Project Name - Rock, Paper, Scissors Game ✊📄✂️
🎮 About the Game
- This is a simple Rock, Paper, Scissors game built using Python. The player competes against the computer, which randomly selects an option. The game determines the winner based on standard Rock-Paper-Scissors rules.
🔥 Features
- Randomised Computer Moves using Python's random module 🎲
- Interactive CLI Experience with ASCII art for each choice 🎨
- Colored Output for results using ANSI escape codes 🔴🟢🟡
- Simple and Beginner-Friendly implementation 💡
🛠 Technologies Used -Python 🐍
- Random module (random.randint()) for generating computer choices
- ANSI Escape Codes for colored terminal output
🚀 How to Play
- Run the Python script.
- Enter 0 for Rock ✊, 1 for Paper 📄, or 2 for Scissors ✂️.
- The computer will randomly select its move.
- The winner will be displayed on the screen!
📌 Rules
- Rock beats Scissors ✊ > ✂️
- Scissors beat Paper ✂️ > 📄
- Paper beats Rock 📄 > ✊
- Same choices lead to a Draw 🤝
🎯 Challenge Purpose
- This project was created as part of my #100DaysOfCode challenge to learn: ✔️ Python Lists 📜✔️ If-Elif-Else Statements 🤖✔️ Randomisation 🎲
Enjoy the game and happy coding! 🚀
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🔗 Contribution
- Feel free to fork this project and improve upon it! 🚀
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📚 Created by Soham Mahajan