Surrogates v1.1.2
Added AD-compatibility with Zygote and ForwardDiff for all possible surrogates.
Fixed minor bugs in radial basis and kriging that led to failure in speciale cases,
Added output explaining halting of optimization methods
Closed issues:
- Singular Interpolation Matrices when using Radial Basis Functions (#100)
Merged pull requests:
- Add NeuralSurrogate example in the doc and fix typos in another example (#110) (@mancellin)
- Krigin cannot accept equal x's (#111) (@ludoro)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Distributions" to "0.22" (#112) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix 2D example (#114) (@karajan9)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#118) (@JuliaTagBot)
- Fixed deprecation with truncated normals an resolved warning on deps (#120) (@ludoro)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Stheno" at version "0.6" (#121) (@github-actions[bot])
- Docs fix (#122) (@ludoro)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "Distributions" to "0.23" (#123) (@github-actions[bot])