header, for example:
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}`,
{ success: true }
Please note that if you do not pass an actual refresh_token
in the http request credentials, then use hard session cleanup using a web socket request.
Old websocket requests examples:
request: {
user_logout: {},
id: "3"
{ response: { id: "3", success: true } }
request: {
user_edit: {
current_password: "...",
new_password: "...",
email: "...",
phone: "..."
id: "421cda83-7f39-45a9-81e8-5f83cfa0733c"
response: {
id: "421cda83-7f39-45a9-81e8-5f83cfa0733c",
user: {
created_at: "2022-10-13T13:11:04.447Z",
updated_at: "2022-10-13T13:11:04.447Z",
login :"user_1",
id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
request: {
user_delete: {},
id: "3"
{ response: { id: "3", success: true } }
request: {
user_search: {
keyword: "sam",
limit: 100,
updated_at: {
gt: timestamp_in_ms,
ignore_ids: [ "63077ad836b78c3d82af0866", "63077ad836b78c3d82af0868" ]
id: "3"
{ response: { id: "3", users: [...]} }
get_users_by_ids: {
ids: [ "65fcb3f67dbaace5021595b9" ]
id: "4"
{ response: { id: "4", users: [...]} }
request: {
contact_add: {
first_name: "Name",
last_name: "Surname",
company: "UserCompany",
email: [
{ type: "work", value: "..." },
{ type: "home", value: "..." },
phone: [
{ type: "work", value: "..." },
{ type: "home", value: "..." },
id: "4"
response: {
id: "4",
contact: {
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
first_name: "Name",
last_name: "Surname",
company: "UserCompany",
email: [
{ type: "work", value: "...", matched_user_id: "uId5" },
{ type: "home", value: "..." },
phone: [
{ type: "work", value: "..." },
{ type: "home", value: "...", matched_user_id: "uId7" },
updated_at: "",
created_at: ""
or phone
param is required, as well as first_name
or last_name
request: {
contacts: [
first_name: "Name",
last_name: "Surname",
company: "UserCompany",
email: [ { type: "work", value: "..." } ],
phone: [ { type: "home", value: "..." } ]
first_name: "Name2",
last_name: "Surname2",
company: "UserCompany2",
email: [ { type: "work", value: "..." } ],
phone: [ { type: "home", value: "..." } ]
id: "5"
response: {
id: "5",
contacts: [
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
first_name: "Name",
last_name: "Surname",
company: "UserCompany",
email: [ { type: "home", value: "..." } ],
phone: [ { type: "home", value: "...", matched_user_id: "uId7" } ],
updated_at: "",
created_at: ""
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fy",
first_name: "Name2",
last_name: "Surname2",
company: "UserCompany2",
email: [ { type: "home", value: "..." } ],
phone: [ { type: "home", value: "...", matched_user_id: "uId6" } ],
updated_at: "",
created_at: ""
request: {
contact_update: {
id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
first_name: "Name",
last_name: "Surname",
company: "UserCompany",
email: [
{ type: "work", value: "..." },
{ type: "home", value: "..." },
phone: [
{ type: "work", value: "..." },
{ type: "home", value: "..." },
id: "14"
response: {
id: "14",
contact: {
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
first_name: "Name",
last_name: "Surname",
company: "UserCompany",
email: [
{ type: "work", value: "...", matched_user_id: "uId5" },
{ type: "home", value: "..." },
phone: [
{ type: "work", value: "..." },
{ type: "home", value: "...", matched_user_id: "uId7" },
updated_at: "",
created_at: ""
request: {
contact_list: {
updated_at: "",
limit: 56,
id: "54",
You can also add the `ids` parameter if you need to get the target chat objects. The maximum number of ids in a request is 10.
For example: ["63480e68f4794709f802a2fa", "63480e68f4794709f802a2fy"]
response: {
id: "54",
contacts: [
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
first_name: "Name",
last_name: "Surname",
company: "UserCompany",
email: [ { type: "home", value: "..." } ],
phone: [ { type: "home", value: "...", matched_user_id: "uId7" } ],
updated_at: "",
created_at: ""
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fy",
first_name: "Name2",
last_name: "Surname2",
company: "UserCompany2",
email: [ { type: "home", value: "..." } ],
phone: [ { type: "home", value: "...", matched_user_id: "uId6" } ],
updated_at: "",
created_at: ""
request: {
contact_delete: {
id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa"
id: "14"
{ response: { id: "14", success: true } }
A id
param is required.
request: {
conversation_create: {
name: "ChantName",
description: "Description",
type: "g"
participants: [ "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812", "63077ad836b78c3d82af0866" ]
id: "4"
{ response: { id: "4", conversation: {...} } }
A type
param must have only one of two values:
- (user) - a private conversations for two people onlyg
- (group) - conversations for a group of users, two or more.
After conversation created, all the online participants will receive the following event about newly created conversation:
system_message: {
_id: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
t: 15673838833,
cid: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
from: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
x: {
conversation_created: {
_id: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
type: "u",
opponent_id: "646c823bf989c57fe910d289",
participants: [ "646c823bf989c57fe910d289" ],
owner_id: "646c82947b3aceab988c0073",
created_at: "2023-05-24T14:34:58.066Z",
updated_at: "2023-05-24T14:52:24.953Z"
request: {
conversation_update: {
id: currentConversationId,
name: "NewName",
description: "NewDescription",
participants: {
add: [ "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812", "63077ad836b78c3d82af0832" ],
remove: [ "63077ad836b78c3d82af0816" ],
id: "5"
{ response: { id: "5", conversation: {...} } }
After adding users to a conversation, if they are online, they will receive the following event about the newly created conversation:
system_message: {
_id: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
t: 15673838833,
cid: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
from: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
x: {
conversation_updated: {
_id: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
type: "u",
opponent_id: "646c823bf989c57fe910d289",
participants: [ "646c823bf989c57fe910d289" ],
owner_id: "646c82947b3aceab988c0073",
created_at: "2023-05-24T14:34:58.066Z",
updated_at: "2023-05-24T14:52:24.953Z"
The following message will also be sent to all users who are online and saved in the Message
\_id: "655b479fe980b3e36f402234",
body: "Ivan Ivanovich has been added to the group",
cid: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
from: "646c82947b3aceab988c0073",
status: "sent"
t: 1700480927,
x: {
type: "added_participant",
user: {
\_id: "64cb6b2def440b9c5bf18d6d",
login: "ivan1991",
recent_activity: 1700149064,
first_name: "Ivan",
last_name: "Ivanovich",
email: "DonateforUkraine@gmail.com"
created_at: "2023-05-24T14:34:58.066Z"
After kicking users out of the conversation, if they are online, they will receive the following event:
system_message: {
_id: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
t: 15673838833,
cid: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
from: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
x: {
conversation_kicked: {
_id: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
type: "u",
opponent_id: "646c823bf989c57fe910d289",
participants: [ "646c823bf989c57fe910d289" ],
owner_id: "646c82947b3aceab988c0073",
created_at: "2023-05-24T14:34:58.066Z",
updated_at: "2023-05-24T14:52:24.953Z"
The following message will also be sent to all users who are online and saved in the Message
_id: "655b479fe980b3e36f402234",
body: "Ivan Ivanovich has been added to the group",
cid: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
from: "646c82947b3aceab988c0073",
status: "sent"
t: 1700480927,
x: {
type: "added_participant",
user: {
_id: "64cb6b2def440b9c5bf18d6d",
login: "ivan1991",
recent_activity: 1700149064,
first_name: "Ivan",
last_name: "Ivanovich",
email: "DonateforUkraine@gmail.com"
created_at: "2023-05-24T14:34:58.066Z"
The following message will also be sent to all users who are online and saved in the Message
_id: "655b479fe980b3e36f402234",
body: "Lane Stark has been remove from the group",
cid: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
from: "646c82947b3aceab988c0073",
status: "sent"
t: 1700480927,
x: {
type: "removed_participant",
user: {
_id: "64cb6b2def440b9c5bf18d6d",
login: "lane1991",
recent_activity: 1700149064,
first_name: "Lane",
last_name: "Stark",
email: "DonateforUkraine@gmail.com"
created_at: "2023-05-24T14:34:58.066Z"
request: {
conversation_delete: {
id: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812"
id: "4"
{ response: { id: "4", success: true } }
When a user leaves the group chat, the next message will also be sent to all users who are online and saved in the Messages
_id: "6666c4bb2429c50ad0eb0ff6",
cid: "665ee4ab01f6a3b5ec90a2f4",
body: "lane1991 has left the group",
t: 1718011067,
from: "65fcb3f67dbaace5021595b9",
x: {
type: "left_participants",
user: {
native_id: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
_id: "646e2092d80fe5c4e688dfa0",
login: "lane1991",
recent_activity: 1717670392,
created_at: "2024-03-21T22:25:58.169Z",
updated_at: "2024-03-21T22:25:58.169Z"
created_at: "2023-05-24T14:34:58.066Z"
request: {
conversation_list: {
limit: 67,
updated_at: {
gt: timestamp_in_ms
id: "7"
response: {
id: "7",
conversations: [
_id: "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
created_at: "",
updated_at: "",
name: "General",
type: "g",
description: "General discuss chat",
owner_id: "507f191e810c19729de860ea",
opponent_id: "507f191e810c19729de880ee",
last_message: {
_id :"507f191e810c19729de860ea",
body: "Any news on the recent decision?",
from: "507f191e810c19729de880ee",
t: 15673838833
unread_messages_count: 2
request: {
get_participants_by_cids: {
cids: [
id: "e3a1fcbf-bb1a-4c6d-b13a-8952db609585"
response: {
id: "e3a1fcbf-bb1a-4c6d-b13a-8952db609585",
users: [
_id: "634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf",
login: "carol18"
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
login: "breadpit"
conversations: {
635a3b4cb15254ebe43e76ff: [634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf, 63480e68f4794709f802a2fa],
63563a2ad745dc1c6ad01b5f: [63480e68f4794709f802a2fa, 507f191e810c19729de860ea, 507f191e810c19729de880ee],
request: {
conversation_search: {
name: "conversationName",
limit: 100,
updated_at: {
gt: timestamp_in_ms,
id: "8"
response: {
id: "8",
conversations: [
_id: "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
name: "conversationNameTest",
_id: "507f1f77bcf86cd799439012",
name: "conversationNamePress",
message: {
id: "5а34p21m0xj23",
body: "hey how is going?",
cid: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
x: {
param1: "value",
param2: "value"
attachments: [
{ name: "file_1", size: 240, content_type: "type" },
{ name: "file_2", size: 126, content_type: "type" }
All conversation's participants who is online will receive the following message in real-time:
message: {
_id: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
t: 15673838833,
from: "634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf",
body: "hey how is going?",
cid: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
x: {
param1: "value",
param2: "value"
attachments: [
{ file_id: "123123_file_1", file_name: "file_1" },
{ file_id: "653534_file_2", file_name: "file_2" }
created_at: "2023-07-04T07:23:53.308Z",
Additionally, all conversation's participants who is offline will receive the following push notification:
title: "UserName"
body: "MessageText",
firstAttachmentUrl: "url",
cid: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa"
All offline participants can retrieve the messages via below List messages
system_message: {
id: "5а34p21m0xj23",
uids: ["63480e68f4794709f802a2fc", "63480e68f4794709f802a2fb"],
x: {
param1: "value",
param2: "value"
'uids' should contain recipients user id, who is online will receive the following message in real-time:
system_message: {
_id: "5а34p21m0xj23",
t: 15673838833,
from: "634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf",
x: {
param1: "value",
param2: "value"
with 'cid'
system_message: {
id: "5а34p21m0xj24",
cid: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
x: {
param1: "value",
param2: "value"
All conversation's participants who is online will receive the following message in real-time:
system_message: {
_id: "5а34p21m0xj24",
t: 15673838833,
cid: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812"
from: "634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf",
x: {
param1: "value",
param2: "value"
On each message sent to server - a server will deliver back to client a simple packet with message id and timestamp at which the message was stored in DB so both sender & recipient will have same date sent time stored:
{ ack: { mid: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa", server_mid: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa", t: 15673838833}}
request: {
message_list: {
cid: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
limit: 27,
updated_at: {
gt: timestamp_in_ms
id: "ef5326a5-b16b-4f75-9e88-cc42e5fea016"
response: {
id: "ef5326a5-b16b-4f75-9e88-cc42e5fea016",
messages: [
_id: "63760c34c35e750877677925",
body: "How is going?",
cid: "63563a2ad745dc1c6ad01b5f",
from: "63480e68f4794709f802a2fa",
status: "sent",
attachments: [
{ file_id: "file_name_1", file_name: "file_1" }
t: 1668680757,
created_at: "2023-05-24T14:34:58.066Z"
request: {
message_read: {
cid: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
ids: [63480e68f4794709f802a2fa, 63077ad836b78c3d82af0866]
id: "3"
{ response: { id: "3", success: true } }
If ids
is omit, we mark all unread messages as read.
Then, all the users whose messages we read will receive the following message:
message_read: {
cid: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
ids: ["63480e68f4794709f802a2fa", "63077ad836b78c3d82af0866"],
from: "634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf"
A user either can send typing or stop typing packets:
typing: {
cid: "xcv"
Then other users in this conversation who is online will receive the same typing message.
Delete multiple messages in conversation.
Can delete for current user or for all users in a conversation.
request: {
message_delete: {
cid: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
ids: ["63077ad836b78c3d82af0812", "63077ad836b78c3d82af0813"],
type: "myself" | "all"
id: "4"
{ response: { id: "4", success: true } }
If use "all", then other users in this conversation who is online will receive the following message:
message_delete: {
cid: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
ids: ["63077ad836b78c3d82af0812", "63077ad836b78c3d82af0813"],
type: "all",
from: "634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf"
If users are offline, they will receive a message once became online.
A message sender can edit own message.
request: {
message_edit: {
id: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
body: "updated message body"
id: "4"
{ response: { id: "4", success: true } }
Then other users in this conversation who is online will receive the following message:
message_edit: {
id: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
body: "updated message body",
from: "634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf"
If users are offline, they will receive a message once became online.
request: {
push_subscription_create: {
platform: "web",
web_endpoint: 'enpoint',
web_key_auth: 'auth',
web_key_p256dh: 'p256dh',
device_token: "..."
device_udid: "deviceId"
id: "1",
The [`web_endpoint`, `web_key_auth`, `web_key_p256dh`] and `device_token` fields are interchangeable for different devices
response: {
id: "1",
subscription: {
_id: "644156fea451b5950d13d0e8",
platform: 'web',
web_endpoint: 'enpoint',
web_key_auth: 'auth',
web_key_p256dh: 'p256dh',
device_udid: 'deviceId',
user_id: "644156fea451b5950d13d0e5",
created_at: "",
updated_at: ""
request: {
push_subscription_list: {
user_id: "644157e316eec28e3dfb8b31"
id: "1"
response: {
id: 1,
subscriptions: [
_id: "644157e316eec28e3dfb8b34",
platform: 'web',
web_endpoint: 'enpoint1',
web_key_auth: 'auth1',
web_key_p256dh: 'p256dh1',
device_udid: 'deviceId1',
user_id: "644157e316eec28e3dfb8b31",
created_at: "",
updated_at: ""
_id: "644157e316eec28e3dfb8b35",
platform: 'ios',
web_endpoint: 'enpoint2',
web_key_auth: 'auth2',
web_key_p256dh: 'p256dh2',
device_udid: 'deviceId2',
user_id: "644157e316eec28e3dfb8b31",
created_at: "",
updated_at: ""
request: {
push_subscription_delete: {
device_udid: "deviceId"
id: "1"
{ response: { id: 1, success: true } }
request: {
push_event_create: {
recipients_ids: ["644157e316eec28e3dfb8b31", "644157e316eec28e3dfb8b32"],
message: {
title: "Title",
body: "Message body"
id: 1
response: {
id: 1,
event: {
_id: "64415891066758fe6754f477",
user_id: '64415890066758fe6754f472',
recipients_ids: ["644157e316eec28e3dfb8b31", "644157e316eec28e3dfb8b32"],
message: '{"title":"Title","body":"Message body"}',
created_at: "",
updated_at: ""
Carbons is enabled by default. On send - a message will be delivered back to all active sender's devices except the current one.
A user can request last activity of other users:
request: {
user_last_activity: {
ids: [uid1, uid2, uid3] // max 10 uids per request
id: "4"
response: {
id: "4",
last_activity: {
uid1: num_of_seconds,
uid2: "online",
uid3: num_of_seconds
There is a way to subscribe to some user activity status upodate in real-time:
request: {
user_last_activity_subscribe: {
id: uid1
id: "4"
response: {
id: "4",
last_activity: {
uid1: "online" | <last_activity-time>
Once that user will go offline/online, you will be receiving his/her last activity status:
last_activity: {
uid1: "online" | num_of_seconds
request: {
op_log_list: {
created_at: {
gt: timestamp_in_ms
id: "453"
response: {
logs: [
_id: 325,
user_id: 634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf,
packet: { ... }
_id: 5432,
user_id: 634ec51c0b65918393dca5bf,
packet: { ... }
id: "453"
or lt
param is required
request: {
create_files: [
{ name: "1.png", size: 240, content_type: "image/png" },
{ name: "2.jpeg", size: 760, content_type: "image/jpeg" }
id: "4"
response: {
id: "4",
files: [
_id: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0812",
name: "1.png",
size: 240,
content_type: "image/png",
upload_url: "https://...."
_id: "63077ad836b78c3d82af0813",
name: "2.jpeg",
size: 760,
content_type: "image/jpeg",
upload_url: "https://...."
request: {
get_file_urls: {
file_ids: ["63077ad836b78c3d82af0812", "63077ad836b78c3d82af0813"]
id: "5"
response: {
id: "5",
file_urls: [
request: {
block_user: {
ids: ["63077ad836b78c3d82af0812"]
id: "4"
response: {
id: "4",
success: true
request: {
unblock_user: {
ids: ["63077ad836b78c3d82af0812"]
id: "5"
response: {
id: "6",
success: true
request: {
list_blocked_users: {},
id: "5"
response: {
id: "5",
users: ["63077ad836b78c3d82af0812", "63077ad836b78c3d82af0813"]