- Reverse Integer
- Check if a number is palindrome
- Guess Number Higher or Lower
- Minimum Time to Type Word Using Special Typewriter (Leetcode Biweekly contest 59)
- Maximum Matrix Sum (Leetcode Biweekly contest 59)
- Sum of Square Numbers (Binary Search)
- Majority Element (Boyer-Moore majority vote algorithm)
- Rotation Groups
- Robinhood
- Reverse A String
- Maximum and minimum of an array using minimum number of comparisons
- Kth min element of array
- Sort array consisting of only 0,1,2 without sorting algo
- Move all negative elements to one side of the array
- Union of two sorted arrays
- Rotate array by one clockwise
- Kadane's Algorithm
- Minimum Number of Jumps
- Find the Duplicate Number
- Merge Intervals
- Find Median
- Median of two sorted arrays of different size
- Merge Intervals
- Next Permutation
- Count Inversion
- Best time to buy and sell stock
- Two Sum
- Chocolate Distribution
- Max Area of Rectangle in Histogram
- Merge two sorted arrays without using extra space
- Count Pairs with given sum
- Remove Duplicates from sorted array
- Factorial of Big Numbers
- Find Common Elements in 3 sorted arrays
- Subarray with 0 sum
- ALternate Positive and Negative Numbers
- Smallest SUbarray with sum greater than given value
- Three way partitioning
- Remove Element
- Median of Two Sorted Arrays
- Container with Most Water
- Search Insert Position (Binary Search)
- How Many Numers Are Smaller Than The Current Number
- Range Addition II
- Contains Duplicate
- Unidirectional Word Search
- Spiral Traversal of a Matrix
- Search an element in a 2D Matrix
- Find Median in a row-wise sorted matrix
- Row with max 1s
- Sort matrix
- Max Area of Rectangle in Matrix
- Find a specific pair in Matrix
- Rotate matrix by 90 degrees Anti-clockwise
- Rotate matrix by 90 degrees Clockwise
- Kth smallest element in a sorted matrix
- Common Elements in all rows
- Reverse A String
- Palindrome
- Find Duplicate characters in a string
- Check whether one string is a rotation of another
- Check if a string is a valid shuffle of two distinct strings
- Count and Say problem
- Balanced Paranthesis
- Longest Palindrome In A String
- Find Length of Last Word
- Isomorphic Strings
- Converting Roman Numerals to Decimal
- Longest Common Prefix
- Longest Repeating Subsequence
- All Permutations of a given string
- Print All subsequences of a given string
- Split the binary string into substrings with equal number of 0s and 1s
- Converting Integer to Roman Numbers
- Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
- Longest Palindromic Substring (Dynamic Approach)
- ZigZag Conversion
- String to Integer (atoi)
- Complex Number Multiplication
- String Multiplication
- Jewels and Stones
- Run-Length Decoded String Iterator (***)
- Permutation In String (Sliding Window approach)
- Reverse a linked List (Iterative approach)
- Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size
- Detect Loop in a Linked List
- Remove Loop in Linked List
- Find first node of loop in Linked List
- Remove duplicate element from sorted Linked List
- Remove duplicates from an unsorted linked list
- Move last element to front of a given Linked List
- Merge two sorted Linked List
- Add Two Numbers
- Middle of the Linked List
- Remove Nth Node From End of List
- Create a Graph and print it
- Breadth First Search Traversal
- Depth First Search Traversal
- Detect Cycle in a directed graph
- Detect Cycle in an undirected graph
- Clone a Graph
- Rat in a Maze Problem (Backtracking)
- Number of 1 bits
- Non Repeating Numbers
- Count number of bits to be flipped to convert A to B
- Count set bits from 1 to N
- Check if given number is power of 2
- Find position of set bit
- Calculate square of a number without using *, / and pow()
- Power Set
- Copy Set Bits In a Range
- Divide two integers without using multiplication, division and mod operator
- Bit Sum
- Binary Search
- First Bad Version
- Search Insert Position (Array Problem 33)
- Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array
- Squares of a Sorted Array
- Rotate Array
- Move Zeroes
- Two Sum -II (Input Array Sorted)
- Max Subarray Sum
- Flip Bits
- Maximum subarray sum after K concatenation
- Maximum Sum Rectangle
- Sort 0 1 2
- Quicksort using the Dutch national flag algorithm
- Search In Rotated Sorted Array
- Form a Triangle
- First and Last Position of an element in Sorted Array
- Count Smaller or Equal elements in array
- Algorithm to find best insert position in sorted array
- Circular Queue
- Flood Fill
- Flood fill Algorithm
- Number of paths
- Combination Sum – Part 2
- Special Keyboard
- Josephus problem
- Left View of Binary Tree
- Check if BST
- Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
- Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II
- Rotate Array
- Contains Duplicate
- Single Number
- Intersection of Two Arrays II
- Plus One
- Move Zeroes
- Two Sum
- Valid Sudoku
- Rotate Image
- Reverse String
- Reverse Integer
- First Unique Character in a String
- Valid Anagram
- Valid Palindrome
- String to Integer (atoi)
- Implement strStr()
- Longest Common Prefix
- Delete Node in a Linked List
- Remove Nth Node From End of List
- Reverse Linked List
- Merge Two Sorted Lists
- Palindrome Linked List
- Linked List Cycle
- Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
- Validate Binary Search Tree
- Symmetric Tree
- Binary Tree Level Order Traversal
- Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree