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The CerradoSync library is designed for shared memory management and process synchronization in Linux systems. It provides abstractions for handling shared memory, traffic signals, callbacks, and process creation, simplifying the development of parallel systems.

Table of Contents

  1. Inclusion
  2. Core Structures and Functions
  3. Basic Example
  4. Advanced Example
  5. Function Reference
  6. Notes and Best Practices


To use CerradoSync, ensure you are working on a Linux environment with support for shared memory and processes. A modern C compiler with pthread and real-time libraries is required.

  1. Include the header file in your project:

    #include "CerradoSync.h"
  2. Compile your code with the necessary flags:

    gcc -o main main.c

Core Structures and Functions


  • CerradoSync: The main process class structure.
  • CerradoSync_MemoryShared: Structure for managing shared memory.
  • CerradoSync_CallbackProcess: Represents a child process with callback functionality.
  • CerradoSync_ArgumentCallback: Defines arguments to be passed to callbacks.

Key Functions

  • Creation and Cleanup:

    • new_CerradoSyncStruct(name, size): Creates the main process structure.
    • free_CerradoSync(struct): Releases all allocated memory for a process class.
  • Shared Memory Management:

    • CerradoSync_pull_memory(memory): Copies global memory into the static memory buffer.
    • CerradoSync_push_memory(memory): Copies static memory into the global memory buffer.
    • CerradoSync_config_memory(memory, value, size): Configures the static memory buffer.
  • Traffic Signals:

    • CerradoSync_create_pointer_traffic(...): Creates a traffic signal point.
    • CerradoSync_signal_traffic(...): Sets the traffic signal to RED_TRAFFIC or GREEN_TRAFFIC.
    • CerradoSync_wait_traffic(...): Waits for a traffic signal to reach a specific state.
  • Processes and Callbacks:

    • CerradoSync_new_CallbackProcess(...): Creates a callback for a child process.
    • CerradoSync_create_process(...): Spawns a new child process.
    • CerradoSync_new_argument(...): Creates an argument to pass to callbacks.
    • CerradoSync_add_argument(...): Attaches an argument to a callback.

Create Process

A process can be created with configurations:

  • To create an independent process;
  CerradoSync_create_process(CerradoSync *class, CerradoSync_CallbackProcess *callback, CERRADOSYNC_INDEPENDENTPROCESS);
  • To create a thread;
  CerradoSync_create_process(CerradoSync *class, CerradoSync_CallbackProcess *callback, CERRADOSYNC_THREADPROCESS);
  • NOTE: When creating a thread, the functions ('waitpid', 'CerradoSync_wait_class_process_ended', ...) will not work, as they are functions that work using the pid of a process, but a thread shares the same pid as its parent, ceasing to be a new process.

Basic Example

#include "CerradoSync.h"

int main() {
    // Create the main structure
    CerradoSync *sync = new_CerradoSyncStruct("main", _DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE_MEMORY_TRAFFIC_);
    CerradoSync_MemoryShared *memory = sync->memory;

    // Set an initial value in shared memory
    int initialValue = 100;
    CerradoSync_config_memory(memory, &initialValue, sizeof(int));

    printf("Initial shared memory value: %d\n", *(int *)CerradoSync_getMemoryValue(memory));

    // Create a traffic signal
    CerradoSync_create_pointer_traffic(sync, "exampleTraffic", RED_TRAFFIC);
    CerradoSync_signal_traffic(memory, "exampleTraffic", GREEN_TRAFFIC);

    // Update shared memory with a new value
    int newValue = 200;
    CerradoSync_config_memory(memory, &newValue, sizeof(int));

    printf("Updated shared memory value: %d\n", *(int *)CerradoSync_getMemoryValue(memory));

    // Cleanup

    return 0;

Advanced Example

#include "CerradoSync.h"

// Callback function
int callback_function(CerradoSync_MemoryShared *memory, CerradoSync_ArgumentsCallback *args) {
    const char *receivedName = (const char *)args->arguments[0]->arg;

    printf("Callback executed with name: %s\n", receivedName);

    // Update static memory with a new value
    int newValue = 999;
    CerradoSync_config_memory(memory, &newValue, sizeof(int));

    return 0;

int main() {
    CerradoSync *sync = new_CerradoSyncStruct("main", _DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE_MEMORY_TRAFFIC_);
    CerradoSync_MemoryShared *memory = sync->memory;


    // Create a callback process
    CerradoSync_CallbackProcess *callback = CerradoSync_new_CallbackProcess(sync, callback_function);

    const char *name = "John Doe";
    CerradoSync_ArgumentCallback *arg = CerradoSync_new_argument("name", (void *)name, strlen(name));
    CerradoSync_add_argument(callback, arg);

    // Spawn the child process
    CerradoSync_create_process(sync, callback, CERRADOSYNC_INDEPENDENTPROCESS);

    // Wait for the traffic signal
    CerradoSync_wait_traffic(memory, "exampleTraffic", GREEN_TRAFFIC);

    // Cleanup and finalize
    if(CerradoSync_wait_class_process_ended(main) == CERRADOSYNC_ERROR_A_GET_STATUS){//This functionality does not work for threads with shared pid

    return 0;

Complete Example:

#include "CerradoSync.h"

void sleep_and_print(int temp){
  for(int i=0; i < temp; i++){
    printf("\tsleep: %d\n", i + 1);

int process_print_name(CerradoSync_MemoryShared *memory, CerradoSync_ArgumentsCallback *args){

  const char *name = (const char *)args->arguments[0]->arg;

  printf("\n\tname: %s\n", name);

  CerradoSync_signal_traffic(memory, "className", RED_TRAFFIC);//Sends a signal for traffic with name 'className' to be closed


  int *valorMemoryAnterior = (int *)CerradoSync_getMemoryValue(memory);

  printf("\n\tProcess son with memory: %d\n", *valorMemoryAnterior);

  char *meu_nomeCompleto = "Samuel Henrique De Morias Vitrio";
  CerradoSync_config_memory(memory, meu_nomeCompleto, strlen(meu_nomeCompleto) + 1); //Updates static memory with the specified value



  CerradoSync_signal_traffic(memory, "className", GREEN_TRAFFIC); //Sends a signal for traffic with name 'className' to be opened

  printf("\n\tValor novo : %s\n", (const char *)memory->memory_shared->memory);

  CerradoSync_signal_traffic(memory, "endFunc", GREEN_TRAFFIC);
  return 0;

int main(){

  int result;

  CerradoSync *main = new_CerradoSyncStruct("main", _DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE_MEMORY_TRAFFIC_); //create a class of process
    return 1;

  CerradoSync_MemoryShared *memory = main->memory; //The memory structure that contains global memory and static memory to work with

  CerradoSync_pull_memory(memory); //Update memory static
  int valorAtual = 450;
  CerradoSync_config_memory(memory, &valorAtual, sizeof(int)); //Assigns a value to static memory
  CerradoSync_push_memory(memory); //Update global memory with static memory

  printf("\n\tpai: %d\n", (int)*((int *)CerradoSync_getMemoryValue(memory))); //Get pointer of static memory value

  CerradoSync_create_pointer_traffic(main, "endFunc", RED_TRAFFIC);
  result = CerradoSync_create_pointer_traffic(main, "className", RED_TRAFFIC); //Creates an initially blocked traffic point
  if(result == -1){
    return 1;

  CerradoSync_CallbackProcess *callback = CerradoSync_new_CallbackProcess(main, process_print_name);//Struct callback process

  const char *name = "Samuel Henrique";
  CerradoSync_ArgumentCallback *name_arg = CerradoSync_new_argument("teste", (void *)name, strlen(name));//A new argument for callback
  CerradoSync_add_argument(callback, name_arg);//Assign argument for callback

  result = CerradoSync_create_process(main, callback, CERRADOSYNC_THREADPROCESS); //Create a process independent
  if(result == -1){
    return 1;

  CerradoSync_wait_traffic(memory, "className", GREEN_TRAFFIC); //Wait pointer traffic 'className' stay open
  CerradoSync_pull_memory(memory); //Get the latest information from global memory and copy it to static memory

  printf("\n\tpai depois: %s\n", (const char *)CerradoSync_getMemoryValue(memory));

  printf("\n\tHello Word!\n");
  CerradoSync_wait_traffic(memory, "endFunc", GREEN_TRAFFIC);
  if(CerradoSync_wait_class_process_ended(main) == CERRADOSYNC_ERROR_A_GET_STATUS){//This functionality does not work for threads with shared pid
  printf("\n\tBye Word\n");

  int current = private_CerradoSync_get_stats_traffic(main->memory->memory_shared->traffic->trafficID, 1);
  if(current == -1){
  printf("\n\tcurrent: %d\n\n", current);

  free_CerradoSync(main);//Releases all allocated memory of the created process class

  return 0;

Function Reference

Function Description
new_CerradoSyncStruct Creates the main process structure.
free_CerradoSync Releases all allocated memory for the process class.
CerradoSync_pull_memory Copies global memory into the static memory buffer.
CerradoSync_push_memory Copies static memory into the global memory buffer.
CerradoSync_config_memory Updates the static memory buffer with a given value.
CerradoSync_create_pointer_traffic Creates a named traffic signal with an initial state.
CerradoSync_signal_traffic Updates the state of a traffic signal to RED_TRAFFIC or GREEN_TRAFFIC.
CerradoSync_wait_traffic Waits for a traffic signal to change to the specified state.
CerradoSync_new_CallbackProcess Creates a callback process.
CerradoSync_new_argument Creates an argument to pass to a callback.
CerradoSync_add_argument Associates an argument with a callback.
CerradoSync_create_process Spawns a new child process linked to a callback.

Notes and Best Practices

  • Synchronization: Always use traffic signals (RED_TRAFFIC, GREEN_TRAFFIC) to ensure safe inter-process communication.
  • Memory Management: Use CerradoSync_pull_memory and CerradoSync_push_memory carefully to avoid inconsistent data.
  • Resource Cleanup: Call free_CerradoSync at the end of your program to prevent memory leaks.
  • Thread Safety: The library relies on thread-safe operations but requires proper usage in multithreaded environments.


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