Welcome to the Milestone Exam - 1st repository!
It is a repository containing 5 projects using HTML and CSS/Tailwind CSS as a part of FSWD 2.0 Milestone exam(Week -12).
- CSS (in 1st and 2nd project)
- Tailwind CSS (in project 3rd, 4th and 5th)
- Fork this repository
- Clone the forked repository to your desktop
- Add your contributions (code or documentation)
- Commit and push
- Wait for your changes to be merged.
- Celebrate your first step into the open source world and contribute more
We welcome any and all contributions! Here are some ways you can get started:
Accesibity: You can start with making it more responsive to increase its accesibity.
Suggestions: If you don't want to code but have some awesome ideas, open up an issue explaining some updates or imporvements you would like to see!
Documentation: If you see the need for some additional documentation, feel free to add some!