Matter Window Covering: Support the tilt feature #1898
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Jan 17, 2025 in 0s
All 2 016 tests pass in 0s
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github-actions / Test Results
2016 tests found (test 1 to 1001)
There are 2016 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 1001.
Raw output
'FanSpeed command <send to device> : High
'FanSpeed command <send to device> : Low
Fan control attribute <receive from device> : Off
Fan control attribute <receive from device> : On
FanSpeed attribute <receive from device> : High
FanSpeed attribute <receive from device> : LOW
FanSpeed attribute <receive from device> : Middle
FanSpeed command <send to device> : 0%
Light OnOff command <send to device> : Off
Light OnOff command <send to device> : On
Light level attribute <receive from device> : 0%
Light level attribute <receive from device> : 100%
Light level attribute <receive from device> : 50%
Light switch attribute <receive from device> : off
Light switch attribute <receive from device> : on
Light switchLevel command <send to device> : 0%
Light switchLevel command <send to device> : 100%
Light switchLevel command <send to device> : 50%
3 speed fan BasicReport should be handled: HIGH
3 speed fan SwitchMultiLevelReport should be handled: HIGH
3 speed fan SwitchMultiLevelReport should be handled: OFF
3 speed fan SwitchMultiLevelReportV1 should be handled: HIGH
4 speed fan BasicReport should be handled: MEDIUM
4 speed fan SwitchMultiLevelReport should be handled: MEDIUM
4 speed fan SwitchMultiLevelReport should be handled: OFF
4 speed fan SwitchMultiLevelReportV1 should be handled: HIGH
Acceleration report should be correctly handled
Active power measurement should generate correct messages
ActivePower Report should be handled. Sensor value is in W, capability attribute value is in W
ActivePower Report should be handled. Sensor value is in W, capability attribute value is in hectowatts
ActivePower Report should be handled: Sensor value is in W, capability attribute value is in W, child device
ActivePower Report should be handled: Sensor value is in W, capability attribute value is in W, parent device
Add Credential command received from SmartThings and commandResult is busy
Add Credential command received from SmartThings and commandResult is invalidCommand
Add Credential command received from SmartThings and commandResult is resourceExhausted
Add Credential command received from SmartThings and user_index is occupied
Add User command received from SmartThings and commandResult is busy
Add Week Day Schedule command received from SmartThings and send busy state
Added event should generate expected messages
Added lifecycle event for child device should refresh device only
Added lifecycle event for parent device should evoke correct GETs
Added lifecycle event lock nocodes nobattery
Added lifecycle event lock without codes
Added lifecycle event should be handled
Added lifecycle event should create children for parent device
Added lifecycle event should not create device if a device is present
Added lifecycle event should refresh child device
Added lifecycle event should set color temperature
Added lifecycle should be handlded
Added lifecycle should be handled
Added should call refresh for child devices
Added should configure all necessary attributes and begin reading codes
Added should create the correct number of children
Added should kick off cota cred process
Added should refresh all necessary attributes
Added should send all necessary events and messages
Adding a device that already has childen should not create more
Adding a device that doesn't have childen should create more
Additional mode reports should extend the supported modes
Additional mode reports should extend the supported modes when auto is supported
Aeon Meter should be configured correctly
Aeon Siren should be correctly configured
Aeotec Meter should be configured correctly
Aeotec nanomote one's supported button values
After inclusion device should be added to propper association
After inclusion device should be polled
Air Quality reports should generate correct messages
Alarm capability / off command should evoke the correct Z-Wave commands
Alarm capability / siren command should evoke the correct Z-Wave commands / AMBULANCE sound selected
Alarm capability / siren command should evoke the correct Z-Wave commands / Default sound (EMERGENCY) should be used
Alarm capability / siren command should evoke the correct Z-Wave commands / EMERGENCY sound selected
Alarm capability / siren command should evoke the correct Z-Wave commands / FIRE sound selected
Alarm capability / siren command should evoke the correct Z-Wave commands / POLICE sound selected
Alarm capability / siren command should evoke the correct Z-Wave commands / SMOKE sound selected
Alarm custom value 12 should be handled
Alarm custom value 13 should generate Clear Capability event
Alarm report (CO clear) should be handled
Alarm report (CO detected) should be handled
Alarm report (CO detected) should be ignored
Alarm report (CO test clear) should be handled
Alarm report (CO test) should be handled
Alarm report (smoke clear) should be handled
Alarm report (smoke detected) should be handled
Alarm report (smoke detected) should be ignored
Alarm report (tamper clear) should be handled
Alarm report (tamper detected) should be handled
Alarm report 0x00 should be handled
Alarm report 0xFF should be handled
Alarm report should be handled as sound detected
Alarm report should be handled as sound not detected
Alarm reports command should be handled as contact sensor closed
Alarm reports command should be handled as contact sensor open
Alarm reports command should be handled as tamper alert clear
Alarm reports command should be handled as tamper alert detected
Alarm reports command should be handled as temperature alarm cleared
Alarm reports command should be handled as temperature alarm freeze
Alarm reports command should be handled as temperature alarm heat
Alarm tamper events should be handled
All user codes should be reported as deleted upon changing Master Code
All users cleared re-sets COTA cred
Assert component to endpoint map
Assert profile applied over doConfigure
At a WakeUp, Assocation:Set should be sent when there wasn't a motion status event
At a WakeUp, Assocation:Set shouldn't be sent when there was a motion status event
Barrier operator closed report should be handled
Barrier operator closing report should be handled
Barrier operator open report should be handled
Barrier operator opening report should be handled
Barrier operator unknown report should be handled
BarrierOperator reports value 0x00 should be handled as proper capabilities
BarrierOperator reports value 0xFF should be handled as proper capabilities
Basic GET should be handled
Basic REPORT 0x00 should be handled as switch off
Basic REPORT 0x31 should be handled as switch on, level(49)
Basic REPORT 0xFF should be handled as switch on
Basic Report (0x00) should be handled by child device
Basic Report (0x00) should be handled by parent device
Basic Report (0xFF) should be handled by child device
Basic Report (0xFF) should be handled by parent device
Basic Report 0x00 to channel 0 received, make all component to off and check the metering value
Basic Report 0x00 to multi channel message should generate proper capability to proper component and check the metering value
Basic Report 0xFF to channel 0 received, make all component to on and check the metering value
Basic Report 0xFF to multi channel message should generate proper capability to proper component and check the metering value
Basic SET 0x00 should be handled as switch off
Basic SET 0x00 should be handled as water dry
Basic SET 0xFF should be handled as switch on
Basic SET 0xFF should be handled as water wet
Basic Set (0x00) should be handled by child device
Basic Set (0x00) should be handled by parent device
Basic Set (0xFF) should be handled by child device
Basic Set (0xFF) should be handled by parent device
Basic Set (contact) should be handled
Basic Sets should result in an Association remove
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by child 2 device
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by child 3 device
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by child device
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by main component
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by parent device
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by switch1 componet
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by switch2 componet
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by switch3 componet
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by switch4 componet
Basic report (0x00) should be handled by switch5 componet
Basic report (0x32) should be handled by child 2 device
Basic report (0x32) should be handled by child 3 device
Basic report (0x32) should be handled by child device
Basic report (0x32) should be handled by parent device
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by child 2 device
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by child 3 device
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by child device
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by main component
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by parent device
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by switch1 componet
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by switch2 componet
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by switch3 componet
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by switch4 componet
Basic report (0xFF) should be handled by switch5 componet
Basic report (child 4) 0x00 should be handled
Basic report (child 4) 0xFF should be handled
Basic report (contact / closed) should be handled
Basic report (contact / open) should be handled
Basic report (contact sensor) should be handled
Basic report (motion sensor) should be handled
Basic report (water sensor) should be handled
Basic report 0 should be handled as window shade closed
Basic report 0x00 should be handled
Basic report 0x00 should be handled as alarm off
Basic report 0x00 should be handled as alarm off, chime off
Basic report 0x00 should be handled as alarm off, swtich off
Basic report 0xFF should be handled
Basic report 0xFF should be handled as alarm both
Basic report 0xFF should be handled as alarm both, chime
Basic report 0xFF should be handled as alarm both, swtich on
Basic report 1 ~ 98 should be handled as window shade partially open
Basic report 99 should be handled as window shade open
Basic report should be handled
Basic report value <= 33 should be handled as alarm strobe, swtich on
Basic report value <= 66 should be handled as alarm siren, swtich on
Basic report with 0x00 should be handled to, colorCotrol.hue() and colorControl.saturation()
Basic report with 0xFF should be handled to switch.on()
Basic reports value 0x00 should be handled as proper capabilities
Basic reports value 0xFF should be handled as proper capabilities
Basic set (0x00) should be handled by switch2 componet
Basic set (0xFF) should be handled by switch1 componet
Basic set 0x00 should be handled as alarm off, switch off in main component
Basic set 0x00 should be handled as alarm off, switch off in siren1 component
Basic set 0x00 should be handled as alarm off, swtich off in siren2 component
Basic set 0xFF should be handled as alarm on, switch both in main component
Basic set 0xFF should be handled as alarm on, switch both in siren1 component
Basic set 0xFF should be handled as alarm on, switch both in siren2 component
Basic set command generate capability to proper component (button1 held)
Basic set command generate capability to proper component (button1 pushed)
Basic set command generate capability to proper component (button2 held)
Basic set command generate capability to proper component (button2 pushed)
Basic set command generate capability to proper component (button3 held)
Basic set command generate capability to proper component (button3 pushed)
Basic set command generate capability to proper component (button4 held)
Basic set command generate capability to proper component (button4 pushed)
Basic set should be handled
Basic set value 0x00 should be handled as proper capabilities
Basic set value 0xFF should be handled as proper capabilities
Basic valve on/off report should be handled: off
Basic valve on/off report should be handled: on
BasicSet should be handled. If cmd.value != 0, then do nothing
BasicSet should be handled. If cmd.value == 0, then get current switch status
Battery 0% report should be ignored
Battery Percentage Remaining test cases
Battery Percentage Remaining test cases when polling from hub
Battery Voltage test cases
Battery Voltage test cases - new firmware
Battery Voltage test cases - old firmware
Battery Voltage test cases when polling from hub
Battery Voltage test cases when presence based on battery reports
Battery out handler
Battery percent reports should generate correct messages
Battery percentage 0xFF report should be handled as 1%
Battery percentage report (110) should be handled -> 55% for a device with FW > 0x17
Battery percentage report (120) should be handled -> 100% for a device with FW <= 0x17
Battery percentage report (240) should be handled -> 100% for a device with FW > 0x17
Battery percentage report (55) should be handled -> 55% for a device with FW <= 0x17
Battery percentage report should be handled
Battery percentage report should be handled Danfoss
Battery report (BATTERY_LOW_WARNING) should be handled
Battery report of 0 should report two events
Battery report should be handled
Battery report should be handled for extra temperature sensor
Battery reports should be handled in this device's specific (incorrect) way
Battery reports test cases
Battery voltage events should generate expected messages
Battery voltage events should handle 0 percent
Battery voltage report should be handled
Battery voltage report should be handled, 48
BatteryPercentRemaining report should be handled
BatteryVoltage report should be handled
Binary switch on/off report from channel 1 should be handled: on
Binary switch on/off report from channel 2 should be handled: on
Binary switch on/off report from child device should be handled: on
Binary switch on/off report from parent device should be handled: on
Binary switch on/off report should be handled: off
Binary switch on/off report should be handled: on
Binary valve on/off report should be handled: off
Binary valve on/off report should be handled: on
Boolean state freeze detection reports should generate correct messages
Boolean state leak detection reports should generate correct messages
Boolean state rain detection reports should generate correct messages
Boolean state reports should generate correct messages
Button Scene Activation held should be handled
Button Scene Activation should be handled
Button pairing mode should be configured if parameter triggerButtonPairing is true
Button pairing mode shouldn't be configured if parameter triggerButtonPairing is false
Button unpairing mode should be configured if parameter triggerButtonUnpairing is true
Button unpairing mode shouldn't be configured if parameter triggerButtonUnpairing is false
Calling updateCodes should send properly spaced commands
Capability 'switch' command 'off' should be handled
Capability 'switch' command 'on' should be handled
Capability 'switchLevel' command 'setLevel' on should be handled
Capability 'switchLevel' command 'setLevel' should be handled
Capability 'switchLevel' command 'setLevel' with dimRate preference should be handled
Capability (lock) command (lock) should be handled
Capability (lock) command (unlock) should be handled
Capability cmd should invoke Indicator:Get after 1 sec timeout
Capability cmd, switch (switch3) off, should be handled: value=31 (11111) -> 27 (10111)
Capability cmds, all switch off, should be handled: value=31 (11111) -> 0 (0000)
Capability command Alarm - both should be handled by main component
Capability command Alarm - both should be handled by sound2 component
Capability command Alarm - both should be handled by sound3 component
Capability command Alarm - both should be handled by sound4 component
Capability command Alarm - both should be handled by sound5 component
Capability command Alarm - both should be handled by sound6 component
Capability command Alarm - both should be handled by sound7 component
Capability command Alarm - both should be handled by sound8 component
Capability command Alarm - off should be handled by main component
Capability command Alarm - off should be handled by sound2 component
Capability command Alarm - off should be handled by sound3 component
Capability command Alarm - off should be handled by sound4 component
Capability command Alarm - off should be handled by sound5 component
Capability command Alarm - off should be handled by sound6 component
Capability command Alarm - off should be handled by sound7 component
Capability command Alarm - off should be handled by sound8 component
Capability command Alarm - siren should be handled by main component
Capability command Alarm - siren should be handled by sound2 component
Capability command Alarm - siren should be handled by sound3 component
Capability command Alarm - siren should be handled by sound4 component
Capability command Alarm - siren should be handled by sound5 component
Capability command Alarm - siren should be handled by sound6 component
Capability command Alarm - siren should be handled by sound7 component
Capability command Alarm - siren should be handled by sound8 component
Capability command Alarm - strobe should be handled by main component
Capability command Alarm - strobe should be handled by sound2 component
Capability command Alarm - strobe should be handled by sound3 component
Capability command Alarm - strobe should be handled by sound4 component
Capability command Alarm - strobe should be handled by sound5 component
Capability command Alarm - strobe should be handled by sound6 component
Capability command Alarm - strobe should be handled by sound7 component
Capability command Alarm - strobe should be handled by sound8 component
Capability command Off should be handled
Capability command Off should be handled by switch1 component
Capability command On should be handled
Capability command On should be handled by main component
Capability command On should be handled by switch1 component
Capability command chime off should be handled by main component
Capability command chime off should be handled by sound2 component
Capability command chime off should be handled by sound3 component
Capability command chime off should be handled by sound4 component
Capability command chime off should be handled by sound5 component
Capability command chime off should be handled by sound6 component
Capability command chime off should be handled by sound7 component
Capability command chime off should be handled by sound8 component
Capability command chime should be handled by main component
Capability command chime should be handled by sound2 component
Capability command chime should be handled by sound3 component
Capability command chime should be handled by sound4 component
Capability command chime should be handled by sound5 component
Capability command chime should be handled by sound6 component
Capability command chime should be handled by sound7 component
Capability command chime should be handled by sound8 component
Capability command off should be handled by main component
Capability command setLevel should be handled
Capability command switch off child should be handled
Capability command switch off parent should be handled
Capability command switch on child should be handled
Capability command switch on parent should be handled
Capability command switch on should be handled
Capability off command should be handled
Capability off command should be handled : child device
Capability off command should be handled : parent device
Capability off command switch off should be handled : fifth child device
Capability off command switch off should be handled : first child device
Capability off command switch off should be handled : fourth child device
Capability off command switch off should be handled : parent device
Capability off command switch off should be handled : second child device
Capability off command switch off should be handled : third child device
Capability off command switch on should be handled : first child device
Capability off command switch on should be handled : parent device
Capability off command switch on should be handled : second child device
Capability on command should be handled
Capability on command should be handled : child device
Capability on command should be handled : child lock locked
Capability on command should be handled : device mute
Capability on command should be handled : device selfCheck
Capability on command should be handled : parent device
Capability on command should be handled : setSensitivityAdjustment Low
Capability on command should be handled : thermostat mode manual
Capability on command should be handled : valve Calibration
Capability on command should be handled : valve open
Capability on command should not be handled : device unmute
Capability on command switch on should be handled : fifth child device
Capability on command switch on should be handled : first child device
Capability on command switch on should be handled : fourth child device
Capability on command switch on should be handled : parent device
Capability on command switch on should be handled : second child device
Capability on command switch on should be handled : third child device
Capability(alarm) command(both) on should be handled
Capability(alarm) command(off) on should be handled
Capability(alarm) command(siren) on should be handled
Capability(alarm) command(strobe) on should be handled
Capability(switch) command(off) off should be handled
Capability(switch) command(off) on should be handled
Capability(switch) command(on) on should be handled
Capability(switchLevel) command(setLevel) on should be handled
Capability(valve) command(off) on should be handled
Capability(valve) command(open) on should be handled
Carbon Monoxide reports should generate correct messages
Celsius temperature reports should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'down' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'down_2x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'down_3x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'down_4x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'down_5x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'down_hold' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'held' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'pushed' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'pushed_2x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'pushed_3x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'pushed_4x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'pushed_5x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'released' should not be handled, not supported by SmartThings
Central Scene notification Button 'up' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'up_2x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'up_3x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'up_4x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'up_5x' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 'up_hold' should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 1 pushed should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 2 pushed x4 should be handled
Central Scene notification Button 3 pushed should be handled
Central Scene notification Button held should be handled
Central Scene notification Button pushed should be handled
Central Scene notification KEY_HELD_DOWN attribute from source channel 2 should be discared
Central Scene notification KEY_HELD_DOWN attribute should be handled
Central Scene notification KEY_PRESSED_1_TIME attribute from source channel 2 should be discared
Central Scene notification KEY_PRESSED_1_TIME attribute should be handled
Central Scene notification KEY_PRESSED_2_TIMES attribute from source channel 2 should be discared
Central Scene notification KEY_PRESSED_2_TIMES attribute should be handled
Central Scene notification KEY_PRESSED_3_TIMES attribute from source channel 2 should be discared
Central Scene notification KEY_PRESSED_3_TIMES attribute should be handled
Central Scene notification KEY_RELEASED attribute from source channel 2 should be discared
Central Scene notification KEY_RELEASED attribute should be handled
Central Scene notification button held should be handled
Central scene notification command (scene number 1 & double) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command (scene number 1 & held) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command (scene number 1 & pushed) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command (scene number 2 & double) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command (scene number 2 & held) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command (scene number 2 & pushed) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command (scene number 3 & held) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command (scene number 3 & pushed) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command (scene number 4 & held) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command (scene number 4 & pushed) generate capability to proper component
Central scene notification command for an unsupported action should not generate an event
Check all preferences via infoChanged
Check default temperature color set from added handler
Check systemModes preference via infoChanged and other combination test
Check that preference updates to high after being set on-device as expected
Check that preference updates to high as expected
Check that preference updates to low as expected
Check that the timer created in create_poll_schedule properly reads the device in requestData
Check the power and energy meter when the device is added
Check the refresh command
Check the reset command
Check when the device is removed
Child device - Binary report 0xFF should be handled: switch ON
Child device - Binary report Ox00 should be handled: switch OFF
Child device - Energy meter report from endpoint 2 should be handled
Child device - Power meter report from endpoint 2 should be handled
Child device - refresh capability should evoke the correct Z-Wave GETs
Child device - switch capability command off from main should be handled: off
Child device - switch capability command on from main should be handled: on
Child device profiles should be overriden for specific devices
Chime capability / chime command should evoke the correct Z-Wave Notification commands
Clear Week Day Schedule command received from SmartThings and send busy state
Close Command Handler
Close Command Handler with software build handler
Close command should send the appropriate commands
Close commands should generate correct zwave commands
Close handler
Code set reports should be handled
Color Control Hue should generate event
Color Control capability setColor commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs
Color Temperature capability setColorTemperature commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs
Color Tempurature capability set commands should evoke Aeotec-specific Z-Wave configuration SETs and GETs
Color control saturation should generate event
ColorTemperature command setColorTemperature should be handled
Combination test of mode and cooling(heating) setpoint
Command success should result in opening/closing event
Configuration report indicating code deletion should be handled
Configuration report should be handled
Configuration report should update metadata
Configuration reports about power management should be handled
Configuration value sholud be updated when update preference
Configuration value sholud be updated when wakeup notification received
Configuration value should be updated and device refreshed, when wakeup notification received
Configure event should generate expected messages
Configure should configure adding device to Zigbee group only once
Configure should configure all necessary attributes
Configure should configure all necessary attributes - MaestroStat
Configure should configure all necessary attributes - SROB
Configure should configure all necessary attributes and begin reading codes
Configure should configure all necessary attributes and refresh device
Configure should not catch co2, only co in the first check
Configure should read units from device and profile change as needed
Configure should read units from device and profile change to common clusters profile if applicable
Contact close handler
Contact events should not be generatd from zone status reports when device is mounted on a garage door
Contact open handler
ControlSequenceOfOperation reporting should create the appropriate events
ControlSequenceOfOperation reporting should create the appropriate events with fifth child device
ControlSequenceOfOperation reporting should create the appropriate events with first child device
ControlSequenceOfOperation reporting should create the appropriate events with forth child device
ControlSequenceOfOperation reporting should create the appropriate events with second child device
ControlSequenceOfOperation reporting should create the appropriate events with third child device
Cook Surface One: MeasuredValue of TemperatureMeasurement clusters should be reported correctly.
Cook Surface One: TemperatureControl Supported Levels must be registered and setTemperatureLevel level command should send appropriate command
Cook Surface Two: MeasuredValue of TemperatureMeasurement clusters should be reported correctly.
Cook Surface Two: TemperatureControl Supported Levels must be registered and setTemperatureLevel level command should send appropriate command
Cook Top: Off command should send appropriate commands
Cool setpoint higher than max
Cool setpoint inside deadband
Cool setpoint lower than min
Cooling mode should be configured correctly
Cooling setpoint reports are handled
Cooling setpoint reports should be handled
Cooling setpoint reports should generate correct messages
Correct contact events should be generated when device is mounted on garage door
Credential status response reporting should be handled
Cumulative Energy measurement should generate correct messages
Current level reports should generate appropriate events
Current state reports should generate appropriate events
CurrentX and CurrentY attr report should be handled
CurrentX attr report should be handled
CurrentY and CurrentX attr report should be handled
CurrentY attr report should be handled
Custom Humidity report should be handled
DIGITAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR NOT CONNECTED - temperature reports shouldn't be handled
Default refresh should be handled
Delay setting COTA cred if another cred is already being set.
Delete All Users command received from SmartThings and send busy state
Delete Credential command received from SmartThings and send busy state
Delete User command received from SmartThings and send busy state
Delete all Credentials command received from SmartThings and send busy state
Deleted COTA cred is recreated
Deleting a user code should be handled
Device Add should bootstrap UI state
Device Added
Device Added handler should be generate wakeup interval set command
Device added data lock codes population
Device added data lock codes population, device response produces no events
Device added data lock codes population, should not reload all codes
Device added event should make proper event for aeotec keyfob
Device added event should make proper event for aeotec minimote
Device added event should make proper event for aeotec wallmote quad
Device added event should make proper event for everspring wall switch
Device added event should make proper event for fibaro keyfob
Device added event should refresh device states
Device added function handler
Device added lifecycle event should be handled
Device added lifecycle event should emit initial inactive event for motion
Device added without data should function
Device init after added shouldn't change the datastores
Device init after added with no data should update the datastores
Device init with new data should populate fields
Device should be configured
Device should be configured after changing device settings
Device should be configured and refreshed
Device should be configured if parameter configureSoundAndVolume is true
Device should be configured when added
Device should be marked not present when default check interval elapses without a battery report
Device should be marked not present when non-default check interval elapses without a battery report
Device should be polled after receiving ApplicationBusy command
Device should be polled at inclusion
Device should be polled with refresh right after inclusion
Device should be refreshed after configuration
Device should configure necessary attributes
Device should profile to aqs-temp-humidity-tvoc-meas
Device should send appropriate configuration messages
Device should use Basic SETs and GETs despite supporting Switch Multilevel (off)
Device should use Basic SETs and GETs despite supporting Switch Multilevel (on)
Device should use Basic SETs despite supporting Switch Multilevel (off)
Device should use Basic SETs despite supporting Switch Multilevel (on)
Device shouldn't be configured if parameter configureSoundAndVolume is false
DeviceEnergyManagementMode SupportedModes must be registered. 2.CurrentMode must trigger approriate mode capability event. 3.Command to setMode should trigger appropriate changeToMode matter command
Dishwasher Supported Modes must be registered and Dishwasher Mode command should send appropriate commands
Do not report when receiving a color temperature of 0 mireds
Door Lock Operation Reports locked should be handled
Door Lock Operation Reports should be handled
Door Lock Operation Reports unlocked should be handled
Door control close commands should generate correct zwave commands
Door control commands should generate correct zwave commands
Door control open commands should generate correct zwave commands
DoorLock Lock response message should be handled
DoorLock Unlock response message should be handled
Driver received setpoint Report with what was sent, driver should remove cached set command. After that, Wakeup.Notification should not invoke no more set command
Driver should poll device at the inclusion
Driver should resent cached setpoint Set command for Wakeup.Notification
Early freezing event should be handled
Early heat event should be handled
ElectricalPowerMeasurement PowerMode must trigger appropriate powerSource capability event
Emitting cleared Temperature alert
Emitting cleared Temperature alert with early freeze
Encapsulated humidity reports should be parsed correctly
Energy meter capability resetEnergyMeter command should be handled
Energy meter handled
Energy meter report (METER) should be handled
Energy meter report from child device should be handled
Energy meter report from parent device should be handled
Energy meter report from source channel 2 should be discarded
Energy meter report should be handled
Energy meter report should be handled by a child
Energy meter report should be handled by a parent
Energy meter report should be handled by main component
Energy meter report should be handled by smartplug1 component
Energy meter report should be handled for endpoint: 1
Energy meter report should be handled for endpoint: 2
Energy meter report should be ignored
Energy meter reports should be generating events
Energy meter reports should be handled
Energy meter reset should send a reset command
EnergyEvse ChargingEnabledUntil in epoch must trigger appropriate evseChargingSession targetEndTime capability event in iso8601 format
EnergyEvse Fault State must trigger appropriate evseState faultState capability event
EnergyEvse MaximumChargeCurrent constraint must trigger appropriate evseChargingSession maxCurrent capability event
EnergyEvse MinimumChargeCurrent constraint must trigger appropriate evseChargingSession minCurrent capability event
EnergyEvse SessionDuration must trigger appropriate evseChargingSession sessionTime capability event
EnergyEvse SessionEnergyCharged must trigger appropriate evseChargingSession energyDelivered capability event
EnergyEvse State must trigger appropriate evseState EvseState capability event
EnergyEvse Supply State must trigger appropriate evseState supplystate capability event
EnergyEvseMode SupportedModes must be registered. 2.CurrentMode must trigger approriate mode capability event. 3.Command to setMode should trigger appropriate changeToMode matter command
Ensure that every 60 seconds the driver reads the CumulativeEnergyImported attribute for both endpoints
Ensure the total accumulated powerConsumption for both endpoints is reported every 15 minutes
Ensure timers are created for the device
External user creates space for COTA credential on a nonfunctional lock
External window open detection window closed
External window open detection window open
Fahrenheit-scaled report should be converted to capability with fahrenheit scale
Fan operating state reports are handled
FanModeSequence send the appropriate commands
Fibaro button's supported button values
First Oven TCC: MeasuredValue of TemperatureMeasurement clusters should be reported correctly.
First Oven TCC: Verify temperatureSetpoint command sends the appropriate commands.
First button component: Handle single press sequence, no hold
First child device: switch capability switch should send the appropriate commands
Full Battery handler
Generate proper zwave commands when added the device
Generated periodic import energy device poll timer (<15 minutes) gets correctly set
Generated periodic import energy device poll timer (>15 minutes) gets correctly set
Generated poll timer (<15 minutes) gets correctly set
Generated poll timer (>15 minutes) gets correctly set
Get initial battery value in added
GetCredentialStatus failure does not emit events
Getting all lock codes should advance as expected
Handle Add Credential command received from SmartThings.
Handle Add User command received from SmartThings and commandResult is resourceExhausted
Handle Add User command received from SmartThings.
Handle Add Week Day Schedule command received from SmartThings.
Handle BatChargeLevel capability handling with batteryLevel.
Handle Clear Week Day Schedule command received from SmartThings.
Handle Configure lifecycle
Handle Delete All Users command received from SmartThings.
Handle Delete Credential command received from SmartThings.
Handle Delete User command received from SmartThings.
Handle Delete all Credentials command received from SmartThings.
Handle DoorLockAlarm event from Matter device.
Handle Energy meter
Handle Lock Operation event from Matter device.
Handle Lock cmd
Handle Lock command received from SmartThings.
Handle Power meter
Handle Power meter, Sensor value is in kW, capability attribute value is in W
Handle Switch Level
Handle Unlatch Operation event from Matter device.
Handle Unlatch command received from SmartThings.
Handle Unlock cmd
Handle Unlock command received from SmartThings.
Handle Update Credential command received from SmartThings.
Handle Update User command received from SmartThings.
Handle Window Shade Preset command
Handle Window Shade level command
Handle Window shade close command
Handle Window shade open command
Handle Window shade pause command
Handle a long press including MultiPressComplete
Handle added lifecycle
Handle added lifecycle - no host user
Handle added lifecycle - only regular user
Handle added lifecycle -- e1
Handle added lifecycle -- t1
Handle antifreezeModeSetting in infochanged
Handle changeToWirelessSwitch in infochanged
Handle clear tamper alert detection.
Handle detection frequency capability
Handle doConfigure lifecycle
Handle doConfigure lifecycle -- e1
Handle doConfigure lifecycle -- t1
Handle double press
Handle electricSwitchType in infochanged
Handle energy meter with standard cluster
Handle for duplicated pincode during COTA setting
Handle humidityOffset preference in infochanged
Handle infochanged
Handle invert in infochanged
Handle lightFadeInTimeInSec in infochanged
Handle lightFadeOutTimeInSec in infochanged
Handle lock preference in infochanged
Handle long press followed by single press
Handle long press sequence for a long hold on long-release-capable button
Handle long press sequence for a long hold on multi button
Handle maxPower in infochanged
Handle multi press for 4 times
Handle notificationOfValveTest in infochanged
Handle occupancy attr
Handle power meter with standard cluster
Handle preference: autoReportType in infoChanged
Handle preference: group1Sensors in infoChanged
Handle preference: group1Time in infoChanged
Handle preference: group2Sensors in infoChanged
Handle preference: group2Time in infoChanged
Handle preference: group3Sensors in infoChanged
Handle preference: group3Time in infoChanged
Handle preference: ledAfterPower in infoChanged
Handle preference: overloadProtection in infoChanged
Handle preference: powerThreshold in infoChanged
Handle received BatPercentRemaining from device.
Handle received LockState.LOCKED from Matter device.
Handle received LockState.NOT_FULLY_LOCKED from Matter device.
Handle received LockState.UNLATCHED from Matter device.
Handle received LockState.UNLOCKED from Matter device.
Handle received MaxPINCodeLength from Matter device.
Handle received MinPINCodeLength from Matter device.
Handle received NumberOfPINUsersSupported from Matter device.
Handle received NumberOfTotalUsersSupported from Matter device.
Handle received NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser from Matter device.
Handle received NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser from Matter device.
Handle received OperatingMode(Normal, Vacation) from Matter device.
Handle received OperatingMode(Privacy, No Remote Lock UnLock, Passage) from Matter device.
Handle received RequirePINforRemoteOperation(false) from Matter device.
Handle received RequirePINforRemoteOperation(true) from Matter device.
Handle received refresh.
Handle release after long press
Handle release after short press
Handle restorePowerState in infochanged
Handle reverseCurtainDirection in infochanged
Handle reverseRollerShadeDir in infochanged
Handle sensitivity adjustment capability
Handle single press sequence for a long hold on long-release-capable button
Handle single press sequence for a long hold on multi button
Handle single press sequence for a multi press on multi button
Handle single press sequence for emulated hold on short-release-only button
Handle single press sequence for short release-supported button
Handle single press sequence in case of exhausted endpoint
Handle single press sequence when changing the device_lifecycle
Handle single press sequence, no hold
Handle single press sequence, with hold
Handle softTouch in infochanged
Handle tempOffset preference in infochanged
Handle tempOffset preference infochanged
Handle tempOffset/humidityOffset preference infochanged
Handle turnOffIndicator in infochanged
Handle turnOffIndicatorLight in infochanged
Handle turnOffIndicatorLight in infochanged : Off
Handle turnOffIndicatorLight in infochanged : On
Handle windowcoveringPreset
Handle write attr res: detectionFrequency
Handle write attr res: sensitivityAdjustment High
Handle write attr res: sensitivityAdjustment Low
Handle write attr res: sensitivityAdjustment Medium
Health check should check all relevant attributes
Heat mode should be configured correctly
Heat setpoint higher than max
Heat setpoint inside deadband
Heat setpoint lower than min
Heating setpoint reports are handled
Heating setpoint reports are handled Danfoss
Heating setpoint reports are handled.
Heating setpoint reports should be handled
Heating setpoint reports should generate correct messages
Higher than max battery voltage report should be handled
Humidity report should be handled
Humidity report should be handled for 0 value
Humidity report should be handled for 100 value
Humidity reports should be handled
If lock codes are not supported by the profile but the lock supports them, switch profiles
Illuminance report should be handled
Illuminance reports should be handled
Illuminance reports should generate correct messages
Incorrectly-encapsulated humidity reports should be handled gracefully
Incorrectly-encapsulated temperature reports should be handled gracefully
Indicator report (00100) followed by Capability command (main on)
Indicator report should be handled: value=0x01 -> 00001
Indicator report should be handled: value=30 -> 11110
InfoChanged event checks for new profile match if device has changed (i.e. through reinterview or SW update)
Information changed : Reverse
Initial level report
InstaneousDemand Report should be handled
InstaneousDemand Report should be handled. Sensor value is in kW, capability attribute value is in W
KK - Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x09 should be handled as: Temperature (25.5 C), Acceleration - active, Contact - closed, battery(97%)
Keypad commands should send the appropriate commands
Laundry Washer Suppoerted Modes must be registered and Laundry Washer Mode command should send appropriate commands
Level Cluster Attribute handling
Level Cluster Attribute handling with software build version
Level cluster commands should result with sending held events for button 1 & 2
Level cluster commands should result with sending pushed events for button 1 & 2
Level value reports should generate events
LevelControl CurrentLevel handler
Lifecycle - added test
Local Temperature negative handler
LocalTemperature atttribute reports using the thermostat cluster should be handled
Lock alarm reporting should be handled
Lock notification reporting should be handled
Lock operation event reporting should be handled
Lock state attribute reports (after the first) should be delayed if they come before event notifications
Lock status reporting should be handled
LockDoor uses cota cred when present
Low battery report should be handled
Lower than min battery voltage report should be handled
Main switch component: switch capability should send the appropriate commands
Master code programming event should be handled
Max battery voltage report should be handled
Max color temperature outside of range, capability not sent
Max lock code length report should be handled
Max user code number report should be handled
Measured value reports should generate events if there is a stored unit
MeasuredValue of TemperatureMeasurement clusters should be reported correctly.
MeasuredValue reports using the RelativeHumidity cluster should be handled
Meter report for KILOVOLT_AMPERE_HOURS to multi channel message should generate proper capability to proper components
Meter report for KILOWATT_HOURS to multi channel message should generate proper capability to proper components
Meter report for WATTS to multi channel message should generate proper capability to proper component and check the metering value
Meter reports for multi channel 0 message should generate proper capability
Meter reports for multi channel 0 message should generate proper capability and get metering value for each component
Meter:Report() with meter_value == 0 should be correctly interpreted by the driver
Meter:Report() with meter_value > 0 should be correctly interpreted by the driver
Mfr-specific humidity reports should be handled
Mfr-specific setpoint reports should be handled
Min and max color temp attributes set capability constraint for child devices
Min and max color temperature attributes set capability constraint
Min and max color temperature attributes set capability constraint using improved temperature conversion rounding
Min and max cooling setpoint attributes do not set capability constraint for RPC version less than 5
Min and max cooling setpoint attributes set capability constraint
Min and max heating setpoint attributes do not set capability constraint for RPC version less than 4
Min and max heating setpoint attributes set capability constraint
Min and max level attributes set capability constraint
Min and max level attributes set capability constraint for child devices
Min and max temperature attributes do not set capability constraint for RPC version less than 5
Min and max temperature attributes do not set capability constraint when RPC version is less than 5
Min and max temperature attributes set capability constraint
Min battery voltage report should be handled
Min color temperature outside of range, capability not sent
Min level attribute outside of range for lighting feature device (min level = 1), capability not sent
Min lock code length report should be handled
Minimum & Maximum Temperature report should be handled (C)
Minimum & Maximum Temperature report should be handled (C) for the temperature cluster
Mode report of ENERGY_SAVE_HEAT should generate an 'eco' event
Mode should be changed to shutter after receiving configuration report with value 0
Mode should be changed to venetian blinds after receiving configuration report with value 1
Molecular weight conversion should be handled appropriately in unit_conversion
Momentary push should generate correct zwave messages
Motion active handler after 120 seconds inactive
Motion reports interval configuration value should be updated when wakeup notification received
Motor direction closing with window_shade_level_cmd
Motor direction closing with window_shade_preset_cmd
Motor direction idle with Window Shade state partially open
Motor direction opening with window_shade_level_cmd
Move command should be handled by centrailite system device
Move command should be handled by ikea of sweden device
Move command(MoveStepMode.UP) should be handled
Move to level with onoff command should be handled by ikea of sweden device
Move with onoff command should be handled by centrailite system device
Move with onoff command should be handled by ikea of sweden device
Multi-level sensor reports fahrenheight should be handled as temperature capability
Multi-level sensor reports for celcius should be handled as temperature capability
MultiChannel capability report should create device if it doesn't have child with ep 1
MultiChannel capability report should create device if it doesn't have child with ep 3
MultiChannel capability report should create device if it doesn't have child with ep 4
MultiChannel capability report should create device if it doesn't have child with ep 5
MultiChannel capability report should not create device if it has child with ep 1
MultiChannel capability report should not create device if it has child with ep 3
MultiChannel capability report should not create device if it has child with ep 4
MultiChannel capability report should not create device if it has child with ep 5
Mute and unmute commands should send the appropriate commands
New configuration paramaters should be send and device should be refreshed after device wakes up
New profile do not change when version is bigger than 1,5
Not Fully Locked status reporting should not be handled
Notification Report (SIREN / ACTIVE) - src_channel: 0 should be handled as alarm both, chime in the main component
Notification Report (SIREN / ACTIVE) - src_channel: 2 should be handled as alarm both, chime in the sound2 component
Notification Report (SIREN / ACTIVE) - src_channel: 3 should be handled as alarm both, chime in the sound3 component
Notification Report (SIREN / ACTIVE) - src_channel: 4 should be handled as alarm both, chime in the sound4 component
Notification Report (SIREN / ACTIVE) - src_channel: 5 should be handled as alarm both, chime in the sound5 component
Notification Report (SIREN / ACTIVE) - src_channel: 6 should be handled as alarm both, chime in the sound6 component
Notification Report (SIREN / ACTIVE) - src_channel: 7 should be handled as alarm both, chime in the sound7 component
Notification Report (SIREN / ACTIVE) - src_channel: 8 should be handled as alarm both, chime in the sound8 component
Notification Report (SIREN / STATE_IDLE) - src_channel: 0 should be handled as alarm off, chime off in the main component
Notification Report (SIREN / STATE_IDLE) - src_channel: 2 should be handled as alarm off, chime off in the sound2 component
Notification Report (SIREN / STATE_IDLE) - src_channel: 3 should be handled as alarm off, chime off in the sound3 component
Notification Report (SIREN / STATE_IDLE) - src_channel: 4 should be handled as alarm off, chime off in the sound4 component
Notification Report (SIREN / STATE_IDLE) - src_channel: 5 should be handled as alarm off, chime off in the sound5 component
Notification Report (SIREN / STATE_IDLE) - src_channel: 6 should be handled as alarm off, chime off in the sound6 component
Notification Report (SIREN / STATE_IDLE) - src_channel: 7 should be handled as alarm off, chime off in the sound7 component
Notification Report (SIREN / STATE_IDLE) - src_channel: 8 should be handled as alarm off, chime off in the sound8 component
Notification about correctly added code should be handled
Notification about duplicated code should be handled
Notification clear report (CO) should be handled
Notification report (CO) should be handled
Notification report (HEAT) should be handled
Notification report (contact / closed) should be handled
Notification report (contact / open) should be handled
Notification report (contact) should be handled
Notification report (home security idle) should be handled
Notification report (leak) should be handled
Notification report (mold detection) should be handled
Notification report (motion) should be handled
Notification report (no mold detection) should be handled
Notification report (smoke) ALARM_TEST should be handled
Notification report (smoke) STATE_IDLE should be handled
Notification report (smoke) should be handled
Notification report (smoke) should be re-directed to default handler
Notification report (tamper clear) should be handled
Notification report (tamper detected) should be handled
Notification report (tamper) should be handled
Notification report (water idle) should be handled
Notification report 0x00 should be handled as motion inactive
Notification report 0xFF should be handled as motion active
Notification report AC_MAINS_DISCONNECTED event should be handled as powerSource battery
Notification report AC_MAINS_DISCONNECTED event should be handled as switch off
Notification report AC_MAINS_RE_CONNECTED event should be handled as powerSource mains
Notification report AC_MAINS_RE_CONNECTED event should be handled as switch on
Notification report HARDWARE_FAILURE_MANUFACTURER_PROPRIETARY_FAILURE_CODE_PROVIDED event should be handled as battery(1)
Notification report LEAK_DETECTED event should be handled water sensor state wet
Notification report LEAK_DETECTED_LOCATION_PROVIDED event should be handled water sensor state wet
Notification report POWER_MANAGEMENT type REPLACE_BATTERY_SOON should be handled as battery 5% for button 1
Notification report POWER_MANAGEMENT type REPLACE_BATTERY_SOON should be handled as battery 5% for button 2
Notification report POWER_MANAGEMENT type REPLACE_BATTERY_SOON should be handled as battery 5% for button 3
Notification report POWER_MANAGEMENT type STATE_IDLE should be handled as battery 99% for button 1
Notification report POWER_MANAGEMENT type STATE_IDLE should be handled as battery 99% for button 2
Notification report POWER_MANAGEMENT type STATE_IDLE should be handled as battery 99% for button 3
Notification report REPLACE_BATTERY_NOW event should be handled as battery(1)
Notification report STATE_IDLE event and specific event parameter should be handled as motion inactive
Notification report STATE_IDLE event should be handled as tamperAlert clear
Notification report STATE_IDLE event should be handled tamper alert state clear
Notification report STATE_IDLE event should be handled water sensor state dry
Notification report TAMPERING_PRODUCT_COVER_REMOVED event should be handled as tamperAlert detected and back to clear after 10 secs
Notification report UNKNOWN_EVENT_STATE event should be handled water sensor state dry
Notification report home security type MOTION_DETECTION should be handled as motion active
Notification report home security type STATE_IDLE should be handled as inactive
Notification report home security type STATE_IDLE should be handled as tamper alert clear
Notification report home security type STATE_IDLE should be handled as tamper clear, alarm off, chime off
Notification report home security type STATE_IDLE should be handled as tamper clear, chime off
Notification report home security type TAMPERING_PRODUCT_COVER_REMOVED should be handled as tamper alert detected
Notification report home security type TAMPERING_PRODUCT_COVER_REMOVED should be handled as tamper alert detected, siren both
Notification report home security type TAMPERING_PRODUCT_MOVED should be handled as tamper detected
Notification report should be handled
Notification report should generate switch capability off to proper component (switch1)
Notification report should generate switch capability off to proper component (switch2)
Notification report should generate switch capability off to proper component (switch3)
Notification report should generate switch capability on to proper component (switch1)
Notification report should generate switch capability on to proper component (switch2)
Notification report should generate switch capability on to proper component (switch3)
Notification report siren type ACTIVE should be handled as siren both, swtich on
Notification report siren type IDLE_STATE should be handled as alarm off, swtich off
Notification report with v1 alarm level set to 7 should be handled (closed)
Notification report with v1 alarm level set to 7 should be handled (open)
Notification report with v1 alarm level set to 7 should be handled (tamper)
Notification reports (child 4) for SMOKE events (smokeDetector) should be handled
Notification reports (child 4) for WATER events (waterSensor) should be handled
Notification reports (child 4) for home_security and access_control events (contactSensor) should be handled
Notification reports (child 4) for home_security events (motionSensor) should be handled
Notification reports about power management should be handled
Notification reports about tamper should be handled
Notification reports for ACCESS_CONTROL events (tamperAlert) should be handled
Notification reports for EMERGENCY events (tamperAlert) should be handled
Notification reports for HOME_SECURITY events (tamperAlert) should be handled
Notification reports for POWER_MANAGEMENT events (battery) should be handled
Notification reports for SMOKE events (smokeDetector) should be handled
Notification reports for SYSTEM events (tamperAlert) should be handled
Notification reports for WATER events (waterSensor) should be handled
Notification reports for home_security and access_control events (contactSensor) should be handled
Notification reports for home_security events (motionSensor) should be handled
Notification test report (CO) should be handled
Occupancy reports should generate correct messages
OccupiedHeatSetPoint reports using the thermostat cluster should be handled
OccupiedHeatingSetpoint atttribute reports using the thermostat cluster should be handled
OccupiedHeatingSetpoint reporting shoulb create the appropriate events
OccupiedHeatingSetpoint reporting shoulb create the appropriate events with fifth child device
OccupiedHeatingSetpoint reporting shoulb create the appropriate events with first child device
OccupiedHeatingSetpoint reporting shoulb create the appropriate events with forth child device
OccupiedHeatingSetpoint reporting shoulb create the appropriate events with second child device
OccupiedHeatingSetpoint reporting shoulb create the appropriate events with third child device
Off command should be handled
Off command should send appropriate commands
Off command should send the appropriate commands
On and off command should send the appropriate commands
On command should be handled
On command should send the appropriate commands
On command to component switch should send the appropriate commands
On command to component switch should send the appropriate commands for devices with non-sequential endpoints
On command to main component should send the appropriate commands
On receiving OperationalError, the appropriate operationalState event must be emitted
OnOff clster Off command should be handled
OnOff clster On command should be handled
OnOff cluster Off command should result with sending held event
OnOff cluster On command should result with sending double event
OnOff cluster any command (except On or Off) should result with sending pushed event
OnOff cluster commands should result with sending held events for button
OnOff cluster commands should result with sending pushed events for button
OnOff cluster commands should result with sending pushed events for button 1 & 2
OnOff(off) reporting should be handled
OnOff(on) reporting should be handled
OnWithTimedOff should be handled active and back to inactive after on time
Open Command Handler
Open Command Handler with software build handler
Open command should send the appropriate commands
Open commands should generate correct zwave commands
Open handler
Operating state reports are handled
Operational state should generate correct messages
OperationalStatus report contains current position report
Oven TCC One: This test case checks for the following events: 1. Oven supportedModes must be registered. 2. Setting Oven mode should send appropriate commands
Oven TCC Two: MeasuredValue of TemperatureMeasurement clusters should be reported correctly.
Oven TCC Two: This test case checks for the following events: 1. Oven supportedModes must be registered. 2. Setting Oven mode should send appropriate commands
PIHeatingDemand atttribute reports using the thermostat cluster should be handled
PIHeatingDemand reports using the thermostat cluster should be handled
PIHeatingDemand reports using the thermostat cluster should be handled - Idle
PIHeatingDemand reports using the thermostat cluster should be handled - heating
PM25 reports work for profile with only fineDustLevel capability
PROFILE CHANGE - 1 - should be handled as battery 5% for button 5
Parameter 1 should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 11 (ledFrameColourWhenOn) should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 11 should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 12 (ledFrameColourWhenOff) should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 12 should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 13 (ledFrameBrightness) should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 13 should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 156 (dimmStepSizeManControl) should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 157 (timeToPerformDimmingStep) should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 165 (doubleClickSetLevel) should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 20 should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 24 (buttonsOrientation) should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 24 should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 25 should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 7 should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter 8 should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter buttonsOrientation should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter calibration should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter calibrationTrigger should be updated in the device configuration after change
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
2016 tests found (test 1002 to 1960)
There are 2016 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1002 to 1960.
Raw output
Parameter delayAtEndSwitch should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter dimmingDuration should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter dimmingTimeKeyPressed should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter dimmingTimeSoftOnOff should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter duration should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter enableAdditionalSwitch should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter enableDoubleClick should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter energyReportsOnChange should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter energyReportsPeriodic should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter forcedCalibration should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter input1SwitchType should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter input2SwitchType should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter ledFrameBrightness should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter ledFrameWhenMoving should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter ledFrameWhenNotMoving should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter minimumDimmingValue should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter motorEndMoveDetection should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter motorOperationDetection should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter motorUpDownTime should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter operatingMode should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter operatingModes should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter outputQ1SwitchSelection should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter outputQ2SwitchSelection should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter outputsOrientation should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter powerReportsOnChange should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter powerReportsPeriodic should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter powerWithSelfConsumption should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter saveStateAfterPowerFail should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter slatsPosition should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter slatsTurnTime should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parameter sound should be updated in the device configuration after change (verified by triggering siren capability events)
Parameter venetianBlindTurnTime should be updated in the device configuration after change
Parent device - Binary report 0xFF should be handled: switch ON
Parent device - Binary report Ox00 should be handled: switch OFF
Parent device - Energy meter report from endpoint 1 should be handled
Parent device - Power meter report from endpoint 1 should be handled
Parent device - refresh capability should evoke the correct Z-Wave GETs
Parent device - switch capability command off from main should be handled: off
Parent device - switch capability command on from main should be handled: on
Parent device: switch capability should send the appropriate commands
Pause Command Handler
Pause Command Handler with software build handler
Pause command should send the appropriate commands
Pause handler
Periodic Energy as subordinate to Cumulative Energy measurement should not generate any messages
Periodic Energy measurement should generate correct messages
Pin response reporting should be handled
Pin response reporting should be handled when the Lock User status is disabled
PinUsersSupported report should be a no-op
Play command should send the appropriate commands
Power Source test cases
Power meter handled
Power meter report from source channel 2 should be discarded
Power meter report (METER) should be handled
Power meter report (SENSOR_MULTILEVEL) should be handled
Power meter report from child device should be handled
Power meter report from parent device should be handled
Power meter report from root node device should refresh all devices
Power meter report should be handled
Power meter report should be handled by a child
Power meter report should be handled by a parent
Power meter report should be handled by main component
Power meter report should be handled by smartplug1 component
Power meter report should be handled for endpoint: 1
Power meter report should be handled for endpoint: 2
Power meter report should be ignored
Power meter reports should be handled
Power source reports are handled
PowerSource(battery) reporting should be handled
PowerSource(dc) reporting should be handled
PowerSource(mains) reporting should be handled
PowerSource(unknown) reporting should be handled
Preference(isLocked) change should be handled
Preference(reportingInterval) change should be handled
Presence detection handler after 60 seconds not_present
Preset position handler
Pressure measurement reports should generate correct messages
Profile change on doConfigure lifecycle event due to cluster feature map
Profile change on doConfigure lifecycle event no battery support
Profile change when version is changed bigger than 1,5
Profile should not change for devices with aggregator device type (bridges)
Qubino 3 Phase Meter should be configured correctly
Qubino Smart Meter should be configured correctly
RecallScene command should be handled
Receiving Wakeup command should generate the correct commands
Receiving a max press attribute of 2 should emit correct event
Receiving a max press attribute of 3 should emit correct event
Receiving a max press attribute of greater than 6 should only emit up to pushed_6x
Receiving the both command from main component should generate the correct commands
Receiving the both command from siren1 component should generate the correct commands including delayed commands
Receiving the both command from siren2 component should generate the correct commands
Receiving the both command from siren3 component should generate the correct commands
Receiving the off command from main should generate the correct commands
Receiving the off command from siren1 should generate the correct commands
Receiving the off command from siren2 should generate the correct commands
Receiving the off command from siren3 should generate the correct commands
Receiving wakeup notification should generate proper messages
Refresh Capability Command should refresh Switch Basic device
Refresh Capability Command should refresh Switch Binary device
Refresh Capability Command should refresh Switch device
Refresh Capability Command should refresh Thermostat device
Refresh Capability Command should refresh Thermostat device with extra temperature sensor
Refresh Capability Command should refresh Valve(Switch) Basic device
Refresh Capability Command should refresh device
Refresh Capability Command should refresh valve Binary device
Refresh capability (child) should evoke the correct Z-Wave GETs
Refresh capability (parent) should evoke the correct Z-Wave GETs
Refresh capability cmd from sub component should be handled
Refresh capability cmd should be handled
Refresh capability command should refresh device
Refresh capability refresh commands should evoke Z-Wave GETs to bootstrap state
Refresh capability should evoke the correct Z-Wave GETs for child device
Refresh capability should evoke the correct Z-Wave GETs for parent device
Refresh command for child 1 device should send correct GETs
Refresh command for child 2 device should send correct GETs
Refresh command for child 3 device should send correct GETs
Refresh command for parent device should send correct GETs
Refresh command should prompt correct response
Refresh commands should be sent after device is added
Refresh device
Refresh device should read all necessary attributes
Refresh device should read all necessary attributes with standard cluster
Refresh necessary attributes
Refresh necessary attributes - MaestroStat
Refresh necessary attributes - SORB
Refresh on child device sends commands to 2 endpoint
Refresh on child device should read all necessary attributes
Refresh on parent device sends commands to 1 endpoint
Refresh on parent device should read all necessary attributes
Refresh sends commands to all components including base device
Refresh shall include Meter:Get()
Refresh shall include only energy Meter:Get()
Refresh shall include only power Meter:Get()
Refresh should evoke correct GETs for endpoint matching the device (child2, ep=2)
Refresh should evoke correct GETs for endpoint matching the device (child3, ep=3)
Refresh should evoke correct GETs for endpoint matching the device (parent, ep=1)
Refresh should generate expected messages
Refresh should generate the correct commands
Refresh should read all necessary attributes
Refresh should read all necessary attributes with fifth child device
Refresh should read all necessary attributes with first child device
Refresh should read all necessary attributes with forth child device
Refresh should read all necessary attributes with second child device
Refresh should read all necessary attributes with software build handler
Refresh should read all necessary attributes with third child device
Refresh should read expected attributes
Refresh should read the battery voltage
Refrigerator Supported Modes must be registered and Refrigerator Mode command should send appropriate commands
Relative humidity reports should generate correct messages
Reload all codes should complete as expected
Reloading all codes of an unconfigured lock should generate correct attribute checks
Report consumption and power consumption report after 15 minutes
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x00 should be handled as: Acceleration - active
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x05 should be handled as: threeAxis(-10, -1020, -7)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x05 should be handled as: threeAxis(-1050, -3, -9)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x05 should be handled as: threeAxis(-116, -4, -1003)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x05 should be handled as: threeAxis(10, 1020, 7)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x05 should be handled as: threeAxis(1050, 3, 9)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x05 should be handled as: threeAxis(116, 4, 1003)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x07 should be handled as: Temperature (25.5 C), Acceleration - active, Contact - closed, battery(60%)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x07 should be handled as: Temperature (25.5 C), Acceleration - active, Contact - open, battery(60%)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x07 should be handled as: Temperature (25.5 C), Acceleration - inactive, Contact - closed, battery(60%)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x07 should be handled as: Temperature (25.5 C), Acceleration - inactive, Contact - open, battery(60%)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x07 should be handled as: Temperature (26.0 C), Acceleration - inactive, Contact - closed, battery(60%)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x09 should be handled as: Temperature (-0.1 C)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x09 should be handled as: Temperature (-25.5 C)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x09 should be handled as: Temperature (-6.0 C)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x09 should be handled as: Temperature (25.5 C), Acceleration - active, Contact - closed, battery(60%)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x09 should be handled as: Temperature (25.5 C), Acceleration - active, Contact - open, battery(60%)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x09 should be handled as: Temperature (25.5 C), Acceleration - inactive, Contact - open, battery(60%)
Report from cluster 0xFC03, command 0x09 should be handled as: Temperature (26.0 C), Acceleration - active, Contact - closed, battery(60%)
Report with power consumption after 15 minutes even when device is off
Report with the custom Watt accumulated attribute
Report with the custom Watt accumulated attribute after 10 minutes
Report with the custom Watt attribute
Reported ZoneStatus should be handled
Reported button should be handled: double
Reported button should be handled: double true
Reported button should be handled: held
Reported button should be handled: held true
Reported button should be handled: pushed
Reported button should be handled: pushed true
Reported carbonMonoxideDetector should be handled: clear
Reported carbonMonoxideDetector status should be handled: detected
Reported contact should be handled: closed
Reported contact should be handled: open
Reported level should be handled
Reported motion detected
Reported motion detected including illuminance
Reported motion should be handled: active
Reported motion should be handled: inactive
Reported occupancy should be handled: active
Reported off for 0
Reported off status should be handled
Reported off status should be handled by child device
Reported off status should be handled by parent device
Reported on and level for 100
Reported on off status should be handled by Second child device: off
Reported on off status should be handled by Second child device: on
Reported on off status should be handled by fifth child device: off
Reported on off status should be handled by fifth child device: on
Reported on off status should be handled by first child device: off
Reported on off status should be handled by first child device: on
Reported on off status should be handled by first second device: off
Reported on off status should be handled by fourth child device: off
Reported on off status should be handled by fourth child device: on
Reported on off status should be handled by parent device: off
Reported on off status should be handled by parent device: on
Reported on off status should be handled by third child device: off
Reported on off status should be handled by third child device: on
Reported on off status should be handled: off
Reported on off status should be handled: off child device
Reported on off status should be handled: off ep 1
Reported on off status should be handled: off parent device
Reported on off status should be handled: on
Reported on off status should be handled: on child device
Reported on off status should be handled: on ep 1
Reported on off status should be handled: on ep 2
Reported on off status should be handled: on ep 3
Reported on off status should be handled: on parent device
Reported on status should be handled
Reported on status should be handled : child device
Reported on status should be handled : parent device
Reported release should not trigger event
Reported smokeDector status should be handled: detected
Reported smokeDetector should be handled: clear
Reported water should be handled: dry
Reported water should be handled: wet
Reporting interval value sholud be updated when wakeup notification received
Reporting interval value should be updated when wakeup notification received
Request all binding table entries and fall back to group 0x0000
Requesting a set user code should be handled
Requesting a user code should be handled
Requesting an unset user code should be handled
Response to sensor poll should be correctly handled
Rewind and fast forward commands should send the appropriate commands
Rotate down cmd handler
Rotate up cmd handler
Same Level event shouldn't be emitted
Same level event should not be emitted
ScanCodes discovers an unset code
Scene Activation set command (scene id 1) generate capability to proper component
Scene Activation set command (scene id 2) generate capability to proper component
Scene Activation set command (scene id 3) generate capability to proper component
Scene Activation set command (scene id 4) generate capability to proper component
SceneActivation: Invalid scene ID should be ignored
SceneActivation:Set should be handled
SceneActivationConfReport should be handled. If group_id ~= scene_id then scene_id <- group_id
Second Oven TCC: TemperatureControl Supported Levels must be registered and setTemperatureLevel level command should send appropriate command
Second button component: Handle single press sequence for short release-supported button
Second child device: switch capability should send the appropriate commands
Selecting stop siren parameter should switch the sound off
Sending initial states when device is added
Sending the lock command should be handled
Sensor Alarm report (CO clear) should be handled
Sensor Alarm report (CO) should be handled
Sensor Alarm report (general) should be handled
Sensor Alarm report (leak) should be handled
Sensor Alarm report (smoke clear ) should be handled
Sensor Alarm report (smoke detected) should be handled
Sensor Binary report (CO) should be handled
Sensor Binary report (contact) should be handled
Sensor Binary report (motion) should be handled
Sensor Binary report (smoke) should be handled
Sensor Binary report (v1) should be handled
Sensor Binary report (water) should be handled
Sensor binary reports value 0xFF should be handled as proper capabilities
Sensor multilevel report (122 FAHRENHEIT) should be handled
Sensor multilevel report (30 FAHRENHEIT) should be handled
Sensor multilevel report (33 CELCIUS) should be handled
Sensor multilevel report (55 FAHRENHEIT) should be handled
Sensor multilevel report (specific value 0x7ffd) should be handled
Sensor multilevel report (specific value 0x7fff) should be handled
Sensor multilevel reports dew_point type command should be handled as dew point measurement
Sensor multilevel reports luminance type command should be handled as illuminance measurement
Sensor multilevel reports relative humidity type command should be handled as relative humidity measurement
Sensor multilevel reports temperature type command should be handled as temperature measurement
SensorAlarm SMOKE report (child 4) ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm SMOKE report (child 4) NO_ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm SMOKE_ALARM report ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm SMOKE_ALARM report NO_ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm WATER_LEAK_ALARM report (child 4) ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm WATER_LEAK_ALARM report (child 4) NO_ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm report (child 4) GENERAL_PURPOSE_ALARM - ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm report (child 4) GENERAL_PURPOSE_ALARM - NO_ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm report (tamper clear) should be handled
SensorAlarm report (tamper detected) should be handled
SensorAlarm report ALARM should be handled as tamperAlert detected and back to clear after 30 secs
SensorAlarm report ALARM should be handled as waterSensor dry
SensorAlarm report ALARM should be handled as waterSensor wet
SensorAlarm report GENERAL_PURPOSE_ALARM - ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm report GENERAL_PURPOSE_ALARM - NO_ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm report NO_ALARM should be handled as tamperAlert clear and back to clear after 30 secs
SensorAlarm report NO_ALARM should be handled as tamperAlert detected and back to clear after 30 secs
SensorAlarm report WATER_LEAK_ALARM - ALARM should be handled
SensorAlarm report WATER_LEAK_ALARM - NO_ALARM should be handled
SensorBinary Report 0x00 should be handled as dry
SensorBinary Report 0x00 should be handled as water dry
SensorBinary Report 0xFF should be handled as water wet
SensorBinary SMOKE report (child 4) DETECTED_AN_EVENT should be handled
SensorBinary SMOKE report (child 4) IDLE should be handled
SensorBinary SMOKE report DETECTED_AN_EVENT should be handled
SensorBinary SMOKE report IDLE should be handled
SensorBinary TAMPER report DETECTED_AN_EVENT should be handled
SensorBinary TAMPER report IDLE should be handled
SensorBinary WATER report (child 4) DETECTED_AN_EVENT should be handled
SensorBinary WATER report (child 4) IDLE should be handled
SensorBinary report (child 4) DOOR_WINDOW - DETECTED_AN_EVENT should be handled as contact open
SensorBinary report (child 4) DOOR_WINDOW - IDLE should be handled as contact closed
SensorBinary report (contact / closed) should be handled
SensorBinary report (contact / open) should be handled
SensorBinary report 0x00 should be handled as alarm off, tamper clear, chime off
SensorBinary report 0xFF, sensor type GENERAL should be handled as alarm both, tamper detected, chime
SensorBinary report 0xFF, sensor type TAMPER should be handled as alarm both, tamper detected, chime
SensorBinary report DOOR_WINDOW - DETECTED_AN_EVENT should be handled as contact open
SensorBinary report DOOR_WINDOW - IDLE should be handled as contact closed
SensorBinary report WATER - DETECTED_AN_EVENT should be handled
SensorBinary report WATER - IDLE should be handled
SensorMultilevel Report should be handled as temperature
SensorMultilevel TEMPERATURE report (child 5) should be handled
SensorMultilevel relative humidity sensor type should generate proper capability for main component
SensorMultilevel report atmospheric pressure type should be handled as atmosphericPressure
SensorMultilevel report barometric pressure type should be handled as atmosphericPressure
SensorMultilevel report body weight type should be handled as bodyWeightMeasurement
SensorMultilevel report humidity should be handled as humidity
SensorMultilevel report luminance type should be handled as illuminance
SensorMultilevel report relative humidity type should be handled as humidity
SensorMultilevel report temperature should be handled as temperature
SensorMultilevel report temperature type should be handled as temperature
SensorMultilevel report ultraviolet type should be handled as ultravioletIndex
SensorMultilevel report voltage should be handled as voltage
SensorMultilevel temperature sensor type should generate proper capability for main component
Set Color Temperature command test
Set Color command test
Set ColorTemperature command test
Set Hue command should send MoveToHue
Set Hue command test
Set Hue followed by Set Color command test
Set Hue/Saturation command test
Set Level handler
Set MIN_SETPOINT_DEADBAND_CHECKED flag on MinSetpointDeadBand attribute handler
Set Preset Shade Level Command Handler
Set Preset Shade Level Command Handler with software version handler
Set Preset Shade Level Command Handler with software version handler with infoChanged
Set Saturation command should send MoveToSaturation
Set Saturation command test
Set Shade Level Command Handler
Set Shade Level Command Handler with software version handler
Set SwitchLevel command test
Set color command should clamp invalid huesat values
Set color command should send huesat commands when supported
Set color command should send the appropriate commands
Set color temperature should send the appropriate commands
Set level command should send the appropriate commands
Set mute command should send the appropriate commands
Set open close time preference should generated proper zwave commands
Set percent command should clamp invalid percentage values
Set volume command should send the appropriate commands
SetCredential FAILURE requests next_credential_index if available
SetCredential failure does not emit events
SetCredential for DUPLICATE credential index generates new credential and retries
SetCredential for OCCUPIED credential index no space on device
SetCredential for OCCUPIED credential index no space, but need full search
SetCredential for OCCUPIED credential index requests next_credential_index
Setting LOW fan speed shall generate correct Z-Wave commands
Setting a code length should be handled
Setting a max duration should be handled
Setting a setpoint in Fahrenheit should be handled
Setting a user code and getting an incorrect code in response should indicate failure
Setting a user code name should be handled
Setting a user code name via setCode should be handled
Setting a user code should result in the named code changed event firing
Setting a user code should result in the named code changed event firing when notified via Notification CC
Setting alarm both should generate correct zwave messages
Setting alarm off should generate correct zwave messages
Setting alarm siren should generate correct zwave messages
Setting alarm strobe should generate correct zwave messages
Setting all user codes should result in a code set event for each
Setting an alarm command should be handled
Setting cooling setpoint should be handled
Setting heating setpoint should be handled
Setting heating setpoint should be handled.
Setting operationalState command to 'pause' should send appropriate commands
Setting operationalState command to 'start' should send appropriate commands
Setting operationalState command to 'stop' should send appropriate commands
Setting switch (basic) off should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch (basic) on should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch (binary) off should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch (binary) on should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch off to main component should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch off to switch2 component should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch off to switch4 component should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch on should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch on to main component should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch on to switch1 component should generate correct zwave messages
Setting switch on to switch3 component should generate correct zwave messages
Setting the cooling setpoint should generate the appropriate commands if the device has reported Fahrenheit previously
Setting the cooling setpoint should generate the appropriate messages
Setting the cooling setpoint should send the appropriate commands
Setting the fan mode to auto should send the appropriate commands
Setting the heating setpoint should generate the appropriate commands
Setting the heating setpoint should generate the appropriate messages
Setting the heating setpoint should generate the appropriate messages with fifth child device
Setting the heating setpoint should generate the appropriate messages with first child device
Setting the heating setpoint should generate the appropriate messages with forth child device
Setting the heating setpoint should generate the appropriate messages with second child device
Setting the heating setpoint should generate the appropriate messages with third child device
Setting the heating setpoint should send the appropriate commands
Setting the heating setpoint to a Fahrenheit value should send the appropriate commands
Setting the master code should result in the correct user type being used
Setting the mode to cool should send the appropriate commands
Setting the thermostat fan mode should generate the appropriate commands
Setting the thermostat fan mode should generate the appropriate messages
Setting the thermostat fan mode to auto should generate the appropriate commands
Setting the thermostat fan mode to circulate should generate the appropriate commands
Setting the thermostat mode should generate the appropriate commands
Setting the thermostat mode should generate the appropriate messages
Setting the thermostat mode to auto should generate the appropriate commands
Setting the thermostat mode to away should generate the appropriate messages
Setting the thermostat mode to away should generate the appropriate messages with fifth child device
Setting the thermostat mode to away should generate the appropriate messages with first child device
Setting the thermostat mode to away should generate the appropriate messages with forth child device
Setting the thermostat mode to away should generate the appropriate messages with second child device
Setting the thermostat mode to away should generate the appropriate messages with third child device
Setting the thermostat mode to eco should generate the appropriate commands
Setting the thermostat mode to heat should generate the appropriate messages
Setting the thermostat mode to heat should generate the appropriate messages with fifth child device
Setting the thermostat mode to heat should generate the appropriate messages with first child device
Setting the thermostat mode to heat should generate the appropriate messages with forth child device
Setting the thermostat mode to heat should generate the appropriate messages with second child device
Setting the thermostat mode to heat should generate the appropriate messages with third child device
Setting the thermostat mode to heat should generate the correct zigbee messages
Setting the thermostat mode to off should generate the correct zigbee messages
Setting thermostat cooling setpoint should generate correct zigbee messages
Setting thermostat cooling setpoint with a fahrenheit value should generate correct zigbee messages
Setting thermostat fan mode to auto should generate correct zigbee messages
Setting thermostat fan mode to on should generate correct zigbee messages
Setting thermostat heating setpoint should generate correct zigbee messages
Setting thermostat mode to auto should generate correct zigbee messages
Setting thermostat mode to heat should generate correct zigbee messages
Setting thermostat mode to off should generate correct zigbee messages
Setting valve (basic) off should generate correct zwave messages
Setting valve (basic) on should generate correct zwave messages
Setting valve (binary) on should generate correct zwave messages
Setting venetianBlinds position should generate correct zwave messages
Setting window shade close should generate correct zwave messages
Setting window shade close should generate correct zwave messages for v3 model
Setting window shade close should generate correct zwave messages when reverse preference is set
Setting window shade close should generate correct zwave messages when revese direction
Setting window shade level generate correct zwave messages
Setting window shade level generate correct zwave messages when reverse preference is set
Setting window shade level should generate correct zwave messages
Setting window shade level should generate correct zwave messages for v3 model
Setting window shade level should generate correct zwave messages when revese direction
Setting window shade level should generate correct zwave messages when revese direction for v3 model
Setting window shade open should generate correct zwave messages
Setting window shade open should generate correct zwave messages when reverse preference is set
Setting window shade pause should generate correct zwave messages
Setting window shade preset generate correct zwave messages
Setting window shade preset position should generate correct zwave messages
Setting window shade preset position should generate correct zwave messages for v3 model
Setting window shade preset position should generate correct zwave messages when pre-defined value is set
Setting window shade preset position should generate correct zwave messages when pre-defined value is set for v3 model
Setup Mode should be changed after changing updating preferences
Shade state report should be handled
SimpleMetering event should be handled by powerConsumptionReport capability
Siren should refresh attributes when added
Siren's sound configuration should be updated when triggered by user with both options changed
Siren's sound configuration should be updated when triggered by user with just one option changed
State change should not be true when forceStateChange is false
State transition from opening to closing
State transition from opening to partially open
State transnsition from opening to closing
State transnsition from opening to partially open
Stateless curtain power button set close should be generate proper zwave command
Stateless curtain power button set close should be generate proper zwave command when reverse working direction is set
Stateless curtain power button set open should be generate proper zwave command
Stateless curtain power button set open should be generate proper zwave command when reverse working direction is set
Step command should be handled
Step command(MoveStepMode.DOWN) should be handled
Step command(MoveStepMode.UP) should be handled
Stop command should send the appropriate commands
StoreScene command should be handled
Subsequent tampers should only clear 10 seconds after the most recent
Supported fan modes reports are handled
Supported thermostat fan mode reports should be handled
Supported thermostat mode reports should be handled
Supported thermostat modes report should generate nothing
Supported thermostat modes reports are handled
Switch Binary Report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by child device
Switch Binary Report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by parent device
Switch Binary Report ON_ENABLE should be handled by child device
Switch Binary Report ON_ENABLE should be handled by parent device
Switch Binary report 0x00 should be handled as alarm off, swtich off
Switch Binary report 0xFF should be handled as alarm both, swtich on
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE from endpoint 1 should be handled by parent device
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE from endpoint 2 should be handled by child 2 device
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE from source channel 2 should be discarded
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by a child
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by a parent
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by child device
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by main component
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by main componet
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by parent device
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by switch1 component
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by switch1 componet
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by switch2 component
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by switch2 componet
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by switch3 component
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by switch4 component
Switch Binary report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by switch5 component
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE from endpoint 1 should be handled by parent device
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE from endpoint 2 should be handled by child 2 device
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE from source channel 2 should be discarded
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by a child
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by a parent
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by child device
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by main component
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by main componet
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by parent device
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by switch1 component
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by switch1 componet
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by switch2 component
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by switch2 componet
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by switch3 component
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by switch4 component
Switch Binary report ON_ENABLE should be handled by switch5 component
Switch Binary report from root node device should be ignored
Switch Binary report value <= 33 should be handled as alarm strobe, swtich on
Switch Binary report value <= 66 should be handled as alarm siren, swtich on
Switch Level capability setLevel command should be handled
Switch Level capability setLevel commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs
Switch Multilevel report OFF_DISABLE should be handled by parent device
Switch Multilevel report ON_ENABLE should be handled by parent device
Switch binary reports should be handled according to the contact state(close)
Switch binary reports should be handled according to the contact state(open)
Switch capability off command on component white should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs from SwitchColor CC
Switch capability off command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dest_channel 0
Switch capability off command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dest_channel 1
Switch capability off command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dest_channel 2
Switch capability off command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dst_channel 0
Switch capability off command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dst_channel 1
Switch capability off commands from child device should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs
Switch capability off commands from parent device should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs
Switch capability off commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs
Switch capability off commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs dest_channel 1
Switch capability off commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs on child device
Switch capability off commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs on parent device
Switch capability off commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dest_channel 2
Switch capability on command on component white should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs from SwitchColor CC
Switch capability on command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dest_channel 0
Switch capability on command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dest_channel 1
Switch capability on command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dest_channel 2
Switch capability on command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dst_channel 0
Switch capability on command should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dst_channel 1
Switch capability on commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs
Switch capability on commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs on child device
Switch capability on commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs on parent device
Switch capability on commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dest_channel 1
Switch capability on commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs with dest_channel 2
Switch child device: Set color temperature should send the appropriate commands
Switch command off should be handled
Switch command on should be handled
Switch multilevel report 0 should be handled as window shade closed
Switch multilevel report 0 should be handled as window shade open when reverse preference is set
Switch multilevel report 0xFF should be handled as window shade close when reverse preference is set
Switch multilevel report 1 ~ 98 should be handled as window shade partially open
Switch multilevel report 99 should be handled as window shade open
Switch multilevel report from endpoint 2 should be correctly interpreted
Switch off for component 1, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch off for component 2, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch off for component 3, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch off for component 4, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch off for component 5, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch off should generate correct zwave messages
Switch on for component 1, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch on for component 2, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch on for component 3, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch on for component 4, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch on for component 5, should generate proper zwave commands
Switch on should generate correct zwave messages
Switch on/off capability command from child device should be handled: off
Switch on/off capability command from child device should be handled: on
Switch on/off capability command from parent device should be handled: off
Switch on/off capability command from parent device should be handled: on
Switch on/off capability command on from child device should be handled
Switch on/off capability command on from parent device should be handled
SwitchBinary report (OFF_DISABLE) should be handled by child 3 device
SwitchBinary report (OFF_DISABLE) should be handled by child device
SwitchBinary report (ON_ENABLE) should be handled by child 3 device
SwitchBinary report (ON_ENABLE) should be handled by child device
SwitchBinary report should be handled
SwitchColor report should be handled
SwitchLevel capability setLevel commands should evoke the correct Z-Wave SETs and GETs
SwitchLevel command setLevel should be handled
SwitchMultilevel report (0x32) should be handled by child 3 device
SwitchMultilevel report (OFF_DISABLE) should be handled by child 3 device
SwitchMultilevel report (ON_ENABLE) should be handled by child 3 device
SwitchMultilevel report should be handled
SwitchMultilevel set should be handled
SwitchMultilevel:Set() should be correctly interpreted by the driver
SystemMode atttribute reports using the thermostat cluster should be handled
Tamper clears from the device should also send a no motion event
Tampers should clear after 10 seconds
Temperature alarm report (heat clear) should be handled
Temperature alarm report (heat) should be handled
Temperature report should be handled
Temperature report should be handled (C)
Temperature report should be handled (C) for the temperature cluster
Temperature report(above zero) should be handled
Temperature report(below zero) should be handled
Temperature reporting should create the appropriate events
Temperature reporting should create the appropriate events Danfoss
Temperature reporting should create the appropriate events with fifth child device
Temperature reporting should create the appropriate events with first child device
Temperature reporting should create the appropriate events with forth child device
Temperature reporting should create the appropriate events with second child device
Temperature reporting should create the appropriate events with third child device
Temperature reports Freeze using thermostat should be handled
Temperature reports Heat using thermostat should be handled
Temperature reports from the thermostat cluster should generate correct messages
Temperature reports should be handled
Temperature reports should be handled (unit: C)
Temperature reports should be handled (unit: F)
Temperature reports should generate correct messages
Temperature reports using the thermostat cluster should be handled
TemperatureControl Supported Levels must be registered and setTemperatureLevel level command should send appropriate commands
Test Activated Carbon filter handlers
Test CO state handler
Test HEPA filter handlers
Test MCD configuration not including switch for unsupported switch device type, create child device instead
Test battery alert handler
Test button1, button3 'up_hold'
Test button1, button3, button5, button7 'up_hold'
Test button2, button4 'down_hold'
Test button2, button4, button6, button8 'down_hold'
Test cases for 12 Buttons
Test cases for Button Push(button1 button2)
Test cases for Button Push(button1, button3, button2)
Test cases for Button Push(button3 button1)
Test cases for Button Push(up, down)
Test cases for Buttons Double
Test cases for Buttons Held
Test cases for Buttons Pushed
Test cases for all 4 buttons beeing pushed
Test cases for all 8 buttons beeing pushed
Test child device attribute subscriptions when parent device has clusters that are not a superset of child device clusters
Test child device attributes not subscribed to for unsupported device type for child device
Test child devices are created in order of their endpoints
Test fan mode capability handler
Test fan mode handler
Test fan mode matter handler
Test fan percent
Test fan speed commands
Test filter status for HEPA and Activated Carbon filters
Test hardware fault alert handler
Test mains powered device does not switch to battery profile
Test profile change on fan with no features
Test profile change on fan with rock and wind
Test profile change on init for AP and AQS combined device type
Test profile change on init for AP and Thermo and AQS combined device type
Test profile change on init for Electrical Sensor device type
Test profile change on init for Freeze and Leak combined device type
Test profile change on init for Room AC device type
Test profile change on init for color dimmer parent cluster as server
Test profile change on init for dimmer parent cluster as server
Test profile change on init for humidity sensor with battery
Test profile change on init for humidity sensor without battery
Test profile change on init for only Periodic Electrical Sensor device type
Test profile change on init for onoff device when parent and child are both server
Test profile change on init for onoff parent cluster as client
Test profile change on init for onoff parent cluster as client and onoff child as server
Test profile change on init for onoff parent cluster as server
Test profile change on init for temperature-humidity sensor
Test profile change on init for water valve parent cluster as server
Test profile change on init for window-covering to window-covering-battery
Test profile change when BatChargeLevel and BatPercentRemaining attributes are available
Test profile change when BatChargeLevel attribute is available
Test profile change when attributes related to BAT feature is not available.
Test rock mode
Test setting fan mode sequence
Test smoke state handler
Test test in progress handler
Test the on attribute
Test wind mode
Test wind mode capability handler
Test wind mode matter handler
The cookTimeRange value should be set on receiving MaxCookTime
The driver should respond correctly to a time get
The lock reporting a code has been deleted should be handled
The lock reporting a single PIN credential has been added should be handled
The lock reporting a single code has been set should be handled
The lock reporting that all codes have been deleted should be handled
The lock reporting that all users have been deleted should be handled
The lock reporting unlock via code should include the code info in the report
The lock reporting unlock via code should include the code number as the name if no name is set
Thermostat control sequence reports should generate correct messages
Thermostat control sequence reports should generate correct messages when auto feature is supported
Thermostat cooling setpoint bounds are handled
Thermostat cooling setpoint reporting should create the appropriate events if the mode is supported
Thermostat cooling setpoint reporting should not create setpoint events if the mode is not currently active
Thermostat cooling setpoint reporting should not create setpoint events, the mode is not supported Danfoss
Thermostat fan mode reporting should create the appropriate events
Thermostat fan mode reports should be handled
Thermostat fan mode reports should generate correct messages
Thermostat fan mode sequence reports should generate the appropriate supported modes
Thermostat heating setpoint bounds are handled
Thermostat heating setpoint reporting should create the appropriate events Danfoss
Thermostat heating setpoint reporting should create the appropriate events if the mode is supported
Thermostat heating setpoint reporting should not create setpoint events if the mode is not currently active
Thermostat mode reporting should create the appropriate events
Thermostat mode reporting should create the appropriate events with fifth child device
Thermostat mode reporting should create the appropriate events with first child device
Thermostat mode reporting should create the appropriate events with forth child device
Thermostat mode reporting should create the appropriate events with second child device
Thermostat mode reporting should create the appropriate events with third child device
Thermostat mode reports should be handled
Thermostat mode reports should generate correct messages
Thermostat operating state reports should be handled
Thermostat running mode reports are NOT handled
Thermostat running mode reports are handled
Thermostat running state reports (cooling) should generate correct messages
Thermostat running state reports (fan only) should generate correct messages
Thermostat running state reports (heating) should generate correct messages
Thermostat running state reports (idle) should generate correct messages
Thermostat setpoint reports should be handled
Third button component: Handle single press sequence for a long hold on long-release-capable button
This test case checks for the following events: 1. Report cookTime value of 30 seconds. 2. MicrowaveOven supportedModes must be registered. 3. Setting oven mode and cookTime should send appropriate commands
Three Axis report should be correctly handled
Three Axis reports should be correctly handled
Tone capability command beep should be handled
Too big setpoint temperature should be adjusted to the max value -> 28
Too small setpoint temp should be adjusted to the min value -> 4
Track control commands should send the appropriate commands
Turning device on should send appropriate meter gets
Turning valve off should generate correct zwave messages
Turning valve on should generate correct zwave messages
UnlockDoor uses cota cred when present
Update Credential command received from SmartThings and send busy state
Update User command received from SmartThings and send busy state
User code report indicating master code is available should indicate code deletion
User creates space for COTA credential on a nonfunctional lock
Value 0x00 reported from cluster 0xFC05 should be handled as: Present
Value 0x15 reported from cluster 0xFC05 should be handled as: Present, battery 0%
Value 0x1C reported from cluster 0xFC05 should be handled as: Present, battery 75%
Value 0x1E reported from cluster 0xFC05 should be handled as: Present, battery 100%
Value 0x30 reported from cluster 0xFC04 should be handled as: motion - inactive, battery 0%
Value 0x58 reported from cluster 0xFC04 should be handled as: motion - inactive, battery 70%
Value 0x5A reported from cluster 0xFC04 should be handled as: motion - active, battery 70%
Value 0x7C reported from cluster 0xFC04 should be handled as: motion - inactive, battery 100%
Value 0x7E reported from cluster 0xFC04 should be handled as: motion - active, battery 100%
Value 0xBD reported from cluster 0xFC04 should be handled as: motion - inactive
Value 0xBF reported from cluster 0xFC04 should be handled as: motion - active
Verify device profile update
Vimar Thermostat - ControlSequenceOfOperation reporting (CoolingOnly) is handled
Vimar Thermostat - ControlSequenceOfOperation reporting (HeatingOnly) is handled
Vimar Thermostat - Cooling setpoint reporting should be handled
Vimar Thermostat - Heating setpoint reporting should handled
Vimar Thermostat - LocalTemperature reporting is handled
Vimar Thermostat - Refresh capability should read all required attributes in cooling mode
Vimar Thermostat - Refresh capability should read all required attributes in heating mode
Vimar Thermostat - Setting cooling setpoint at MAX limit should generate correct zigbee messages
Vimar Thermostat - Setting cooling setpoint at MIN limit should generate correct zigbee messages
Vimar Thermostat - Setting cooling setpoint should generate correct zigbee messages
Vimar Thermostat - Setting cooling setpoint with 0.1 resolution should be handled
Vimar Thermostat - Setting cooling setpoint with a Fahrenheit value should generate correct zigbee messages
Vimar Thermostat - Setting heating setpoint at MAX limit should generate correct zigbee messages
Vimar Thermostat - Setting heating setpoint at MIN limit should generate correct zigbee messages
Vimar Thermostat - Setting heating setpoint should generate correct zigbee messages
Vimar Thermostat - Setting heating setpoint with 0.1 resolution should be handled
Vimar Thermostat - Setting heating setpoint with a Fahrenheit value should generate correct zigbee messages
Vimar Thermostat - Thermostat mode (Cool --> Heat) changed using the physical button is handled
Vimar Thermostat - Thermostat mode changed (Heat --> Cool) using the physical button is handled
Volume up/down command should send the appropriate commands
WakeUp notification should be handled
WakeUp.Notification after Battery report should not invoke Battery Get command
WakeUp.Notification should evoke state refresh Z-Wave GETs
WakeUp.Notification should invoke Battery Get command, if the last Battery report was at 24 hours ago.
Wakeup Notification should prompt a configuration get until a report is received
Wakeup notification should generate the correct commands
Wakeup notification should not poll binary sensor if device has contact state
Wakeup.Notification should invoke cached set command
When all component is off, main switch should be off
When main component is off, should generate proper multi channel messages
When main component is on, should generate proper multi channel messages
When stateless curtain power button paused it should go to previous state (closing)
When stateless curtain power button paused it should go to previous state (closing) when reverse working direction is set
When stateless curtain power button paused it should go to previous state (opening)
When stateless curtain power button paused it should go to previous state (opening) when reverse working direction is set
When the device is added an unlocked event should be sent
When the device is added it should be set up and start reading codes
Window Shade state close using OnOff Cluster
Window Shade state closed
Window Shade state open
Window Shade state open using OnOff Cluster
Window Shade state partially open
Window shade close cmd handler
Window shade close cmd handler (notInitialized)
Window shade open cmd handler
Window shade open cmd handler (initialized)
Window shade pause cmd handler(partially open)
Window shade pause cmd handler(partially open)(initialized)
Window shade state closed
Window shade state closed with application version handler
Window shade state open
Window shade state open with application version handler
Window shade state partially open
Window shade state partially open with application version handler
WindowCovering OperationalStatus closing
WindowCovering OperationalStatus opening
WindowCovering OperationalStatus partially open before lift position event
WindowCovering OperationalStatus partially open before tilt position event
WindowCovering OperationalStatus partially open following lift position update
WindowCovering OperationalStatus partially open following tilt position update
WindowCovering OperationalStatus state closed before lift position 0
WindowCovering OperationalStatus state closed before tilt position 0
WindowCovering OperationalStatus state closed following lift position update
WindowCovering OperationalStatus state closed following tilt position update
WindowCovering OperationalStatus state open before lift position event
WindowCovering OperationalStatus state open before tilt position event
WindowCovering OperationalStatus state open following lift position update
WindowCovering OperationalStatus state open following tilt position update
WindowCovering OperationalStatus unknown
WindowCovering cluster handling
WindowCovering shade level adjusted by greater than 2%; status reflects Closing followed by Partially Open
WindowCovering shade level adjusted by less than or equal to 2%; status reflects Closing followed by Partially Open
WindowShade close cmd handler
WindowShade close cmd test case
WindowShade open cmd handler
WindowShade open cmd test case
WindowShade pause cmd handler
WindowShade pause cmd test case
WindowShade setShadeLevel cmd handler
WindowShade setShadeTiltLevel cmd handler
WindowShadeLevel cmd handler with difference more than 1 second
Wireless button pushed report should be correctly handled : child device
Wireless button pushed report should be correctly handled : parent device
X and Y color values have 0 value
X and Y color values should report hue and saturation once both have been received
Y and X color values should report hue and saturation once both have been received
Yale Siren should be correctly configured
Yale Siren should refresh attributes when added
Yale Siren's configuration should be updated when triggered by user
Z-Wave Configuration reports with Aeotec-specific white-color temperature parameters should evoke Color Temperature capability events
Z-Wave Configuration reports with LED color control parameter should evoke Color Control capability events
Z-Wave SwitchColor reports with RGB values should evoke Color Control capability hue and saturation events
Z-Wave SwitchColor reports with warm-white and cold-white intensities should evoke Color Temperature capability colorTemperature events
Z-Wave SwitchColor reports with warm-white intensities above 0 should indicate that white light is ON
Z-Wave SwitchColor reports with warm-white intensity equal 0 should indicate that white light is OFF
Z-Wave SwitchMultilevel reports with non-zero values should evoke Switch Level capability events
Z-Wave SwitchMultilevel reports with non-zero values should evoke Switch and Switch Level capability events
Z-Wave SwitchMultilevel reports with value-off should evoke Switch capability off events
ZDO Message handler and adding hub to group
ZDO Message handler and adding hub to group when addr_mode is LONG
Zipato Siren should be correctly configured
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: active
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: clear
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: closed
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: detected
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: double
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: dry
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: held
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: inactive
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: open
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: pushed
ZoneStatusChangeNotification should be handled: wet
added lifecycle event
added lifecycle event for child should refresh device only
added lifecycle event should be handled
added lifecycle event should create children in parent device
added lifecycle event should create children in parent device and configure them
added lifecycle event should generate the correct events
added lifecycle event should get initial state for device
added lifecycle event should refresh child device
added should generate expected messages
an attribute read should be sent after 30s if there is a non-matching response
an attribute read should be sent after 30s of no response
an attribute read should not be sent after 30s if there is a matching response
audioMute report should be handled
audioMute report should be handled, unmute
button 1 handler
button 2 handler
button 3 handler
button 4 handler
cached Set command should be resent, if setpoint report is different with cached set command
capability - refresh
child lock status report should be handled, unlocked
click the feeding physical button
closed contact events
credential_utils.upsert_credential_info(host user)
credential_utils.upsert_credential_info(regular user)
curtain charging state report should be handled
curtain range flag report should be handled
data_handler test - flip to side 6
data_handler test - pick up and hold
data_handler test - shake
device_added should be handled
doConfigure lifecycle event
doConfigure lifecycle event for Level Lock Plus profile
doConfigure lifecycle event for base-lock-nobattery
doConfigure lifecycle event should configure and refresh device
doConfigure lifecycle event should configure device
doConfigure lifecycle event should generate proper commands
doConfigure lifecycle event should generate proper configuration command for aeotec keyfob device
doConfigure lifecycle event should generate proper configuration command for aeotec minimote
doConfigure lifecycle event should generate proper configuration command for fibaro keyfob device
doConfigure lifecycle event should generate proper configuration commands
doConfigure lifecycle event should generate proper configuration commands for aeotec switch
doConfigure lifecycle event should generate proper configuration commands for zooz switch
doConfigure lifecycle event should generate the correct commands
doConfigure lifecycle event should get initial state for device
doConfigure lifecycle event should get initial state for everspring device
doConfigure lifecycle should configure device
doConfigure should generate expected messages
doConfigure should report correct playback functions
doConfigure should report rewind and fastForward playback functions when supporting Variable Speed feature
doConfigure() should generate WakeUp:IntervalSet
doConifigure lifecycle should configure device
energy meter reset command test
face_handler test - face up 1
fan mode reports are handled with supported thermostat mode
feederOperatingState capability - click the feeding button
feederOperatingState capability - feeding state
feederOperatingState capability - idle state
feederPortion capability - portion settings event handling
feederPortion capability - set the portion(in serving) that will dispense
gasDetector report should be handled, gas cleared
gasDetector report should be handled, gas detected
hardwareFault report should be handled, detected
health check coroutine
heat alarm notifications should generate correct events
hook LocK Lock cmd handler
hook LocK Unlock cmd handler
hook lock state report should be handled
infoChanged() and doConfigure() should send the SET command for Configuation value
infoChanged() should send the SET command for Configuation value
infoChanged() should send the SET command for Configuration value
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity and minimalIntensity preference settings are non-zero, with swBuild = 106
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity and minimalIntensity preference settings are non-zero, with swBuild > 106
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity and minimalIntensity preference settings are not present with swBuild version = 106. No commands are sent to driver
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity and minimalIntensity preference settings are not present with swBuild version > 106
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity and minimalIntensity preference settings are zero with swBuild = 106
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity and minimalIntensity preference settings are zero with swBuild > 106
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity preference setting in non-zero
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity preference setting is > 50
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity preference setting is > 50 and minimalIntensity preference settings are zero
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity preference setting is > 50 and minimalIntensity preference settings are zero with swBuild version equal to 106
infochanged to check for necessary preferences settings or updated when ledIntensity preference setting is zero
init followed by no action should result in timeout
lifecycle - added test
lifecycle - doConfigure test
lifecycle configure event should configure device
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
2016 tests found (test 1961 to 2016)
There are 2016 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1961 to 2016.
Raw output
lifecycle configure event should configure device (Centralite Systems)
lifecycle configure event should configure device (sengled)
lifetime report should be handled
lifetime report should be handled, normal
lock_state_handler - shared_key is nil
main should be deleted or created depending on temperature reports
manufacture specific command on DoorLock cluster () should be handled
manufacturer(sengled) specific clster command() should be handled
movement monitor - approaching
movement monitor - enter
movement monitor - goingAway
movement monitor - leave
open contact events
power source - connecting the DC adapter
power source - connecting the battery
preference - Approach Distance
preference - Reset Presence
preference - Sensitivity
preference - handle Button Lock Setting in inforchanged
presence monitor - not present
presence monitor - present
profile should be changed depending on temperature reports
refresh test
reported on off status should be handled by parent device: off
rotate_handler test - rotation
selfCheck report should be handled
sending on to an off device should return the device to its previous level
sensitivityAdjustment report should be handled
set color command test
set color temperature command test
setAirPurifierFanMode command should send the appropriate commands
smokeDetector report should be handled
temperatureSetpoint command should send appropriate commands
temperatureSetpoint command should send appropriate commands for freezer endpoint
temperatureSetpoint command should send appropriate commands for freezer endpoint, temp bounds out of range and temp setpoint converted from F to C
temperatureSetpoint command should send appropriate commands for laundry dryer
temperatureSetpoint command should send appropriate commands for laundry dryer, temp bounds out of range and temp setpoint converted from F to C
temperatureSetpoint command should send appropriate commands for laundry washer
temperatureSetpoint command should send appropriate commands for laundry washer, temp bounds out of range and temp setpoint converted from F to C
temperatureSetpoint command should send appropriate commands for refrigerator endpoint
temperatureSetpoint command should send appropriate commands for refrigerator endpoint, temp bounds out of range and temp setpoint converted from F to C
thermostat mode report should be handled, manual
valve result report should be handled, successful
valve status report should be handled, close
windowShade Open command should be handled
windowShadePreset capability should be handled
windowShadePreset capability should be handled with a positive preset value of < 1
windowShadePreset capability should be handled with preset value = 1
windowShadePreset capability should be handled with preset value = 100
windowShadePreset capability should be handled with preset value of 1
windowShadePreset capability should be handled with preset value of 100
windowShadePreset capability should be handled with preset value of 30
windowShadePreset capability should be handled with preset value of < 1 (but positive)
windowShadePreset capability should be handled with preset value of > 100
windowShadePreset capability should be handled without any preset value
windowShadePreset capability should be handled without preset value