Automatic Prediction of Car Brand Ownership Based on Tweets
Summary for packages to be installed
To be able to run our project code, you need to install a list of packages which are described as follows:
- Python 2.x
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Scikit Learn
- Tweepy
- twitter-python
- Ipython
- pydot
Please make sure you install all these required packages, and we surely will give details and instructions about how to install them. If you still have any problems about installing or running our code, feel free to contact us.
How to run our code
- Crawl general tweets from Twitter API given car brands
To run the program crawling valid twitter users for training, first you need to install tweepy, a python package for twitter crawling. To do this, type pip install tweepy in the terminal. Second, cd to the directory “Grab Tweets” and execute the program by typing the following in the terminal: python If done correctly, the program should collect tweets and append them to the file Grab_tweets.csv under the same directory. - Crawl tweets from Twitter API for specific Twitter USER ID
In order to crawl tweets with a specified user id, you need to download twitter-python from (you can input the following in your terminal: git clone git://, and then there is a directory named “grab tweets with a specified user id”, which contains a directory named “twitter”, that is what we want to run Put, twitter directory and user_id.csv into a directory, type python in your terminal, you will get a directory named “Complete Datasets” in the current directory. In this “Complete Datasets” directory, there are csv files named as [user id].[car branch].csv, which contains crawled tweets of that user, those are our annotate data. - Run Naive Bayes Prediction Model
In order to run, firstly you need to install Scikit-Learn and IPython in your computer. To install the sklearn in you computer, please refer to internet resource to see how to install in your type of computer. Then, you can input pip install IPython in your terminal to install IPython. Once set up, please go to the folder “Naive Bayes”, and run the file by typing python in the terminal. The code will output system accuracy, classification report and confusion matrix in your terminal. - Run Decision Tree Prediction Model
In order to run, please firstly install pydot, input the following commands in your terminal:
pip uninstall pyparsing
pip install -Iv
pip install pydot
The first two are to ensure you have the right version of pyparsing to use pydot. We need to modify the originally installed scikit learn package to get visualized decision tree and map from vocabulary index to vocabulary (vocabulary will be stored in a list, and in visualized decision tree, there will be an index instead of that vocabulary, e.g.X[1000], we need a map from this index to the real vocabulary). But do not worry about the modification, we have included the modified sklearn package in our directory of “Decision Tree”(which also contains You can directly use it without any other modification, provided you have already installed scikit learn package.
So, just run python in your terminal, and the code will output system accuracy, classification report, confusion matrix in your terminal. Besides, the code will also write the visualized decision trees and maps into the local directory.
In case that you have trouble in running our code, we also provide our running result in the folder “our results”, please refer to that to see the results of Decision Tree method. - Run SVM Prediction Model
To run the SVM prediction model, you should make sure that you have installed the scikit-learn package in your computer. Then go to the folder “SVM”, and run the program by typing: python in your terminal, and the code will the system accuracy, classification report and confusion matrix in the terminal.
Note: To speed up the classification process, we have stored the trained model into the folder “svm_model”, and the will only read the saved model and do the test process here. Still, if you want to run the whole training process and test process, there are two tips needed to be noticed:
Because training model needs long time (about 20 minutes), we have save our trained models in the folder ‘svm_model’, hence make sure ‘svm_model’ in the same directory with ‘’. And by default, the ‘’ applies the trained models in the ‘svm_model’ folder. If you want to training the model by yourself, you should change the code in ‘’ (there is instruction to tell you how to change the code in ‘’ to training the model ).
The ‘’ is the tokenizer from CMU. By default, we apply the tokenizer from sklearn rather than CMU Tweets tokenizer. If you want to apply the CMU Tweets tokenizer, you should change the code in ‘’ (there is instruction to tell you how to change the code in ‘’ to apply the CMU tokenizer ). - Analyze Most Frequent Words
To see the most frequent words for each of the car brand, go to the directory “Most Frequent words” and run the program by typing python in the terminal. If the code is running correctly, the program should print the 30 most frequent words for each of the car brand in your terminal.
Note: We have already finished retrieving tweets for each user, and put the complete dataset in the parent directory. This complete dataset is what we use for prediction model.