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Arm64 version of orcaslicer #1

Arm64 version of orcaslicer

Arm64 version of orcaslicer #1

name: Build and Cache Dependencies
- main # Trigger the workflow on push to the main branch
- main # Trigger the workflow on pull requests to the main branch
runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 # or adjust to your environment
# Step 1: Checkout the repository
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Step 2: Set up CMake and Ninja (if necessary)
- name: Set up CMake
uses: lukka/get-cmake@latest
useCloudCache: true
useLocalCache: false
cmake_version: "~3.28.0"
ninja_version: "latest"
# Step 3: Create the deps folder if it doesn't exist
- name: Create deps folder
run: |
mkdir -p /home/runner/work/OrcaSlicer/OrcaSlicer/deps/build
# Step 4: Build dependencies and store them in the deps folder
- name: Build Dependencies
run: |
cd /home/runner/work/OrcaSlicer/OrcaSlicer
# Replace this with your actual build commands
cmake -S . -B deps/build
cmake --build deps/build
# Ensure the build output is placed into the deps folder for caching
# Step 5: Cache the dependencies
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: /home/runner/work/OrcaSlicer/OrcaSlicer/deps/build/
key: ubuntu-24.04-arm-x86_64-cache-orcaslicer_deps-build-${{ hashFiles('**/CMakeLists.txt') }} # Adjust key based on files
restore-keys: |
# Step 6: Fix the update command not found error (update the system)
- name: Update system packages
run: |
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y # Update system and install upgrades
# Step 7: Build the main project
- name: Build the main project
run: |
cd /home/runner/work/OrcaSlicer/OrcaSlicer
cmake --build . # Replace with your actual build commands
# Step 8: Additional steps as needed (e.g., testing, deployment, etc.)