Releases: SonyPradana/php-library
Releases Β· SonyPradana/php-library
Minor Update v0.24 π₯
What's Changed
- [Feat] Exit prompt confirmation by @SonyPradana in #219
- [Feat] Route redirect by @SonyPradana in #220
- [Feat] Using costume http header class to handle response header by @SonyPradana in #221
- [Refactor] Remove header deprecated by @SonyPradana in #222
Full Changelog: v0.23.0...v0.24.0
Minor Update v0.23 π±
What's Changed
- chore, formatting: bump dependency by @SonyPradana in #215
- [Feat] Support costume character set by @SonyPradana in #216
- [Feat] Support Integrate Seeder by @SonyPradana in #217
- [feat, test] add testing assertation class by @SonyPradana in #218
Full Changelog: v0.22.1...v0.23.0
Path Update v0.22.1 β³
What's Changed
- refactor: remove limit from read single data by @SonyPradana in #213
- refactor: use return $this instead of self by @SonyPradana in #214
Full Changelog: v0.22.0...v0.22.1
Minor Update v0.22 β³
What's Changed
- [Feat] Collection push, diff, and complement by @SonyPradana in #199
- [Feat] Add integrate commands console by @SonyPradana in #200
- [Feat] Console width by @SonyPradana in #201
- Refactor using rector by @SonyPradana in #202
- [Feat] Allow Collection each return void by @SonyPradana in #204
- [Feat] Add make:migration command by @SonyPradana in #205
- [Fix] Typo make:migrartion helper by @SonyPradana in #206
- [Fix] Return boolean but type is string|null by @SonyPradana in #207
- [Chore] Bump dependency by @SonyPradana in #208
- [Fix] Migration path extra dir separator by @SonyPradana in #209
- [Fix] Hardcode running in production by @SonyPradana in #210
- [Refactor] Deprecate some method and replace it by @SonyPradana in #211
- [Feat] Console progressbar by @SonyPradana in #212
Full Changelog: v0.21.1...v0.22.0
Minor Update v0.21 π£οΈ
What's Changed
- [Refactor] Pass Phpstan Level 6 by @SonyPradana in #185
- [Feat] Request format type by @SonyPradana in #186
- [Test] Remove Deprecated Assertation Test by @SonyPradana in #187
- [Feat] Add send response using
by @SonyPradana in #188 - [Feat] Add Database myschema using raw query by @SonyPradana in #189
- [Refactor] Make parse support multy option by @SonyPradana in #190
- [Refactor] Flush with
by @SonyPradana in #191 - [Feat] Support stream response by @SonyPradana in #192
- [Feat] Support Route Resource Controller by @SonyPradana in #96
- [Fix, Test] Missing group middleware in route group by @SonyPradana in #193
- [Fix] Fix false named for route destroy in resources by @SonyPradana in #195
Full Changelog: v0.20...v0.21.0
Minor Update v0.20 π
What's Changed
- [Feat] Cron interface by @SonyPradana in #165
- [Feat] collection reduce method by @SonyPradana in #166
- [Feat] find and get text after text by @SonyPradana in #167
- [Bump] phpstan/phpstan ver 1.17 by @SonyPradana in #172
- [Feat] Add
helper by @SonyPradana in #173 - [Feat] Vite integration by @SonyPradana in #169
- [Refactor] Console style reset by @SonyPradana in #174
- [Feat] Collection first last by @SonyPradana in #175
- [Feat] Add
print out and continue by @SonyPradana in #176 - [Fix] Return native static type in php 7.4 by @SonyPradana in #178
- [Fix] Vite hot url missing dash by @SonyPradana in #177
- [Fix] Return type
must return void by @SonyPradana in #180 - [Feat] Add database alter table by @SonyPradana in #181
- [Chore] Bump dependency (php-cs-fixer) by @SonyPradana in #182
- [Feat] Add
to check route name by @SonyPradana in #183
Full Changelog: v0.19.1...v0.20
Minor Update v0.19 π§ββοΈ
What's Changed
- [Refactor] Handle Middleware with Pipeline by @SonyPradana in #147
- [Feat] Add Karnel Console Pipeline by @SonyPradana in #149
- [Fix] Syntax Error on PHP 7.4 by @SonyPradana in #151
- [Fix] Return
Alert by @SonyPradana in #150 - [Feat] Add
by @SonyPradana in #152 - [Feat Add
by @SonyPradana in - [Feat] Collection dot by @SonyPradana in #155
- [Feat] Add support clone collection by @SonyPradana in #156
- [Feat] Add View Helper by @SonyPradana in #157
- [Feat] map array to single element key value by @SonyPradana in #161
Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.19.0
Minor Update v0.18 π₯
What's Changed
- [Feat] Php 8.1 Support #89 by @SonyPradana in #124
- [Feat] Add Password Prompt by @SonyPradana in #125
- [Fix] [Feat] [Test] Command prompt by @SonyPradana in #126
- [Refactor] Use Param and Return Type in
by @SonyPradana in #128 - [Feat] Add Enum Sql Datatype by @SonyPradana in #129
- [Refactor] Return With
Generic Types phpStan lv 6 by @SonyPradana in #130 - [Feat] Strict Type
by @SonyPradana in #131 - [Bump] bump-dependency by @SonyPradana in #133
- [CI] Github Action for Database Test by @SonyPradana in #134
- [CI] Reduce Actions Check by @SonyPradana in #135
- [Feat] Templates Engine by @SonyPradana in #136
- [Feat] Templator Support Slot by @anggerpradana in #137
- Fix template engine by @anggerpradana in #138
- [Feat] Enhance Templator by @SonyPradana in #139
- [Fix] Include Maximum Depth by @SonyPradana in #140
- [Feat] Handle When Render Throwing an Error by @SonyPradana in #142
- [Feat] Add Support encrypt decrypt by @SonyPradana in #143
- [Refactor] Update
Colors Variant by @SonyPradana in #144 - [Fix] php doc unmatch type by @SonyPradana in #145
Full Changelog: v0.17.0...v0.18.0
Minor Update v0.17 π
What's Changed
- [Feat] Now Support Set Timezone by @SonyPradana in #113
- [Feat]
Compare withDateTime
using Same TimeZone by @SonyPradana in #114 - [Fix] Date Format by @anggerpradana in #115
- [Feat] Add DateTime Standart Format by @SonyPradana in #116
- [Refactor] Command Parse with Minus '-' by @SonyPradana in #117
- [Feat] Command Implement
by @SonyPradana in #118 - [Refactor] Change Argument Name Alias by @SonyPradana in #120
- [Feat] Add Validation Command Input Trait by @SonyPradana in #121
- [Feat] Add Application Migration Path by @SonyPradana in #122
- [Feat] Command Prompt Inputs by @SonyPradana in #123
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.17.0
Minor Update 0.16 π
What's Changed
- [Feat] Support Database Schema Builder by @SonyPradana in #112
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0