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Bootcamp Setup

Hong Lin edited this page Sep 30, 2023 · 8 revisions

Critical installations

  • Install Git. Verify that it has been installed by running git --version.
  • Sign up for a GitHub account
  • Install Node.js. The preferred way is to use Node Version Manager (NVM)
    • Mac/Linux:
      1. Run the curl command specified in the above link to download and run the installation script.
      2. Run nvm install node to install the latest version of Node.js. You may need to run this in a new terminal.
      3. Run nvm use node.
      4. Run npm --version to verify that Node.js and NPM has been installed.
    • Windows:
      1. Follow the instructions in the above link to install NVM.
      2. Run nvm install node in a new terminal to install the latest version of Node.js.
      3. Run nvm use node.
      4. Run npm --version to verify that Node.js and NPM has been installed.
  • Install an IDE such as Visual Studio Code, or have some other text editor (Vim, Emacs, Sublime Text, etc.) that you are comfortable working with. Notepad or Word or Wordpad does NOT count.

Setting up your development environment

  1. Go to the Course Tool repository on GitHub.
  2. Create a fork of Courses Tool using the button on the top right. image
  3. Leave all the settings on default and create the fork. image
  4. You should get redirected to a personal repository. Click the code button and copy the HTTPS url. image
  5. Go to a parent directory for where you are fine with putting this project' directory in. Open a terminal in this directory. Instructions for Mac / Instructions for Windows
  6. Run the command:
git clone URL_COPIED_IN_STEP_4
  1. cd into the cloned directory.
  2. Run the commands:
npm install
npm run bootcamp-setup
  1. To run the front end server, run:
cd frontend
npm run dev

Making a change

  1. Go to and find an issue to work on. It is highly recommended to find one tagged as bootcamp or good first issue.
  2. Create a new branch for you to work on the changes. Name the branch something sensible based on the feature you are working on.
git checkout -b ANDREW_ID/BRANCH_NAME
  1. Edit your changes in the frontend/ directory.
  2. Once you're confident of your changes, create a pull request.
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