This is a code-challenge app utilizing Backbone, Handlebars, RequireJS, and LESS compilation via Grunt.
The compiled version is committed, so you can simply visit the Github Page for this repo.
Alternatively, you can clone this repo via:
$ git clone
Next, cd
into the directory and run:
$ npm install
Once node packages are installed, simply run:
$ grunt
Grunt will compile LESS and optimize CSS.
The app makes XHR requests, so it won't work via the file:///
protocol. You'll
need to run it through a server to view it locally. The quickest route would be:
$ npm install -g http-server
$ http-server
The app should now be accessible via http://localhost:8080.
Tested in latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. I can get a VB set up to test on IE as needed.