go install github.com/starainrt/ms213x-rename
ms213x-rename.exe -h
This tool can help you modify the basic EDID information in the MS213X collector firmware, such as the display name, serial number etc...
-t, --attach-edid string Attach a EDID bin file to the firmware
-d, --display-name string The display name to set in the EDID(13 ascii characters max)
-e, --dump-edid string Dump the EDID from the firmware to a file
-h, --help help for this command
-m, --manufacturer-id string The manufacturer ID to set in the EDID(3 uppercase ascii characters)
-p, --product-code uint16 The product code to set in the EDID
-a, --save-edid string Save the modified EDID to a file
-o, --save-firmware string Save the modified firmware to a file
-s, --serial-number uint32 The serial number to set in the EDID
-v, --show-detail Show the detail information of the EDID
-w, --week-of-manufacture uint8 The week of manufacture to set in the EDID(0-54)
-y, --year-of-manufacture int The year of manufacture to set in the EDID(1990-2245)
- 使用 MS21XX&91XXDownloadTool 工具连接采集卡并备份固件到本地
- 使用此工具修改EDID相应的信息
- 使用 MS21XX&91XXDownloadTool 工具刷写修改后的固件到采集卡
- 重新插拔采集卡生效