Practo provides a platform that helps consumers with all their healthcare requirements – from finding the healthcare provider to booking an appointment, online doctor consultation, getting their tests done and even ordering medicines.
Click here 👉 Practo clone
- User Authentication with Google Auth
- Dynamic Search for doctors/clinic/speciality
- Get search results based on user location
- Book an appointment based on slot availability of doctors
- Make payment and confirm booking
- Get user booking history from user drive.
- Currently site is responsive for tablets and screen sizes greater than that.
- Javascript
- React JS
- Node JS
- Express JS
- MongoDB
- Mongo Atlas
- React
- React redux
- Material UI
- Moment
- Mongoose
- Stripe
- React Google Login
- MapmyIndia Api
- Git
- VS code
- Node js
- MongoDB
- Nodemon (global npm package)
- In terminal, navigate to folder in which you need the clone and run
git clone
- Open the clonned repository,
- Navigate to practo_clone folder and run
npm install
in terminal - Navigate to backend folder and run
npm install
in terminal
- Navigate to practo_clone folder and run
- Before running the application, kill the applications currently running on port 3000 (for frontend) and port 2233 (for backend)
- Open the clonned repository,
- Navigate to backend folder and run
nodemon src
in terminal - Navigate to practo_clone folder and run
npm start
in terminal
- Navigate to backend folder and run
- Your application is now running on
- Note : Secret keys has not been pushed to the repository, .env template file is added for reference. Keys need to be added for proper working of the application.