To run the project, python should be installed on your machine. Check if it is installed or not using
python --version
If it is not installed, download and install python from
Then, setup virtual environment (optional)
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Then, install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, create a .env file and copy contents from .env.example in the project root:
mv .env.example .env
Then, run the application:
flask run --debug --port 5001
Steps and screenshots of the working prototype:
- Landing Screen where a user can click on Choose a file button to select fasta file containing sequences
- After clicking the Choose a file button, File explore window opens and user can proceed to select desired fasta file to provide as Input
- Fasta file is uploaded to the server and being processed to generate predictions for the provided sequences
- Finally, the analysis of the sequence is completed and a snippet of prediction is shown in the Table. User can click on the Download Results button to download overall prediction results in the csv format.