A 1-4 player split-screen multiplayer games.
Gameplay video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QjTzDJY9y0
This codebase contains various game modes that all use the same framework. When the game starts, you will begin in the "overworld". To start a particular game mode, walk into the area that denotes that mode.
Currently, the following games are at various stages of progress:
- 3D Monster maze: escape from the maze. Status Complete
- Alien Tag: Don't be the player who's been tagged the longest. Status: Complete
- Tower Defence: Build turrets to shoot the aliens. Status: Can walk around and place turrets.
- Stock car: Race around a track. Status: You can drive
- Deathchase: Crash into other players. Status: You can drive around a track.
- Funny Farm: Grow and harvest crops. Status: You can walk around an empty field
- FTL: An FTL-inspsired 3D game. Status: You can walk around a spaceship
- Dungeon: A 3D Roguelike. Status: You can walk around a basic procedurally-generated dungeon.
- Bladerunner: Identify and kill the replicant. Status: Barely started
- Press Space at the start to use keyboard/mouse, or press X on your controller to use that.
- Esc to exit back to the overworld, or to quit out.
It depends on the specific game selected, but controls are typically:-
- W, A S, D, Space and Enter for keyboard & mouse player. H for Help (where implemented).
- Tested with PS4 controllers.
- F1 - Toggle full Screen
- F2 - Toggle full screen but still windowed (required if you want to record the screen using Windows)
- Development branch is the cutting edge but possibly broken branch. Master is the most stable but out of date.
- Gradle is a real pain to work with. However, if you have trouble loading this project, I used Gradle v4.10.3.
- The file Settings.java contains various settings that determine what game mode the game starts in.
This project uses the MIT licence. See LICENCE.txt.
- Designed and programmed by Stephen Carlyle-Smith https://twitter.com/stephencsmith
- Uses the LibGDX game framework
- Uses BasicECS from https://github.com/SteveSmith16384/BasicECS
- Controller code from https://github.com/electronstudio/sdl2gdx
- Car models taken from https://kenney.nl/assets/car-kit
- All humanoid figures by Quaternius http://quaternius.com
- Music by Matthew Pablo http://www.matthewpablo.com/ (Taken from https://opengameart.org/content/heroic-demise-updated-version)
- Game-specific credits as follows:-
- Ascii-style T-Rex by Malcolm Evans
- Monster growls from https://opengameart.org/content/large-monster
- Scream from https://opengameart.org/content/aargh-male-screams
- Squishy sfx from https://opengameart.org/content/8-wet-squish-slurp-impacts
- 2D trees taken from https://opengameart.org/content/pixel-art-simple-trees
- 2D plants/flowers taken from https://opengameart.org/content/flowers
- Flat trees wall taken from https://opengameart.org/content/forest-trees-wall
- Farm animal sfx from https://opengameart.org/content/farm-animals
- Alien by Quaternius
- Spaceship furniture by Kenney (www.kenney.nl)
- Battery by [TODO]
- Fire from https://opengameart.org/content/animated-fireball
- Models by Kenney - https://kenney.nl/assets/tower-defense-kit
- Alien by Quaternius
- Rotating coin by Master484: https://opengameart.org/content/cute-platformer-sisters