You can use the editor on GitHub to maintain and preview the content for your website in Markdown files.
Whenever you commit to this repository, GitHub Pages will run Jekyll to rebuild the pages in your site, from the content in your Markdown files.
Prerequisite : Download Node from ( , choose the recommended version foR users.
Download mongodb in your local system. Download VS code as editor (My choise, you can use others also )
Clone the project in your local System
from C drive -> Programfiles -> MongoDb -> Server -> bin > Open Command Prompt here -> run command "mongod"
from C drive -> Programfiles -> MongoDb -> Server -> bin > Open Command Prompt here -> run command "mongo"
Keep alive above two commands Simaltaneously in comand promt.
now open the cloned project in Vscode
from Run -> new terminal -> npm install
after doing above step in project do " cd client "
after entering the client directory do the same " npm install "
now come out from the client directory using "cd .."
Now all the dependencies have been installed.
do "npm run dev" in the project.
Collaborators please create branch and develop dont merge directly in to master.
Dont Merge please without reviewing by any of the collaborators.