Feedback Management System A full-stack Feedback Management System built with Node.js, React, and MongoDB, allowing users to submit feedback with ratings, while admins can review, approve, or delete feedback.
Project Structure This system is divided into two parts:
1. Rating_System_Node (Backend - API) 🔹 Contains all the backend code to handle API requests and communicate with MongoDB. 🔹 Includes a mock_data.json file that you can import into MongoDB.
Setup for Backend Navigate to the Rating_System_Node folder. Install dependencies:npm install
Set up MongoDB: Create a database named ratingSystem Create a collection named Feedback Import mock_data.json into MongoDB. This file is present inside this directory.
Start the backend server: node index
2. React_Rating_System (Frontend - UI) 🔹 Contains all the frontend code built with React. 🔹 Includes a Services folder to handle API communication with the backend.
Setup for Frontend Navigate to the React_Rating_System folder. Install dependencies: Start the frontend server: npm run dev
Features ✅ Users can submit feedback with ratings and comments ✅ Admins can approve, reject, or delete feedback ✅ Feedback is categorized as pending or approved ✅ Responsive and user-friendly UI ✅ Data is stored securely using MongoDB
Tech Stack 🟢 Frontend: React.js 🟢 Backend: Node.js, Express.js 🟢 Database: MongoDB
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