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0. Naming Conventions

  • (Client -> Server) denotes packets from client to server.
  • (Client <- Server) denotes packets from server to client.
  • All datatypes are sent in network order (Big Endian) unless otherwise specified.
  • Datatypes are declared with a prefixing u or i for unsigned and signed and a number for the bitlength.
    For example u8 would be be the C equivalent of uint8 or unsigned char
  • Arrays are represented by the underlying datatype in square brackets, additionally if the length is known it is added in the brackets, separated by a semicolon. Eg: [u8], [i32; 16]
  • Array ranges (parts of an array) are specified in square brackets with the included lower bound, a minus and the excluded upper bound. Eg: [0-10]

1. Low-Level Packets

1.1 Packet structure

  • The packets are build in a fixed scheme, though have differences depending in which direction.
  • Every column here represents 1 byte.
  • The entire packet size must be at max 500 bytes.

1.1.1 (Client -> Server)

|          MAC          | PId | CId |PT|        Data         |
|                       \     Meta     |
\                Header                /
Name Size Datatype Explanation
MAC 8 bytes [u8] EAX Message Authentication Code
PId 2 bytes u16 Packet Id
CId 2 bytes u16 Client Id
PT 1 byte u8 Packet Type + Flags
Data ≤487 bytes [u8] The packet payload

1.1.2 (Client <- Server)

|          MAC          | PId |PT|           Data            |
|                       \  Meta  |
\             Header             /
Name Size Datatype Explanation
MAC 8 bytes [u8] EAX Message Authentication Code
PId 2 bytes u16 Packet Id
PT 1 byte u8 Packet Type + Flags
Data ≤489 bytes [u8] The packet payload

1.2 Packet Types

  • 0x00 Voice
  • 0x01 VoiceWhisper
  • 0x02 Command
  • 0x03 CommandLow
  • 0x04 Ping
  • 0x05 Pong
  • 0x06 Ack
  • 0x07 AckLow
  • 0x08 Init1

1.3 Packet Type + Flags byte

The final byte then looks like this

MSB                   LSB
|UE|CP|NP|FR|   Type    |
Name Size Hex Explanation
UE 1 bit 0x80 Unencrypted
CP 1 bit 0x40 Compressed
NP 1 bit 0x20 Newprotocol
FR 1 bit 0x10 Fragmented
Type 4 bit 0-8 The packet type

1.4 Packet Compression

To reduce a packet size the data can be compressed. When the data is compressed the Compressed flag must be set. The algorithm "QuickLZ" with Level 1 is used for compression.

1.5 Packet Splitting

When the packet payload exceeds the maximum datablock size the data can be split up across multiple packets. When splitting occurs, the Fragmented flag must be set on the first and the last packet. Other flags, if set, are only set on the first packet. The data can additionally be compressed before splitting.

1.6 Packet Encryption

When a packet is not encrypted the Unencrypted flag is set. For encrypted packets the flag gets cleared. Packets get encrypted with EAX mode (AES_128_CTR with OMAC). The en/decryption parameters get generated for each packet as follows

1.6.1 Inputs

Name Type Explanation
PT u8 Packet Type
PId u16 Packet Id
PGId u32 Packet GenerationId (see 1.9.2)
PD bool Packet Direction
SIV [u8; 20] Shared IV (see 3.2)

1.6.2 Generation pseudocode

The temporary variable will have a different length depending on the result from the crypto init handshake. The old protocol SharedIV will be 20 bytes long, since it is generated with sha1, while the new protocol SharedIV will have 64 byte, since it is generated with sha512.

let temporary: [u8; 26] OR [u8; 70]
temporary[0]    = 0x30 if (Client <- Server)
                  0x31 if (Client -> Server)
temporary[1]    = PT
temporary[2-6]  = (PGId in network order)[0-4]
if SIV.length == 20
    temporary[6-26] = SIV[0-20]
    temporary[6-70] = SIV[0-64]

let keynonce: [u8; 32]
keynonce        = sha256(temporary)

key: [u8; 16]   = keynonce[0-16]
nonce: [u8; 16] = keynonce[16-32]
key[0]          = key[0] xor ((PId & 0xFF00) >> 8)
key[1]          = key[1] xor ((PId & 0x00FF) >> 0)

1.6.3 Encryption

The data can now be encrypted with the key and nonce from (see 1.6.2) as the EAX key and nonce and the packet Meta as defined in (see 1.1) as the EAX header (sometimes called "Associated Text"). The resulting EAX mac (sometimes called "Tag") will be stored in the MAC field as defined in (see 2.1).

1.6.4 Not encrypted packets

When a packet is not encrypted no MAC can be generated by EAX. Therefore the SharedMac (see 3.2) will be used.

1.7 Packet Stack Wrap-up

This stack is a reference for the execution order of the set data operations. For incoming packets the stack is executed bot to top, for outgoing packets top to bot.

|   Data    |
| Compress  |
|   Split   |
|  Encrypt  |

1.8 Packet Types Data Structures

The following chapter describes the data structure for different packet types. Voice (Client -> Server)

| VId |C |        Data        |
Name Type Explanation
VId u16 Voice Packet Id
C u8 Codec Type
Data var Voice Data Voice (Client <- Server)

| VId | CId |C |        Data        |
Name Type Explanation
VId u16 Voice Packet Id
CId u16 Talking Client
C u8 Codec Type
Data var Voice Data VoiceWhisper (Client -> Server)

| VId |C |N |M |           U*          |  T* |        Data        |

For direct user/channel targeting
The Newprotocol Flag must be unset

Name Type Explanation
VId u16 Voice Packet Id
C u8 Codec Type
N u8 Count of ChannelIds to send to
M u8 Count of ClientIds to send to
U [u64] Targeted ChannelIds, repeated N times
T [u16] Targeted ClientIds, repeated M times
Data var Voice Data


| VId |C |TY|TA|           U           |        Data        |

For targeting special groups
The Newprotocol Flag must be set

Name Type Explanation
VId u16 Voice Packet Id
C u8 Codec Type
TY u8 GroupWhisperType (see below)
TA u8 GroupWhisperTarget (see below)
U u64 the targeted channelId or groupId (0 if not applicable)
Data var Voice Data
enum GroupWhisperType : u8
	// Targets all users in the specified server group.
	ServerGroup      = 0 /* U = servergroup targetId */,
	// Targets all users in the specified channel group.
	ChannelGroup     = 1 /* U = channelgroup targetId */,
	// Targets all users with channel commander.
	ChannelCommander = 2, /* U = 0 (ignored) */,
	// Targets all users on the server.
	AllClients       = 3, /* U = 0 (ignored) */,

enum GroupWhisperTarget : u8
	AllChannels           = 0,
	CurrentChannel        = 1,
	ParentChannel         = 2,
	AllParentChannel      = 3,
	ChannelFamily         = 4,
	CompleteChannelFamily = 5,
	Subchannels           = 6,
} VoiceWhisper (Client <- Server)

| VId | CId |C |        Data        |
Name Type Explanation
VId u16 Voice Packet Id
CId u16 Talking Client
C u8 Codec Type
Data var Voice Data

1.8.3-4 Command and CommandLow

The TeamSpeak3 Query like command string encoded in UTF-8

1.8.5 Ping


1.8.6-8 Pong, Ack and AckLow

| PId |
Name Type Explanation
PId u16 The packet id that is acknowledged
  • In case of Pong a matching ping packet id is acknowledged.
  • In case of Ack or AckLow a matching Command or CommandLow packet id respectively is acknowledged.

1.8.9 Init1

(see 2.1)-(see 2.5)

1.9 Packet Ids and Generations

1.9.1 Packet Ids

Each packet type and packet direction must be maintained by an own packet id counter. This means the client has 9 different packet id counter for outgoing packets.

For each new packet the counter gets increased by 1. This also applies to splitted packets.

The client must also maintain packet ids for incoming packets in case of packets arriving out of order.

All Packet Ids start at 1 unless otherwise specified.

1.9.2 Generations

Packet Ids are stored as u16, this mean that they range from 0-65536.

When the packet id overflows from 65535 to 0 at a packet, the generation counter for this packet type gets increased by 1.

Note that the new generation id immediately applies to the 'overflowing' packet.

The generation id counter is solely used for encryption (see 1.6).

1.10 Packet Acknowledgement / Packet Loss

In order to reliably send packets over UPD some packet types must get acknowledged when received (see 1.11).

The protocol uses selective repeat for lost packets. This means each packet has its own timeout. Already acknowledged later packets must not be resent. When a packet times out, the exact same packet should be resent until properly acknowledged by the server. If after 30 seconds no resent packet gets acknowledged the connection should be closed. Packet resend timeouts should be calculated with an exponential backoff to prevent network congestion.

1.11 Wrap-up

Type Acknowledged (by) Resend Encrypted Splittable Compressable
Voice Optional
VoiceWhisper Optional
Command ✓ (Ack)
CommandLow ✓ (AckLow)
Ping ✓ (Pong)
Init1 ✓ (next Init1)

2. The (Low-Level) Initiation/Handshake

A connection is started from the client by sending the first handshake packet. The handshake process consists of 5 different init packets. This includes the so called RSA puzzle to prevent DOS attacks.

The packet header values are set as following for all packets here:

Parameter Value
MAC [u8]{ 0x54, 0x53, 0x33, 0x49, 0x4E, 0x49, 0x54, 0x31 }
key N/A
nonce N/A
Type Init1
Packet Id u16: 101
Client Id u16: 0

2.1 Packet 0 (Client -> Server)

04 bytes : Version of the TeamSpeak client as timestamp
           Example: { 0x06, 0x3b, 0xec, 0xe9 }
01 bytes : Init-packet step number
           Const: 0x00
04 bytes : Current timestamp in unix format
04 bytes : Random bytes := [A0]
08 bytes : Zeros, reserved.

2.2 Packet 1 (Client <- Server)

01 bytes : Init-packet step number
           Const: 0x01
16 bytes : Server stuff := [A1]
04 bytes : The bytes from [A0] in reversed order

2.3 Packet 2 (Client -> Server)

04 bytes : Version of the TeamSpeak client as timestamp
01 bytes : Init-packet step number
           Const: 0x02
16 bytes : The bytes from [A1]
04 bytes : The bytes from [A0] in reversed order

2.4 Packet 3 (Client <- Server)

 01 bytes : Init-packet step number
            Const: 0x03
 64 bytes : 'x', an unsigned BigInteger
 64 bytes : 'n', an unsigned BigInteger
 04 bytes : 'level' a u32
100 bytes : Server stuff := [A2]

2.5 Packet 4 (Client -> Server)

 04 bytes : Version of the TeamSpeak client as timestamp
 01 bytes : Init-packet step number
            Const: 0x04
 64 bytes : the received 'x'
 64 bytes : the received 'n'
 04 bytes : the received 'level'
100 bytes : The bytes from [A2]
 64 bytes : 'y' which is the result of x ^ (2 ^ level) % n as an unsigned
            BigInteger. Padded from the lower side with '0x00' when shorter
            than 64 bytes.
            Example: { 0x00, 0x00, data ... data}
var bytes : The clientinitiv command data as explained in (see 3.1)


  • ^ in this context means 'power to'
  • To calculate the power of such a high number use a language integrated function like ModPow or similar, when available.
    If you don't have this function available you can multiply x iteratively and apply the modulo operation after each multiplication.

3. The (High-Level) Initiation/Handshake

In this phase the client and server exchange basic information and agree on/calculate the symmetric AES encryption key with the ECDH public/private key exchange technique.

Both the client and the server will need a EC public/private key. This key is also the identity which the server uses to recognize a user again. The curve used is 'prime256v1'.

All high level packets specified in this chapter are sent as Command Type packets as explained in (see 2.8.3). Additionally the Newprotocol flag (see 2.3) must be set on all Command, CommandLow and Init1 packets.

All commands are specified in the Messages.txt file.

The packet header/encryption values for (see 3.1) and (see 3.2) are as following:

Parameter Value
MAC (Generated by EAX)
key [u8]{0x63, 0x3A, 0x5C, 0x77, 0x69, 0x6E, 0x64, 0x6F, 0x77, 0x73, 0x5C, 0x73, 0x79, 0x73, 0x74, 0x65}
nonce [u8]{0x6D, 0x5C, 0x66, 0x69, 0x72, 0x65, 0x77, 0x61, 0x6C, 0x6C, 0x33, 0x32, 0x2E, 0x63, 0x70, 0x6C}
Type Command
Packet Id u16: 0
Client Id u16: 0

The acknowledgement packets use the same parameters as the commands, except with the Type Ack.

(Maybe add a #3.0 Prelude for required cryptographic values, if yes move the omega ASN.1 encoding here)

3.1 clientinitiv (Client -> Server)

The first packet is sent (Client -> Server) although this is only sent for legacy reasons since newer servers (at least use the data part embedded in the last Init1 packet from the low-level handshake (see 2.5).

clientinitiv alpha={alpha} omega={omega} ip={ip}
  • alpha is set to base64(random[u8; 10])
    which are 10 random bytes for entropy.

  • omega is set to base64(publicKey[u8])
    omega is an ASN.1-DER encoded public key from the ECDH parameters as following:

    Type Value Explanation
    BIT STRING 1bit, Value: 0 LibTomCrypt uses 0 for a public key
    INTEGER 32 The LibTomCrypt used keysize
    INTEGER publicKey.x The affine X-Coordinate of the public key
    INTEGER publicKey.y The affine Y-Coordinate of the public key
  • ip should be set to the final resolved ip address of the server you are actually connecting to.

3.2 initivexpand/initivexpand2 (Client <- Server)

Depending on the server version the server will send a different init request.

  • TS3 server <3.1 will send initivexpand. Continue with (see 3.2.1)
  • TS3 server ≥3.1 will send initivexpand2. Continue with (see 3.2.2)

If you want to support both protocol standards you don't need to check/know the server version. The client just has to act accordingly depending on which packet the server sends.

3.2.1 initivexpand (Client <- Server)

The server responds with this command.

initivexpand alpha={alpha} beta={beta} omega={omega}
  • alpha must have the same value as sent to the server in the previous step.
  • beta is set to base64(random[u8; 10])
    by the server.
  • omega is set to base64(publicKey[u8])
    with the public key from the server, encoded same as in (see 3.1)

With this information the client now must calculate the shared secret.

let sharedSecret: ECPoint
let x: [u8]
let sharedData: [u8; 32]
let SharedIV: [u8; 20]
let SharedMac: [u8; 8]
let ECDH(A, B)    := (A * B).Normalize

sharedSecret         = ECDH(serverPublicKey, ownPrivateKey)
x                    = sharedSecret.x.AsByteArray()
if x.length < 32
    sharedData[0-(32-x.length)]  = [0..0]
    sharedData[(32-x.length)-32] = x[0-x.length]
if x.length == 32
    sharedData[0-32] = x[0-32]
if x.length > 32
    sharedData[0-32] = x[(x.length-32)-x.length]
SharedIV             = sha1(sharedData)
SharedIV[0-10]       = SharedIV[0-10] xor alpha.decode64()
SharedIV[10-20]      = SharedIV[10-20] xor beta.decode64()
SharedMac[0-8]       = sha1(SharedIV)[0-8]

3.2.2 initivexpand2 (Client <- Server)

The server responds with this command.

initivexpand2 l={l} beta={beta} omega={omega} ot={ot} proof={proof} tvd={tvd}
  • l the server license (see
  • beta is set to base64(random[u8; 54])
    by the server.
  • omega is a base64(publicKey[u8])
    with the public key from the server, encoded same as in (see 3.1)
  • ot should always be 1
  • proof is a base64(ecdh_sign(l))
  • tvd (base64, unknown; only set on servers with a license) Verify integrity

This step must be done to verity the integrity of the connection.

The proof parameter is the sign of the l parameter (not base64 encoded). The client can verify the l parameter with the public key of the server which is sent in omega.

Both proofs which are exchanged (the one you received in (see 3.2.2), and the one sent in (see use 'prime256v1 with sha256, DER encoded'.
Note that the identity keys from client/server already should be keys on 'prime256v1' as noted in (see 3). Parsing the license

The license has a small header continued by a list of blocks. Each block may vary in length and must be parsed sequentially therefore.

The license header:

 01 bytes : License version
            Const: 0x01

The block base layout:

 01 bytes : Key type
            Const: 0x00
 32 bytes : Block public key
 01 bytes : License block type
 04 bytes : Not valid before date,
 04 bytes : Not valid after date,
var bytes : (Content from the block type)

There are currently 3 different License block types used.

  • 00 Intermediate.
     04 bytes : Unknown
    var bytes : A null terminated string, which describes the issuer of this certificate.
  • 02 Server
     01 bytes : Server License Type
     04 bytes : Unknown
    var bytes : A null terminated string, which describes the issuer of this certificate.
  • 32 Ephemeral
    content: none

Both dates are stored in BigEndian, when read you must add 0x50e22700 to the number and import as a unix timestamp.

Each Not valid before and Not valid after timespan must be within the range of the parent license block.

The license must consist of 2 ≤ count ≤ 8 blocks. The second to last block must be of type Server and the last block must be of type Ephemeral. Calculating the shared secret

All elliptic curve operations for this step are done on the Curve25519.
You might find more tools looking for Ed25519 but keep in mind that Ed25519 describes an EdDsa signing/verify operation and is not the curve itself.

To calculate the shared secret each license block now must be processed sequentially the following way:

next_key = public_key * clamp(sha512(block[1-end])[0-32]) + parent


  • public_key is the Block public key taken from the current license block. This array must be imported as a compressed Curve25519 EC point.
  • sha512(block[1-end])[0-32] is the sha512 of the current license block.
    Note that the first byte (Key type) is skipped for the sha calculation.
    For the result only the first 32 bytes are used.
    This resulting array must be imported as a Curve25519 private key.
  • parent which is the resulting next_key from the previous block. This is a compressed Curve25519 EC point.
  • clamp(num) is a function describing abs(num) mod B where B is the base point of Curve25519. This function can usually be implemented conveniently on the number buffer like this:
    let buffer: [u8; 32]
    buffer[0]  &= 0xF8
    buffer[31] &= 0x3F
    buffer[31] |= 0x40

Since the first block has no predecessor. A fixed 'root' key is used as parent.
This key must be imported as a compressed Curve25519 EC point.

[u8; 32] {0xcd, 0x0d, 0xe2, 0xae, 0xd4, 0x63, 0x45, 0x50, 0x9a, 0x7e, 0x3c,
          0xfd, 0x8f, 0x68, 0xb3, 0xdc, 0x75, 0x55, 0xb2, 0x9d, 0xcc, 0xec,
          0x73, 0xcd, 0x18, 0x75, 0x0f, 0x99, 0x38, 0x12, 0x40, 0x8a}

The last next_key is now used as the public key from the server (see pseudocode below).

The client now has to create a temporary Curve25519 public/private keypair. We will call them client_public_key and client_private_key.

Now the SharedIV and SharedMac which will be used in the encryption, just as in the old protocol, can be calculated.

let SharedIV: [u8; 64]
let SharedMac: [u8; 8]
let sharedData: [u8; 32]

sharedData           = next_key * client_private_key
SharedIV             = sha512(sharedData[0-32])
SharedIV[0-10]       = SharedIV[ 0-10] xor alpha.decode64()
SharedIV[10-64]      = SharedIV[10-64] xor  beta.decode64()
SharedMac[0-8]       = sha1(SharedIV)[0-8] clientek (Client -> Server)

clientek ek={ek} proof={proof}
  • ek is base64(client_public_key)
    which the ephemeral (temporary) key created in (see by the client. This should obviously be the public key part only.
  • proof is base64(client_public_key + beta) which is a sign of the client_public_key (the ek) concatenated with the beta parameter from the initivexpand2 command. The sign must be done with the private key from the identity keypair.

The normal packet id counting starts with this packet. This means that clientek already has the packet id 1 and the next command will continue with 2.

3.2.3 Notes:

  • Only SharedIV and SharedMac are needed. The other values can (and should) be discarded.
  • The crypto handshake is now completed. The normal encryption scheme (see 1.6) is from now on used.
  • All Command, CommandLow, Ack and AckLow packets must get encrypted.
  • Voice packets (and VoiceWhisper when wanted) should be encrypted when the channel encryption or server wide encryption flag is set.
  • Ping and Pong must not be encrypted.

3.3 clientinit (Client -> Server)

clientinit client_nickname client_version client_platform client_input_hardware client_output_hardware client_default_channel client_default_channel_password client_server_password client_meta_data client_version_sign client_key_offset client_nickname_phonetic client_default_token hwid
  • client_nickname the desired nickname
  • client_version the client version
  • client_platform the client platform
  • client_input_hardware whether a input device is available
  • client_output_hardware whether a output device is available
  • client_default_channel the default channel to join. This can be a channel path or /<id> (eg /1) for a channel id.
  • client_default_channel_password the password for the join channel, prepared the following way base64(sha1(password))
  • client_server_password the password to enter the server, prepared the following way base64(sha1(password))
  • client_meta_data (can be left empty)
  • client_version_sign a cryptographic sign to verify the genuinity of the client
  • client_key_offset the number offset used to calculate the hashcash (see 4.1) value of the used identity
  • client_nickname_phonetic the phonetic nickname for text-to-speech
  • client_default_token permission token to be used when connecting to a server
  • hwid hardware identification string


  • Since client signs are only generated and distributed by TeamSpeak systems, this the recommended client triple, as it is the reference for this paper
    • Version: [Build: 1466672534]
    • Platform: Windows
    • Sign: a1OYzvM18mrmfUQBUgxYBxYz2DUU6y5k3/mEL6FurzU0y97Bd1FL7+PRpcHyPkg4R+kKAFZ1nhyzbgkGphDWDg==
  • The hwid usually consists of two 32 char strings concatenated with , and looks like 87056c6e1268aaf5055abf8256415e0e,408978b6d98810cc03f0aa16a4c75600 but even empty strings are accepted.
    On windows the hwid seems to be generated from a registry key (HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductId).
    On linux and macOS it seems to derive from the MAC address of the primary Ethernet/Wifi adapter.
  • Parameters which are empty or not used must be declared but left without value and the = character

3.4 initserver (Client <- Server)

The server sends the initserver command.


  • From this point on the client knows his client id, therefore it must be set in the header of each packet.

3.5 Further notifications

The server will now send all needed information to display the entire server properly. Those notifications are in no fixed order, although they are most of the time sent in the here declared order.

3.5.1 channellist and channellistfinished

The channellist notification type will be sent multiple times as needed to transfer the entire server structure.

After the last channellist notification the server will send channellistfinished

3.5.2 notifycliententerview

The notifycliententerview notification will be sent multiple times as needed for each client currently connected.
This is the same notification as when a new client connects.

4. Further concepts

4.1 Hashcash

To prevent client spamming (connecting to a server with many different clients) the server requires a certain hashcash level on each identity. This level has a exponentially growing calculation time with increasing level. This ensures that a user wanting to spam a certain server needs to invest some time into calculating the required level.

  • The publicKey is a string encoded as in (see 3.1) the omega value.
  • The key offset is a u64 number, which gets converted to a string when concatenated.

The first step is to calculate a hash as following

let data: [u8; 20] = sha1(publicKey + keyOffset)

The level can now be calculated by counting the continuous leading zero bits in the data array. The bytes in the array get counted from 0 to 20 and the bits in each byte from least significant to most significant.

4.2 Uid

To calculate the uid of an identity the public key is required. Therefore you can only calculate the uid of your own identity and the servers identity you are connecting to.

The publicKey is a string encoded as in (see 3.1) the omega value.

The uid can be calculated as following

let uid: string = base64(sha1(publicKey))

4.3 Ping/Pong

The server will regularly send ping packets to check if a client is still alive. The client must answer them with the according pong packet.

The client should also send ping packets to the server to check for connection. They will be answered with according pong packets.

Sending ping packets from the client side should not be started before the crypto handshake has been completed (see 3.3)

4.4 Passwords

All passwords when sent are hashed and encoded with base64(sha1(password))

4.5 Importing/Deobfuscating Identities from the TeamSpeak3 Client

The TeamSpeak3 Client exports identities the following way:

<key offset> + 'V' + <obfuscaded identity>

(For an explanation of the key offset (see 4.1))

const staticObfucationKey = b"b9dfaa7bee6ac57ac7b65f1094a1c155e747327bc2fe5d51c512023fe54a280201004e90ad1daaae1075d53b7d571c30e063b5a62a4a017bb394833aa0983e6e"
let tmp1 = identity.decode64()
let idx = in tmp1[20-end].indexof('\0') // where '\0' is the null-byte
let sha = sha1(tmp1[20-idx])
let final;
final[0-20] = tmp1[0-20] xor sha[0-20]
final[20-end] = tmp1[20-end] xor staticObfucationKey[0-end]

4.? Differences between Query and Full Client

  • notifyconnectioninforequest
  • => setconnectioninfo