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JUMP START OTP w/pre-built binaries
First try this: TwoMinutes
Then try: FiveMinutes
BUILD OTP from a Command Line
NOTE: below are old instructions that don't seem to work anymore
BUILD OTP (on your local PC)
install apache maven -- IMPORTANT: you need a recent mvn version (eg: 2.2.1), else you'll run into a lot of problems that are hard to debug (I've made this mistake twice...grr).
svn co https://svn.opentripplanner.org/trunk opentripplanner
edit the following:
opentripplanner/opentripplanner-integration/pom.xml (~line 148 ... change comments so that cargo.jvmargs is pointing to the longer debug argument string)
opentripplanner/opentripplanner-gui/pom.xml (!line 63 ... comment out the huge waste of time jar-with-dependencies plugin)
opentripplanner/opentripplanner-graph-builder/pom.xml (!line 93 ... comment out the huge waste of time jar-with-dependencies plugin)
Edit two XML files in /opentripplanner/opentripplanner-integration/src/main/resources/(graph-builder.xml & data-sources.xml). We want to have the graph in a reliable place on both development and production servers. I designated this:
<property name="path" value="/home/otp/graph" />
NOTE: if you don't have either of these XML files in /opentripplanner/opentripplanner-integration/src/main/resources, look in the directory /opentripplanner/opentripplanner-integration/src/defaults/resources/ and edit the files there.
mvn integration-test -DskipTests (NOTE: case is very important here)