Welcome to Poppins's Shoppings, the one-stop pop-in shop for anything and everything you'll ever need!
Inspired by e-commerce sites such as Etsy and Amazon, and themed around the magic of practically perfect in every way Mary Poppins.

The Poppins's Shoppings project is powered by Flask on the backend, with React and Redux rendering data on the frontend.
PostgreSQL is the database medium where the data is stored, and SQLAlchemy is its backend interface; additionally, images that display the products are stored on Amazon Web Services, allowing for easy file uploading and deletion.
Users are authenticated via CSRF tokens to ensure security while exploring the site.
- Users:
- New users can log into their existing account, or create a new one.
- Logged-in users can view their given information on their profile page.
- Said info can be edited accordingly.
- If need be, users can also delete their entire profile.
- Products:
- All products can be found on the landing page.
- Clicking on one product takes the user to its page with additional details given.
- Clicking on a category at the top of the page navigates the user to a new page with products that fit in a given category.
- All users can create their own products to sell.
- Like profile info, users can also edit the product info as they desire.
- Logged-in users can view their products to sell on the profile page.
- Users can also delete their own products.
- Reviews:
- On a product page, any existing reviews on it will be displayed regardless of login status.
- Logged-in users can leave their own reviews on a product.
- Contents of review can be edited as well.
- Users can also delete their own reviews.
- Favorites:
- Logged-in users can mark a product as one to add to a provided wishlist.
- Users can view all favorited products on the profile page.
- Users can unmark a product if they wish to remove it from their wishlist.
- Cart:
- Logged-in users can mark a product as one to add to their shopping cart.
- Upon navigating to their cart, users can view all products currently in their cart.
- In said cart, users can change the quantity of a product to reflect how much they would like to purchase.
- Users can remove one or all of the products in their cart.
- Upon clicking "Checkout," the cart is cleared of all products.
- Order History:
- Logged-in users can view all products they have already purchased.
- Other:
- The search bar at the top allows users to look up a certain product or category.
More details: https://github.com/Six5pAdes/Poppins-Shoppings/wiki/Feature-List
OAuth integration so users can create a new account or log in via their Google account✅- Image preview during product upload
- More options for categorizing products (i.e.: price range, sold by, alphabetical, etc)
Clone this repository (main branch only).
Install dependencies.
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file based on the example with proper settings for your development environment.
Make sure the SQLite3 database connection URL is in the .env file.
This starter organizes all tables inside the
schema, defined by theSCHEMA
environment variable. Replace the value forSCHEMA
with a unique name, making sure you use the snake_case convention. -
Get into your pipenv, migrate your database, seed your database, and run your Flask app:
pipenv shell
flask db upgrade
flask seed all
flask run
The React frontend has no styling applied. Copy the .css files from your Authenticate Me project into the corresponding locations in the react-vite folder to give your project a unique look.
To run the React frontend in development,
into the react-vite directory and runnpm i
to install dependencies. Next, runnpm run build
to create thedist
folder. The starter has modified thenpm run build
command to include the--watch
flag. This flag will rebuild the dist folder whenever you change your code, keeping the production version up to date.
In the development environment, you have been securing your environment variables in a .env file, which has been removed from source control (i.e., the file is git ignored). In this step, you will need to input the keys and values for the environment variables you need for production into the Render GUI.
Add the following keys and values in the Render GUI form:
- SECRET_KEY (click "Generate" to generate a secure secret for production)
- FLASK_ENV production
- SCHEMA (your unique schema name, in snake_case)
In a new tab, navigate to your dashboard and click on your Postgres database instance.
Add the following keys and values:
- DATABASE_URL (copy value from the External Database URL field)
Note: Add any other keys and values that may be present in your local .env file. As you work to develop your project further, you may need to add more environment variables to your local .env file. Make sure you also add these environment variables to the Render GUI for the next deployment.