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2012.03.08 Weekly Check In

demory edited this page Mar 15, 2012 · 1 revision
  • 13:31 <demory> Hello everyone
  • 13:32 <mele> hi
  • 13:32 -!- grant_h [d13f0ac4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #opentripplanner
  • 13:33 <demory> Looks like we have everyone except Andrew (who said he prob won't make it today)
  • 13:33 <demory> so let's get started
  • 13:33 <demory> My update -- been working mainly on OTP mapping stuff using David's transit data API extension. Right now I'm generating a simple color-coded map that could conceivably replace the old OTP map overlay module (which was never particularly easy to deploy).
  • 13:33 <demory> But the real goal is to get to get to the point where we're automatically generating "stylized" maps w/ constrained geometry, line offsetting, etc. for imporved readability -- still some work to do on that.
  • 13:34 <demory> Other than that, I also will be working working on OTPSetup stuff later -- hopefully updating it for the new release, plus looking at some new AWS deployment options that were just made available.
  • 13:34 <demory> That's it for me!
  • 13:36 <mele> hmm, well if nobody else is going... Grant and I are about to start mapping the platforms/sidewalks where each bus and train stop are, and adding some tags around like wheelchair=yes, noting sidewalks, etc.
  • 13:36 <mele> hopefully to support some more robust accessibility routing in the future
  • 13:37 <novalis_dt> Sorry for the delay. I've been working on some fixes to the network linker.
  • 13:37 <novalis_dt> And actually fixing a number of other bugs and feature requests
  • 13:38 <novalis_dt> i.e. units in ele tags, redoing floating island removal; a bunch of refactoring; new transit data apis.
  • 13:39 <novalis_dt> The network linker needs to prefer to link to platforms, which is what I'm about to start on.
  • 13:39 <grant_h> w/r/t the bridge eles, I took a couple of gps readings yesterday, need to do some post processing now and see if they seem like they're in the right ball-park
  • 13:40 <novalis_dt> Oh, cool. Are you getting better routes now that the Morrison St bridge is mostly-fixed?
  • 13:41 <grant_h> haven't checked yet, I'll be sure to test that soon
  • 13:41 <novalis_dt> Cool.
  • 13:41 <novalis_dt> FrankP, what's up with you?
  • 13:43 <novalis_dt> Oh, also, I have a weird error where clicking on "show details" doesn't show anything sometimes
  • 13:43 <FrankP> just hangin' ... renaming Southwest to SW for our base layer
  • 13:43 <novalis_dt> Ah, yes, that will be nice.
  • 13:43 <FrankP> Yeah, I'm not using a unique id on show's on the todo list
  • 13:43 <FrankP> multiple itineraries messes that up...
  • 13:43 <novalis_dt> Ah, I see.
  • 13:44 <novalis_dt> That's making it a bit harder to debug linkage issues, but I can work around it.
  • 13:45 <FrankP> Do you guys know Andrea Anime? He wrote about elevations with the trailing m (eters) ... he used to work at OpenGeo? Main contributor to GeoServer.
  • 13:45 <novalis_dt> Yep.
  • 13:46 <novalis_dt> I pestered him with questions about Geotools way back when OTP was starting
  • 13:46 <FrankP> He's a good guy to have as a user of OTP.
  • 13:46 <mattwigway> novalis, I found that bug too. If you click show details and then click immediately to the right of the link, the details roll down.
  • 13:47 <novalis_dt> oh, cool!
  • 13:47 <novalis_dt> Thanks!
  • 13:48 <mattwigway> There also appears to be a similar problem where the request doesn't get put in the URL. Also the link-to-trip stuff (which is now automatic) doesn't seem to be URL-encoded.
  • 13:49 <novalis_dt> OK, that's probably worth ticketing
  • 13:49 <mattwigway> Right then.
  • 13:50 <novalis_dt> Anyone have anything else?
  • 13:50 <grant_h> Bibiana let us know that she finalized the disabilities grant in the last couple of days, so we'll have some funding for you guys to work on a walk speed slider (and possibly other disabilities features) soon
  • 13:50 <novalis_dt> grant_h, fantastic, thanks. Let us know what features you want on that grant, and we'll get on them.
  • 13:51 <demory> great!
  • 13:51 <grant_h> will do
  • 13:52 <demory> nothing else here -- novalis_dt, kpw, i'm going to follow up by email w/ more about the mapping stuff i'm working on
  • 13:52 <kpw> great!
  • 13:52 <novalis_dt> Awesome.
  • 13:52 <novalis_dt> kpw, can you send me that Cebu stuff?
  • 13:52 <kpw> yes!
  • 13:52 <kpw> email inbound
  • 13:52 <novalis_dt> Great.
  • 13:53 <demory> anything else for today?
  • 13:53 -!- aabluedragon [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
  • 13:55 <demory> oh, Andrew said he was planning to cut the release this evening so look for an update on that later
  • 13:55 <demory> otherwise, i guess that's it. thanks everyone!
  • 13:56 <novalis_dt> see you all next week.
  • 13:56 <mele> yep yep, bye!
  • 13:56 <grant_h> see you'll later
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