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This pipeline performs a standard RNAseq analysis, including fastQC, STAR alignment, RSEM & salmon quantification.

Directory structure

├── config            # Contains sample sheet (samples.tsv) and config file (config.yaml)
├── rules             # Snakemake rules
├── scripts           # Scripts to run each step of RNAseq
└── Snakefile         # Snakemake workflow


Option 1: Download the package

  • Choose "Download ZIP"
Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 3 37 12 PM
  • The folder named snakemake-RNAseq-main is downloaded.
  • Transfer the folder to users' working directory on argos.
    scp -r path/to/snakemake-RNAseq-main <USER_ID><USER_ID>/
  • Log onto argos:
  • Change the name of the folder to snakemake-RNAseq
    mv $HOME/snakemake-RNAseq-main $HOME/snakemake-RNAseq

Option 2: git clone

Clone the pipeline using the following command

git clone

Make sure there is a folder named snakemake-RNAseq in users' working directory.


Instructions for preparing sample sheet

  • Paired-end data is assumed.

  • 5 types of RNAseq data formats are accommodated: .bam, .fastq.gz, .fq.gz, .fastq, .fq

  • The config/samples.csv file is an example sample sheet, modify it as needed so that

    • 1st column: sample names
    • 2nd column: fq1 file names (if using .bam as input, put the name of .fastq.gz files generated from .bam)
    • 3rd column: fq2 file names (if using .bam as input, put the name of .fastq.gz files generated from .bam)
    • 4th column: RNA-seq file format - choose between bam and fq (all inputs need to be in the same file format)

    Each column is separated by one comma. The fq1 & fq2 file names must contain the full sample names.

    For example:


Input files

  • The RNAseq files for analysis should be copied to data.
    cp -r path/to/<fq_files_folder> $HOME/snakemake-RNAseq/
  • Users should change the name of the folder containing fq files into data.
    mv $HOME/snakemake-RNAseq/<fq_files_folder> $HOME/snakemake-RNAseq/data

Run snakemake

  • Step 1: Initiate a screen to run snakemake pipeline in the background without requiring terminal connection all the time

    screen -S snakemake-RNAseq
  • Step 2: Change into the directory snakemake-RNAseq

    cd $HOME/snakemake-RNAseq
  • Step 3: Activate the environment with snakemake installed & install plugin for cluster submission

    source /mnt/storage/apps/Mambaforge-23.1.0-1/etc/profile.d/
    conda activate snakemake
    pip install snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-generic
  • Step 4: Run snakemake pipeline

    snakemake --unlock
    snakemake --executor cluster-generic --jobs 50 --latency-wait 60 --cluster-generic-submit-cmd "qsub -l h_vmem=256G, -pe pvm 16 -o $HOME/snakemake-RNAseq/joblogs/ -e $HOME/snakemake-RNAseq/joblogs/"
    • This step might take long, depending on the sample sizes.
  • Step 4: Detach the screen as needed

    • Press Ctrl+A and then D to detach the screen as needed. Now closing the terminal or losing connection to the cluster should not interrupt the snakemake pipeline.

    • Use screen -ls to see all detached screens.

    • Example:

      Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 4 26 12 PM

      numbers like 27120 and 26844 are <SCREEN-ID> used to track the processes running in that screen

  • Step 5 (Optional): Reattach to a screen

    screen -r <SCREEN-ID>
    • If the command execution in the screen is interrupted, users need to rerun Step 4 in the screen to generate all results expected.
    • Press Ctrl+A and then D to detach the screen as needed.
  • Step 6: Delete the screen after done

    screen -S <SCREEN-ID> -X quit


  • The results are saved in the folder snakemake-RNAseq/results.
    • snakemake-RNAseq/results/fastqc_results contains the fastqc results.
    • snakemake-RNAseq/results/STAR_results contains the STAR results, and each subfolder is named by the sample name.
    • snakemake-RNAseq/results/salmon_results contains the salmon results, and each subfolder is named by the sample name.
    • snakemake-RNAseq/results/star_wide_countMatrix.csv and snakemake-RNAseq/results/star_wide_countMatrix.Rds contain the star count matrix, with genes as rows and samples as columns, in both .csv and .Rds format.
    • snakemake-RNAseq/results/salmon_wide_TPM_Matrix.csv and snakemake-RNAseq/results/salmon_wide_TPM_Matrix.Rds contain the salmon TPM matrix, with genes as rows and samples as columns, in both .csv and .Rds format.
    • snakemake-RNAseq/results/rsem_geneLevel_wide_TPM_Matrix.csv and snakemake-RNAseq/results/rsem_geneLevel_wide_TPM_Matrix.Rds contain the rsem gene-level TPM matrix, with genes as rows and samples as columns, in both .csv and .Rds format.
    • snakemake-RNAseq/results/rsem_isoformLevel_wide_TPM_Matrix.csv and snakemake-RNAseq/results/rsem_isoformLevel_wide_TPM_Matrix.Rds contain the rsem transcript-level TPM matrix, with genes as rows and samples as columns, in both .csv and .Rds format.
  • snakemake-RNAseq/rsem_ref contains the reference files generated for rsem quantification.
  • snakemake-RNAseq/logs contains the log files for running each step of this analysis, for debugging.
  • snakemake-RNAseq/joblogs contains the log files for job submission, for debugging.


config.yaml contains the information about versions of each tool used, reference file paths

  • Module versions (latest ones globally installed on argos):
    • samtools: 1.9
    • fastqc: 0.11.7
    • star: 2.7.10a
    • rsem: 1.3.1
    • salmon: 1.10.1
    • snakemake: 8.15.2
    • snakemake-executor-plugin-cluster-generic: 1.0.9
  • Reference file directory: /mnt/storage/labs/sviswanathan/snakemake_RNAseq_2024/Human_genome_2024/
    • Can be modified as needed


Standard RNAseq analysis pipeline using snakemake.







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