- Python wrapper for the ScienceMode 4 protocol
- sciencemode_cffi is a python wrapper for the sciencemode library.
- This python library was tested on Windows 64bit together with Anaconda Python.
- This library is using cffi.
- Unzip the correct version of the smpt library and copy the lib into the lib directory.
- On Windows, build artifacts from ScienceMode4_c_library can be used.
- Download smpt_windows_static_x86.zip from ScienceMode4_c_library
- copy libsmpt.lib from the smpt_windows_static_x86.zip to /lib (path inside the zip file is .\ScienceMode_Library\release\smpt\windows_x86\static)
- Install MinGW from MinGW releases
- Adjust path where MinGW is installed in ScienceMode/_cffi.py in line 202: mingw_path = os.getenv('MINGW_PATH', default='...')
- Install Visual studio compiler
pip install setuptools
pip install wheel
Create a wheel with
python setup.py bdist_wheel --universal
You may correct the filename, check that the python version is matching the version in the filename. E.g. for python 3.9, the following version is valid:
pip install dist/sciencemode4_cffi-1.0.0-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl