It is a todo app built using Golang. CRUD operations are implemented following clean-architecture. Here, echo framework and mysql is used for the execution of the app.
This project has 4 layers :
- Models Layer
- Repository Layer
- Usecase Layer
- Delivery Layer
#move to directory
$ cd workspace
# Clone into your workspace
$ git clone
#move to project
$ cd To-Do-App
# Run the application
$ docker compose up -d mysql adminer
$ docker compose up web - - build
From the adminer GUI
# In the browser, type
- localhost:8080
# Fill the fields using the following credentials
- System --> MySQL
- Server --> mysql
- Username --> root
- Password --> 123
- Database --> recordings
# Update the database
- SQL commands are provided in the database.sql file
From the container terminal
# To be in the container terminal
$ docker exec -it mysql container id bash
$ To connect mysql server
$ mysql -u root -h localhost --protocol tcp -P 3306 -p
$ Passwords ? --> 123
# Update the database
- SQL commands are provided in the database.sql file
#move to project
$ cd To-Do-App
#Execute the call in another terminal
$ curl localhost:8000/tasks
# Postman might be a good option
# choose the http method
- Example: Choose GET method
# In the url section,type, localhost:8000/endpoint
- Example: localhost:8000/tasks
# All the api patterns are mentioned in the following path
- To-Do-App/Task/delivery/http/task_handler.go