No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Metagenomes derived from human-made materials, artefacts, building etc.
Adding new information single genome human associated in the new C14 dating table
Samples dating from between 1000BP-present
Samples dating from between 2000-1000 BP
Samples dating from between 5000-2000 BP
Samples dating from between 10000-5000 BP
Samples dating from between 15000-10000 BP
Improvements or additions to documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Environmental samples e.g. sediment, microbial bone decomposition communities, mummified tissue
Samples containing e.g. original microbiomes of host individuals/organisms etc.
To indicate publications to be added
For publications not clear whether they should be included in
Further information is requested
Samples with ancient whole (single) genome microbial species
For non-microbiome skeletal material metagenomes
You can’t perform that action at this time.