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DAQ system for Schottky Resonator

nana_van edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 1 revision

Data acquisition system for Schottky Resonator

A Schottky resonator is a non-perturbing beam diagnostic instrument in a storage ring. The important beam parameters, e.g. the revolution frequency, momentum spread of the ions can be extracted from the measured frequency information of the resonator. The DAQ (Data Acquisition) system of the resonator focuses on the frequency domain. Since then, a spectrum analyzer and an accompanied storage hardware is enough to make up a simple DAQ system.

The necessary parameters for the setting of the DAQ system:

  • center frequency: cohered to the specific parameters of the resonator (verdict the magnification of the spectrum)
  • span: the collected range of measuring spectrum
  • reference level: decide the precision of the spectrum's amplitude
  • duration: the measuring time

The basic requirement of the DAQ system:

  • stable and reliable operation
  • remote control
  • uninterruptedly acquiring enough size and amount of data according to the setting
  • real-time feedback of the progress of the DAQ processing