Pylasu is an AST Library in the StarLasu family, targeting the Python language. Documentation is on Read the Docs.
flake8 . && flake8 tests
pytest tests
Update version in pylasu/
, commit, push and check that CI completes normally.
Let's ensure that we have build and twine installed:
pip install build twine
Then, check the project can be released by linting and running the test suite:
flake8 . && flake8 tests --config tests/.flake8
pytest tests
Finally, we can run:
rm -f dist/*
python -m build
python -m twine upload dist/*
Note: if we have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled on PyPI, we have to use an API token.
If all goes well, tag the release:
git tag -a v0.7.3 -m "Version 0.7.3"
git push origin v0.7.3
Here's how to extract the documentation into HTML using Sphinx, the most popular documentation generator for Python.
First, ensure you have Sphinx and the chosen theme installed:
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
Then, extract the documentation from the source code:
sphinx-apidoc -o docs pylasu
Finally, change into the docs directory and launch the build process:
cd docs
make html
If everything goes as it should, in docs/_build/html
you'll find the generated documentation.
We also host the documentation on ReadTheDocs. The project is pylasu. Documentation needs to be built manually for each release for it to appear online on